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Breaking News-Terrorist use Chemical Weapons in Attack

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posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:31 AM

1st chemical attack by terrorists in Iraq

Sources report mustard gas inside Baghdad's Green Line

� 2004

A day after the head of the CIA weapons inspection team warned terrorists in Iraq are trying to get their hands on the Saddam Hussein regime's chemical weapons of mass destruction, Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin reports the first attack with these weapons of mass destruction has been launched inside Baghdad's Green Zone.

Few details are available, including any casualties associated with the attack using mustard gas. (snip)

Balance of article at:

So much for any further whining about lack of WMD from the democrats and their controlled anti-American news media, as if we haven�t already found a few. We have found booby trapped shell containing Sarin gas, anti tank missiles they weren�t suppose to have, and the mysterious weapon which punched a pencil size hole through an M-1 Abrams Tank and disabled it. In an area the size of Iraq, with known underground storage facilities, one would assume there will be much more found before the war is over.

Now one has to wonder how long they have had these and if they have taken them out of the country to our shores. The plot thickens in the Middle East and logic dictates we are only seeing the beginning of what will be a big mess.

This story is still breaking and the major details are not known yet. It could get very interesting.

Oh, and for all of you who think this is just about oil, think again! We could take and hold every oil field over their and there is no way they could even get close to them if that was our goal.


[edit on 6/26/2004 by Ghostwolfemoon]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:45 AM
here is a link to a description to what mustard gas can do. Can be some nasty stuff....

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 11:55 AM

So much for any further whining about lack of WMD from the democrats and their controlled anti-American news media

Actually the majority of media outlets are controlled by ultra-rich conservatives (usually Republican in US).

Oh, and for all of you who think this is just about oil, think again! We could take and hold every oil field over their and there is no way they could even get close to them if that was our goal.

I really would love to see the US defend every single oil field in Iraq. I doubt that a military force that cannot even secure the green zone in Baghdad would be able to defend oil fields country wide.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:03 PM
What a mess! Inarticulate, I know, but I just don't see how we can turn over sovereignty to the Iraquis when we can't even control the Green Zone and the use of mustard gas no less.
I feel pretty gloomy about the entire situation in Iraq. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. And, I'm really not even making a political statement. It's just a simple geopolitical fact.
We live in a new world folks. (Guess I should have known that since 2001 huh?)

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:22 PM
Sorry to burst the bubble, but defense is easy;however, it is the methods that most people do not agree with. Usually, it is shoot first ask later.

Still the chemical attack is not a good sign.Text

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:30 PM
I have not found any other information on the major news sites on the net about this as of yet. Is this for real?

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:36 PM
Im also trying to find info but seems the news have not broke it yet?

surely if this was for real the news would have it by now??

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:48 PM
Hello everyone. This is my first post here at ATS. I have been browsing this site for a week or 2 now. Very interesting as well as entertaining reading!
I wanted to comment regarding the possible chem attack onm this thread.
I have seen countless articles, statements and interviews with experts(some not) stating the shelf life of the Iraq sarin is less than 1 year. Can anyone confirm this? Does mustard gas have a shelf life?

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:53 PM
With regard to biological weapons, the assessment by Professor Anthony H. Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies should be taken seriously: "The shelf-life and lethality of Iraq's weapons is unknown, but it seems likely that the shelf-life was limited. In balance, it seems probable that any agents Iraq retained after the Gulf War now have very limited lethality, if any"

Maybe this will help a little.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 01:11 PM
Frankly, I think this whole fiasco in Iraq was ill-conceived and motivated by a handful of individuals with highly questionable, personal agendas. Our country was lied to and misled by it's so-called leaders into a world of terror we know nothing about and certainly can't control. I'm not Monday morning quarter-backing, either, because that has been my position since the day the new administration took over.

