Sooooo many peope have offered their opinions,"in their own words".
But lets let the media and the witnesses,along witht he government had to say about the event in those days.
Lets see if theres enough evidence or cause for a new investigation.
Did any of them lie?Change their story?Did they slip up when speaking?Did they tell the truth?
Lets see.................
9/11: Dan Rather Says Building 7 Collapse Looks Like Controlled Demolition
9/11 Video Clips Dan Rather Would Rather Not Show You
BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell
New: Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens
WTC 1 & 2 "Collapses" C*N*N 10:31am & 10:54
"Almost looks like one of those planned implosions." - Anchor Aaron Brown -- camera at 5 Penn Plaza, network HQ
Never Aired About PENTAGON !!! 9/11
(Added this for perspective)
Pentagon from Marriott Hotel (Wheres the footage from that building,that would clearly show the plane?)
Better quality "Hotel" Pentagon Video w/ 'Official Flt Path'
New Pentagon Video - STILL NO PLANE
CNN Discusses Mysterious White Plane Over D.C. on 9/11
9/11 -Diane Sawyer : "white plane" passing South Tower
WTC news anchor is interupted when speaking of demolitions
911 WTC7 collapse collapses Ground zero WTC 7 firefighters
WTC7 - "That is the building that is going to go down next"
911 Aircraft(175) is still flying AFTER it has 'crashed' into the WTC.
CNN WTC Gold and Silver below Ground Zero
9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage
Bush Caught Lying About September 11th
Bush"explosives high enough to keep people trapped above"
Former 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer slips up and says a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11
Donald Rumsfeld slips up as well saying that United 93 was shot down in Pennsylvania.
Bin Laden Family Flights
Bin Laden's Family Flight after 911 FBI Records Released6-21
(Flight 77 & Cheney's "Stand Down" Order)
9 11 Prior Knowledge Using Planes As Weapons
Witnesses and firefighters
Im only bumping htis post up becuase I believe so many people have gotten caught up fighting with each other over what is or isnt "proof",they dont
bother to look at what was reported when the event was happening.
Ive seen so many people attacking people for asking questions and doubting the OS,I think they need to take a look at what the media and
witnesses,firemen,police officers,and polliticians said on 9/11 & 9/12.
Cause those 2 days,I believe,was when the truth was being reported.
Long before the script was handed out for the alphabet networks to parrot.
Why question a person's non belief?
When instead,why not question those who reported the events of that day?
Its these videos that have caused people to question the OS.
ANd I tend not to think anyone is presenting this theory to become popular or get stars and flags,but I think people honestly care about the fact that
3000 people are dead.
Those 3000 lives lost that day,opened the door to millions of lives being lost in wars,brought upon the back of that day.
(Added this for perspective)
Pentagon from Marriott Hotel (Wheres the footage from that building,that would clearly show the plane?)
Wow. That Marriot Hotel camera would've provided a great angle and probably would've captured that 'plane' perfectly. I guess it didn't occur to
them to ask 'em for it. Plus, they were very very busy. I can see how they overlooked it.
What's that you say?
They confiscated it? And 84 other tapes too?
And all we got was a 9-second clip?
Guess it's hard to find good help!
With 9/11 only a day away,and the MSM about to air that footage from that day.....again,I thought i'd bump this up.
I watched the replays on and off over the years,and slowly,portions have been left/edited out.
So minus the spin from the multitudes of shows that will air tommorow,heres what happened during the moment,that day..
And its in their words,not mine.