posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:58 AM
What is wrong with my city lately? I am ashamed to bring this one, it should never have happened. A poor little kindergarten girl was sexually abused
by 2 third graders on a school bus.
This loosely ties into the sainted dead kid thread I began, in which a "childish prank" led to a child's death.
Well if throwing deadly weapons is a mere childish prank, what the hell is this then? School is madatory, us parents go to jail if we dont educate our
kids. Nowadays a parent can barely pay the light bill, much less afford to take off work to driv their kid to school daily. I mean come on,
Kindergarteners on a bus with third graders, where is the bus aide?
Sickenly, Kentucky parents are lax, because NONE of the other daggum kids on the bus told the driver!!
I am just furious, once again our school system fails YET ANOTHER child!!
This is America's Heartland, folks.
LOUISVILLE, KY. (WDRB Fox 41) -- Jefferson County Public Schools says a kindergartner was sexually assaulted on a school bus by two other
JCPS has finished its investigation into the September incident that happened on the way to school. The district says two third graders are
responsible for the assault, a boy and girl at Klondike Elementary school. Both have been disciplined.
The victim is a kindergarten girl from the same school.
Lauren Roberts, the JCPS Spokeswoman says, "We did substantiate that a young lady was inappropriately touched. There was inappropriate physical
contact. Some of that was of a sexual nature and she was verbally harassed by other students. While this did occur outside of her clothing it was very
Where do two third graders learn this? Why is this allowed to happen in my city? I am disgusted.
Also, in my opinion this amounts to state sanctioned sexual abuse. I hope this mother yanks her kid from the school district period until safety can
be assured. After all this school system milks our government for dollars allocated to the KY Safe Schools Act.
Do school busses count?
edit on 16-10-2010 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)