posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Psychotronics can sound like the devil is speaking to your head. It appears very flangey or can sound normal. My story is a bit complex. It started
about a year ago and since then ive learned alot. Ive had them tell me they are part of a secret organisation bent on world domination for fascism.
That they have politicians as targeted individuals. and the equipment is more amazing.
List of equipment:
Hologram generator (satallite)
voice to skull (microwave towers or satallite?)
thought to sound generator (satallite)
microwave beam (made me sick several times)
radiation beam (caused vision changes and could hear the beam on me)
precision high Khz tone generation (used to keep me awake)
demon travel
remote viewing
brainwave tracking satallite
All of these tools are used to keep the target afraid and controlled. But they couldn't control me. They would repeat to me, "Go to jail/your
under arrest/were going to kill you/were going to kill your family/we have your x-girlfriend/were going to nuke your city" these were all used to
control my emotional state to subdue me into fear and subsequent control. "I am the voice of god/i am satan" would also be said. I started joking
around with them thinking to them "steal that bible, the word of god should be free" as they had said to another TI who wrote that on a blog, they
started repeating it when I was in a christian book store. The biggest edge we TI's have though is our own minds. I found that to disable them from
being loud, I could envision my light body reaching out to a circuit board which i either imagined or remote viewed, then touching the circuitboard
and emitting energy from my light bodies fingers, sort of like star wars. This technique worked, they complained about hearing popping noises, and
soon after the voices got dimmer. Voice to skull is very loud and very distracting, it demands your attention. So I was desperate to stop it, once I
learned that the system is based in the psychic realm, I started expirementing, and found this technique. I encourage everyone who is plagued by
psychotronic warfare to try this system.