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ex CIA Head of Bin Laden Unit: The 9/11 Commission and Commissioners Were Just There to Whitewash

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posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:45 AM

Apologies if this video has already been posted. I find it unbelievable that this kind of public statement from professional men such as these are simply being ignored by TPTB.

Colonel Schaeffer states that he was told, by a 9/11 Commissioner, that everyone on the Commission was covering for someone.

Michael Scheuer, who worked for the CIA for 22 years and was head of the Bin Laden Unit between 1996-1999, states categorically, re the 9/11 commisson that:

"It was a whitewash and a lie from top to bottom." , and
"As Commissioners they were clearly there to not let the American people know what happened before 9/11"

Coming from people with the responsibilities they had at the time, and with the degree of access to inside information they had, for the current Administration to ignore this surely also has to be blatant criminal complicity?

edit on 16-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)


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