posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Mojave Spaceport isn't exactly a secret facility, but stuff happens there. [I photographed prototype anit-manpads gear on a Fedex jet there years ago
before it was known to be used.] I recently spotted this plane with the L-3 logo and grabbed a quick photo to get the tail number.
This plane, like many other civilian planes, has a cargo bay on the belly of the aircraft that comes in handy for stuffing with spook gear
(surveillance, etc.) Australian Aviation did an article on the plane before it sported the L-3 logo.
See P-750 XSTOL air test
The military-industrial complex uses these civilian planes to keep a low profile, though generally Cessna Caravans or Pilatus PC-12s have been used.
The fact that L-3 has a logo on the plane is odd in that it sort of blows their cover, but who knows.
L-3 in the past has done some shady stuff. One of the rendition aircraft was owned by L-3 capital. N610G is believed to be associated with FEST
(Foreign Emergency Support Team).