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I Know I Wont Be Missed... But..

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:20 PM
I have decided to refrain from posting threads on ATS for at least several months due to the changes that I have seen here, and how I feel that the initial feelings of members that have such complaints are genuinely seeing something that due to more members might be missed.

I have seen this site grow, and with that growth turn into a more impersonal place. I believe that when a business begins to grow, there has to be some loyalty towards those who have been around longer, or contributed to the site that has grown due to member participation.

If not for those members this site could not grow.

I have seen repeated threads, sometimes up to four with different wording, but the same thread. If someone starts a thread about a particular topic, then another thread pops up opposed and the thread remains. I have seen some ridiculous threads with topics that at another time would have been placed in BTS immediately, and remains.

I have read threads where someone complains about mods, and mods will fill the room with posts, stating things as, "you can press alert and someone will always help" or "U2U a mod and that is the best way to get results". When in fact, I have done these things, and NEVER got a response, but within minutes my threads bounce around from mod to mod, closed, and moved to BTS. And when asked what the problem was NEVER get a response.

I have had problems with chat for 2 months now. I have made numerous requests for help or suggestions, to no avail, but my thread can and will be moved within 60 seconds, and if moved I will ask, if there was something that I missed, and I will ask in the nicest way. NO answer.

The reason I even decided to "rant" about this, is because frankly I have spent a good amount of time contributing here, both learning and teaching, never got a warning for anything, and have always been polite, and frankly I feel dismissed, and cheated, by contributing to ATS and not even being able to get an answer to a simple question.

WE, all members here is what keeps this going, and frankly, this is not the way to keep a business going. Sure the new members are having a blast, while others are being ignored, but in the long run, those, especially those who have felt the same as me, will be left.

Though I will not participate, I have made some friends here and enjoy their threads and will not neglect information by not reading, but as far as contributing with threads, it is my own personal decision not to, for the time being. This of course is not even reflected towards anyone in particular, but it is a problem, I am not the first person to state it, and if it remains this way, I'm sure I will not be the last.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 11:23 PM

please dont go i enjoy your contributions

dal universe

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:03 AM
No sense in leaving. . .that won't help anything. I've done the same thing, sitting exactly in the spot you are. I have seriously considered leaving this site as well, but, trust me, it's not worth it. I read stuff here for years before I joined, and when I did, a thread of mine was never even really looked at, although it's exactly the stuff that I've seen on the home page before

I decided to just forget it. . .ATS is a business like any other. I don't know a thing about the mods, I know they're swamped, though. No reason to leave, you're just giving in the "them".

Another observation of mine is you truly do not want to leave, otherwise you would not have posted this. . .I did this too. Let's just give it a little time, say 3 days, before you cancel your account. If you can even do that, I don't know how to do that.

You're a bronze level. . .that means something great. Stick around, kay?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:11 AM
You'll be back, they always come back.


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I hear you dude.

I probably havent been here anywhere near as long as you, but man have I noticed a huge decrease in the quality of moderation & basic credibility of this site.

You bad mouth C2C, especially Noory, closed. Anything or anyone the mods like, do NOT bad mouth, or off to BTS you go, at best !

I have seen numerous threads about how bad the supposed 'upgrade' to the site is, but not a thing has been done to even respond to the issues, let alone fix them. Yes Mods, from our POV, it still sucks, & yes I can write code so I know whats involved.

I have had fun while here, but I feel I may be following you. Im going to stick with it a bit longer, but I am really seeing a rapid decline in moderation & topic quality here, it seems to be a race to just get flags by posting the latest news, not ALT news, & yes, I am guilty too & not impressed with myself (not that the Chile rescue wasnt worth mention as they came up).

This place needs to lift its game, if the Mods dont have enough time, get more ! I loved 'that' NY UFO thread & am about to go check it again, but, come on Mods, where are you ?? This has just become one huge argument, "I come from NY & ballons dont stop us in the street" v "Its ballons you idiots". Thats all it is now, & has been for near on 12 hours. How about a Mod summarise it & end it ? & I loved it, until the Mods let it get out of control.

Anyhow, I expect your rant will be shut down soon, sent to BTS or something, but it was fun. To all those who will say "Well just go then", why ? This site was started for us to express our POV, not have it moderated to suit the owners friends. I have a right to my opinion just as you do, but the Mods need to pick up their game & seperate personal issues to those of the greater good of the site.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:53 AM
its already in bts, so uhhh

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Yes you will be missed! But I know exactly how you feel.
My solution to the various mechanizations of the the board is
to pretty much ignore them. I have found a comfort zone, a few
loyal friends and a realization that with an business/orginization this
large, depersonalization is inevitable.

In the grand scheme of things ATS is more like cable TV than a coffee shop or bar where you "really" get to know
staff and patrons.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I've read your post twice now and I still can't figure out what your actual complaint is... Is it that you can't get chat to work? Or is it a general complaint about ATS 2010?

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