I have no sympathy for Saddam and his loyalists and would not object to them all being put in a pile and burned to death, but I do object to the way we've gone about it. Our so-called "pre-emptive strike" policy flys in the face of everything this country "once stood for", and we are now considered the biggest terrorist of them all by the rest of the world. And understandably so. I wouldn't care if Bush/Cheney and Co. were Democrat or Republican (I'm Independent), I would still feel the same way. In my eyes, they are the Anti-Christ, and they are stirring up things in the Middle East that could escalate into a worldwide conflict which we're not prepared to defend against. We can't even secure the Green Zone, capture Osama Bin Laden or win a war against people who use car bombs and suicide bombers as their weapons. The only thing that makes us a so-called Super Power is that we have so many nuclear weapons; weapons we can't use in the first place. And when it comes down to fighting in the streets and gorilla warfare, we just don't cut it; our troops are trained in cold war combative tactics, which are outdated and no longer apply.

The "master minds" of this conflict have gotten us in way over our heads, and there is no telling where it may lead. I'm afraid the cat's out of the bag now. I'm not a religious type, but in this case all I can say is, "God help us all". And as far as the "War on Terrorism" goes, the only thing accomplished so far is that we are in more danger now than ever before.

As a side note: Just like the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians and the rest, all empires must eventually fall. I have a bad feeling America's time is coming soon. As well as alienating the rest of the world via our terrorist policies, we may be doomed to financial ruin as our "leaders" seem to have no concept of how to control that either.

Sorry to interject so much negativism, but it's just the way I see things for now. It's a scary world, and we're not making it any less scary.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 01:17 PM
You can call me cynical but I'd like to point out that WND have no details at all on this story. None. There is a link to

Tex Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin reports the first attack with these weapons of mass destruction has been launched inside Baghdad's Green Zone.

but to see this story on the G2 Bulletin you have to be a paid subscriber.

Large amount of salt needed for this story.

zero lift

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 01:22 PM
netbound, our troops are simply not trained for the type of conflict for which we now find ourselves imbroiled. The reasons for the Iraqi invasion no longer matter. What DOES matter is that we must find a way, ANY WAY, to get a handle on the current situation.

If anything positive is to come from this, it will be the stark awakening that we must totally re-examine the way our troops are trained - all the way from boot camp to deployment. It won't do us any good now, but it will pay big dividends the next time we find ourselves involved in such a conflict.

As for now, we need to learn to THINK like the insurgents do. I always thought that is what the CIA was for. But obviously, that particular agency is as dysfunctional and clueless as every other aspect of our involvement.

We are truly mired in the muck. We can't leave, but at the same time, can't continue under the current circumstances. If anyone has a solution for this one, I'd like to hear it.

[edit on 26-6-2004 by Karellen]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by crius15
I have seen countless articles, statements and interviews with experts(some not) stating the shelf life of the Iraq sarin is less than 1 year. Can anyone confirm this? Does mustard gas have a shelf life?

Here's some good information on Sarin:

Iraq mass produced sarin during the Iran-Iraq war with the expectation that it would be used quickly, and they therefore skipped several purification steps. Fresh agent was about 60% pure and heavily contaminated with hydrogen fluoride (which, of course, also causes health problems in exposed individuals). When production caught up with demand, the Iraqis started storing their sarin in refrigerated "igloos" to prolong its storage life. However, even when stored in the igloos, the material rapidly degraded, becoming less than 10% pure within 2 years.

If the weapons are binary, like the one they found a while ago, it can last longer because the components to make the Sarin are not mixed until the time the shell is fired.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 02:36 PM
I like to remind myself that the purpose of all this has to be the thing actually achieved, which is to guarantee that the situation is so unstable no one would suggest that U.S. occupation forces can go home. Very fortuitous, too, that a supposed WMD (probably a an old gas mortar round) should surface after weeks of intense criticism of White House lies.

Of course, would it really be Arabs working so hard to make U.S. forces stay in Iraq?

