posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:52 PM
Tonight, we became aware of Ms. Billingsley's passing, and with all the other sign's that have brought us to this this point,I feel that this is the
nail in the coffin, so to speak, with all due respect, to the family, and those who knew her personally. This is it America, with everything else that
has taken place in the last 5 years, the loss of the "Beav's" momma, is the last straw, we have to stand up for the family dinner, and the you'll do
as your told, or else....we are all doomed.....
Seriously though, may you find rest Ms. Cleaver (Ms. Billingsley) after all you have given us, as your fan's, and the countless memories, may you find
peace, away from this world of crazy human beings, and perhaps, if there is justice in this world, or the next, find that shangri-la, where we once
all felt you existed, in our minds, "The Perfect Home" with the perfect kid's.... God Bless June Cleaver...RIP
edit on 16-10-2010 by
freetree64 because: (no reason given)
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on 10/16/2010 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)