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Embarrassing Bush Interview on Irish TV

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posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:10 PM
Heck, I lived in Texas, for 47 years. We were embarrassed to have him as Governor. Our only consolation was that the Guv has no power..hence he became "popular" because he was so gosh-darned friendly.
Well, friendly doesn't cut it as President of the US. You have to have some higher critical thinking skills as well. Bush has none that I can detect.
You are so correct in saying that he memorizes huge chunks of info and then just spits it out. Reminds me of my students' giving oral reports. They spewed their memorized reports, but , when I began probing them on the finer points, they were totally clueless.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 03:34 PM
I lived in Ireland in 1973, during all the Watergate stuff... and the Irish would come up to me and say: You Americans think your President is God!

And that was about tricky-Dick. Then there was Clinton and his mess. And now... well, I guess the interviewer didn't feel she had to pay the same 'respects' we do here at home to anyone holding the office of President.

But then... even Cheney is saying the 'F' word to a Senator.. so not very respectful there either...

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 05:44 PM
OK more on the questions. Accoding to this site the questions were submitted to bush three days before.

So it really does look like he just memorised the answers and recited them. Thats why, I imagine, the reporter tried to interupt. I would as well in that position, if you want stock answers then just read a whitehous press release, if you are actually trying to interview the president then you want what he REALLY thinks, not recited replies.

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 07:35 PM
"But the God I know is not one that -- the God I know is one that promotes peace and freedom."

He almost told the truth!

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by FreeMason
Oh how about all that Sarin gas they stopped at the Syrian Border?

How about that Nerve Gas in that Japanese Subway?

How about you just be quiet.

Neither of which has killed anywhere near as many as US planes have. Think about it.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 08:22 PM
Instead of nit-picking and telling people to be quiet, Free Mason, it would be as well to stick to the topic in hand.

If the interviewer's questions were submitted 3 days in advance, then Bush's answers certainly are a cause for embarrassment IMO. And this explains the journalist's interruptions as attempts to force Bush to address certain relevant points, instead of lertting him waffle on with what he chose to address.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 08:30 PM
IMO, Bush's brain is fried. I think he would have a hard time responding quickly if a random question was brought to him. I mean he stumbles enough on his speeches. Even when reporters ask him controversial questions Bush never really answers the question. He seems to like to change the subject a lot. I saw clips of this interview, Bush was pretty agressive with the woman interviewer, she looked kind of upset or scared of him. She would interrupt and he would be like Can you let me finish please, and then just stare her down for a few moments and then pick up again. The interview written down doesn't do justice for the video clips, I thought he was gonna start a fight or somethin with the woman.

Bush -

Interviewer -

It was pretty funny.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 08:36 PM
As an Irishman, I do not believe a "majority" in Ireland dislikes President Bush, America, or disagrees with the war.

Bush haters refuse to admit a few simple facts. More murders occur in Detroit, Los Angeles and New York than in the entire country of Iraq. And no networks have war reporters breathlessly giving the details in any of those cities to the best of my knowledge.

Secondly, a half million graves of Iraqis murdered by Sadaam have been found to date. The Iraqi war had relatively few casualties. The Americans lost more of its own soldiers defending the countries of Europe during WWII than any other country on the planet - except of course the losers of that war.

If George W. Bush loses the November election in America, the rest of the world will have no one anywhere willing to protect them when the full-scale terror war begins. Every leader of every Middle Eastern nation estimates that about 1% of all Muslims are actively engaged in terrorism or direct support of terrorism. That's 1.2 million people. And no civilized nation on earth can withstand that onslaught if America doesn't take the lead.

Robert O'Neal

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 08:38 PM
I've read a lot of criticism of Bush on various websites regarding this interview.

Your take on the interview raises some very telling points of the man, muhn. Now I'm going to watch the video for myself.

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 08:41 PM

Bush haters refuse to admit a few simple facts. More murders occur in Detroit, Los Angeles and New York than in the entire country of Iraq. And no networks have war reporters breathlessly giving the details in any of those cities to the best of my knowledge.

I don't understand how that helps Bush's case. If we can't handle our own domestic problems, why are we rushing to go over there. Many people were killed as a result of the oil-for-food program as well in which many countries were implicated in scandal.

Plus, I don't understand how you can be so assured Kerry will not do anything about terrorism. It seems he has plans for this war on terror as well. As for policing the world, who do you think we should go after next?

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:07 PM
Ah yes Bush, we know daddy taught you manners

"Let me finish. Let me finish. May I finish?"
"Let me finish. Let me finish, please. Please."
"Let me finish, please. Please. Let me finish"
"Let me finish."

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:28 PM
G W Bush, IS an embarrassment, to hisself , his family
, and to our nation
. The man is a joke

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
IMO, Bush's brain is fried. I think he would have a hard time responding quickly if a random question was brought to him. I mean he stumbles enough on his speeches.

That's what happens when you do hard drugs and heavy drinking, Bush has scrambled brain-cells,

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