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White women portrayed as sex objects to be taken by minorities

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:59 PM
"Those colored folk are out ta git our women!"

....Sorry, I'm waiting for South Park's big gay sex pile full of whiny rednecks to start forming.

Women are people. People have brains. By talking about this portrayal in this movie as if it is going to make women hate white men is pathetic alarmism. You are not alone because other races are steealing your women, you are alone because you're a whiny loser that comes up with very juvenile, outdated, and shallow conspiracy theories.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 09:33 AM
the programming in this movie is correct for the target this movie is produced for.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

I personally agree with you mate, it's not the first time it's happened and won't be the last.

Yes it is a movie and of course people should go out and enjoy the film so the comments of "It's just a movie" are partly justified.

I have a thread going that touches on this matter so I won't bring it up

HOWEVER, this is not the only film with a subtle racist agenda.

I enjoyed 28 Days Later a lot - British film, good performances etc.

Yet there was a fair element subliminal racism in that film.

All the soldiers (white) were, bar an Irish one, English and portrayed as borderline psychotic rapists under the flimsy reasoning of they were near suicidal without any women around. What loud of tosh!

The three survivors at the (good) ending are the protagonists. Two are adults, one is black and one is white Scottish along with a young kid who is white English.
It seemed telling to me that there was a mixed-race message on that note.
Yes, just a film, but are we, on ATS, to deny ignorance of these 'messages' being inserted into them?

My view is that the people who write these films are very intelligent, clever and understand what the agenda is.
They can create films (storys) that suit the elites agenda and make a lot of money from it. The elites then have the production company's casting people finish off the formulae for a movie that will sell while advancing the agenda of one world race.

In a way you shouldn't let it bother you too much as the commercial film industry likes to do this.
At the same time it's a very subtle and noticeable 'F**K You' to people who are of white racial ethnic ancestry from the ptb.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Another things that is going on in the media is the portray of 'Dad' as a moron.

Middle-aged white man in starring role = guaranteed dumbass character.

Most hollywood movies aimed at middle class white famlies. No one is going to piss off thier base and bomb a multimillion dollar project just to "spite whitey".

This thread is dumb.

They can basically stick in pretty much any message they want and label it as 'entertainment' or 'comedy'
It's pretty much carte blanche for a good screenwriter to throw in dozens of 'between-the-lines' baiting.

Yeah it's a joke and laugh, it's only a movie

Of course it is, but the images and subliminals will stay with you and gently influence you far more than the overt ones will.

That's why people now are like 'it's cool it's a funny film', the films effects on them are to dismiss it and watch more films.

I'll put it another way, if a film came out with all of the white characters being black or jewish and the black or jewish characters being white the uproar would probably be heard in Pluto!
Why is this?
Because whitey is currently on punch-bag mode for the hollywood movie industry and woe betide anyone that try's to point this out.

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