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 02:40 PM
Since I posted the thread on the Mustard Gas Attack, I have been searching the net and have thus far been unable to confirm the article. While World Net Daily is as far as I have seen, very accurate in their reporting and Joseph Farah has some of those "Sources" a reporter dreams about the fact is they are very pro Bush Light.

This attack could be real and no one yet has enough facts to report it, it could be a disinformation story designed to sway the generally dumb public, it could have in essence happened but no damage, deaths, or injuries occured, and the other choice would be that it was a black ops event designed to sway public opnion toward electing Bush Light again. Keep in mind that if the terrorist really bust us good with NBC weapons, Americans will get mad and demand we bust back.

If I sound cynical of the Imperial Federal Government, I am. If someone in the government made a statement, the sun would rise tommorow, I would buy lots of flash light batteries.


posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 02:42 PM
karellen, I totally agree with you. When I said our troops are trained in cold war combative tactics, what I was trying to get at is that they are not trained or equipped to fight the kind of conflict we're in. I really feel for the people over there. It's like giving someone a .357 magnum and releasing a swarm of killer bees on them.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 02:52 PM
The wonderful art of conspiracy theorism involves a standard procedure that is

"take as many disparate events / facts you can find to support you thesis and join them all together regardless of their vailidity to prove your point"

This is exactly the technique the poster has used below.

1. the shell had TRACES of sarin, (and I think even this was disproved later)
2. the mysterious weapon that punched a holie in the tank, could easily have come from the coalition forces.
3 After all this time, with the financial and relocation incentives a scientist , drive, guard, cook etc would have from America, if there WERE still weapons hiding in Iraq we would certianly know about it.

However are saying this...
DEBKAfile’s military sources report: US troops in Iraq ordered to start carrying gas masks this week and stay within reach of centers distributing anti-contamination suits

Originally posted by Ghostwolfemoon
We have found booby trapped shell containing Sarin gas, anti tank missiles they weren’t suppose to have, and the mysterious weapon which punched a pencil size hole through an M-1 Abrams Tank and disabled it. In an area the size of Iraq, with known underground storage facilities, one would assume there will be much more found before the war is over.
[edit on 6/26/2004 by Ghostwolfemoon]

[edit on 26-6-2004 by Netchicken]

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 02:54 PM
Insurgents seek
Saddam's WMD
CIA inspectors have discovered
a dozen chemical-filled bombs
Posted: June 25, 2004
3:23 p.m. Eastern

� 2004

The head of the CIA weapons team in Iraq says insurgents are seeking chemical arms left over from the Saddam Hussein regime to use against coalition troops.

Charles Deulfer said in a television interview his inspectors have discovered as many as a dozen chemical-filled bombs, the Washington Times reported.

Complete story at:

The article goes on to state that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi a Jordanian was behind the coordinated attacks yesterday that killed at least 100 people and wounded about 320 and inspection team has uncovered bombs filled with blistering mustard gas or the nerve agent sarin.

If you will note the date it is yesterday, June 25, 2004 and today�s post on an attack with mustard gas is dated June 26, 04. Maybe it is just me, but I find yesterdays report and today�s report just a wee bit too convenient to have happened so close together. What are the odds of these incidents happening a day apart?

Strider, you hit on a very good point in your post when you stated "Of course, would it really be Arabs working so hard to make U.S. forces stay in Iraq?


posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 07:03 AM
RE: Original post "1st chemical attack by terrorists in Iraq "

There is no news to be found reference "Chemical Weapons being used in Iraq".

I have checked everything I use from American to overseas news services and a few contacts and have found nothing!

Though World Net Daily is considered a reliable news service, like News Max, the Drudge Report, Rush, and Hannidy are extensions of the Republican Party so to speak in their slanted reporting.

I appologize to the readers for posting something which seems to be spin or disinformation even though from a normally reliable news source.


[edit on 6/27/2004 by Ghostwolfemoon]


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