posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by CHRLZ
The OP is probably off doing something more worthwhile right now, so I hope he won't mind if I comment.
If you check TrueAmerican's profile and have a look at his threads/posts, you'll see that he's a very level-headed person and by no means given to
flights of great fancy. I've had times where I didn't agree with his point of view but that's no problem. The point is that what he's done here is
not to be taken too seriously as he's just having a bit of fun. A little light-heartedness is allowable on ATS.
Frankly most of us who've posted here have followed along in that line. I posted the GIF image to show that besides some minor changes in intensity
of the "big bright light", it doesn't even move around at all. If it were anything unusual it would've been noticed by many and the web would've
be alive with comments about it. (Clearly that didn't happen.)
Actually, even when the big light's brightness apparently changes, so does the relative brightness of other light-emitting objects in the images,
demonstrating the cam in question was adjusting for the incoming light and that the big light itself wasn't varying by much at all... I didn't feel
like pointing this out when I posted as ( a ) it was so obvious, and ( b ) because I'd got the hint that this was, after all, just a bit of fun after
a lot of absurdly hysterical stuff we've seen posted elsewhere. You know the sort of stuff I mean.
It was just light relief. (Pun intended.) Nothing more.
Best regards,