posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 04:05 PM
The ATS John Titor Project
Archiving the history of comments and statementsmade by "time traveler", John Titor.
Topical breakdown of topics from the material in the main archive.
John Titor On Psychological / Physical Health and Time Travel05 November 2000 03:29
Pamela: 6.Are you having normal dreams right now? any out of body experiences? drawing you to different times? Do you dream you wake up in other
places and other times?
TimeTravel_0: No strange dreams or other experiences. Everything is pretty much the way I expected it.
05 November 2000 03:29
Pamela: 8. are you feeling drawn back to your own time or are you stable in this world?
Timetravel_0: I'm not sure what you mean by stable. If you mean mentally...there are many things that bother me here but being with my parents right
now is important to me. Physically, the only thing really wrong is the number of colds I get.
06 November 2000 22:13
Pamela:4.Is your DNA remaining stable in this world or does it shift? does time traveling affect your body or aura or spirit in any way you know of?
timetravel_o: 4) I am not aware of any physical change to my DNA or "aura". I do however seem to be more susceptible to colds.
The opinion of many senior staff and members of on the writings and postings of timetravel_0 a.k.a. "John Titor" is that he is a
hoax, and in no way a time traveler of any type. We offer this material as part of an archive so that analysis and discussion may continue, in an
effort for full disclosure and understanding