posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Hey everyone. Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself.
First off - terrific site on many levels. Congrats and kudos to the site owners/operators and most importantly to all the members and posters here.
In my opinion what really sets this place apart and makes it immensely valuable are two things:
1) - the huge variety of topics and discussion areas all under one roof
2) - the quality and depth of many of the posts.
The first is valuable to me not only because of the wealth of information available but also because I believe that many of these "discrete" topics
are often related both directly and indirectly and it is far easier to see the bigger picture when you have access to as many pieces of the puzzle as
The second re: quality and depth of many of the posts is actually an amazing find for me. So many of the posts here not only provide a piece of
really good info or well reasoned opinion, they are structured along the lines of "I found this really interesting information and upon further
research found this and this and this, etc. where "this" is a link to another news source, thread, video or pictures. Good info on these topics is
rare enough, but good info that is also well researched along with intelligent & thoughtful analysis and opinion presented in an open-minded way is a
real treasure.
On a final note, can someone point me in the right direction regarding info related to using the ATS site? I've tried searching for help files or
FAQ's but more often than not I get a 404 or something similar when clicking on a HELP link. It appears the site has undergone a major overhaul or
two and much of the info in the general topics forums is dated and no longer applicable, or the links don't work, etc.
Thanks in advance and I look forward to reading, contributing and getting to know everyone.