I must say, I have been studying UFO's for 20 years on and off (only recently became interested again after taking many years off), and in all the
time I've been studying the subject, this is the biggest buzzkill I've ever experienced.
I had read about Fulham's prediction for October 13 and of course I figured nothing would happen...especially after reading all the fallout regarding
Blossom Goodchild a few years ago (during which time I was not into the subject at all so I missed that nonsense, luckily).
But a tiny part of me believed, and a large part of me HOPED that perhaps SOMETHING would happen on October 13th, even though I expected nothing.
(especially since his info was channeled and channeling seems like nonsense to me).
Well when I saw the UFO story develop in New York, I must say I was SOMEWHAT excited. I wasn't freaking out, because it was just a bunch of dots in
the sky and Fulham said it would be a "major display" that would leave "no doubt" (or something to that effect).
But the next day when I saw the El Paso news report about the UFO that had the same formation as the UFO's in NY, that's when I REALLY started getting
exited. Especially considering that Fulham said things would escalate after initial contact.
Well I just read the complete debunking of BOTH sightings and as stupid as this sounds, I feel about as deflated as the balloons in New York. It's
just a shi##y feeling.
Yesterday I felt like there was a good chance that Fulham was telling the truth (that's the NORAD officer that predicted the sighting for those who
are wondering), which meant we were about to experience the most amazing event in the history of mankind.
Now today I just feel like an ass. Sort of just takes the wind out of your sails....
One more thing...he did say that it might not happen on October 13, but would definitely happen before the end of 2010 so I guess it still has a
chance of happening....about the same chance as monkeys flying out of my butt (sigh...)
edit on 19-10-2010 by The_Liberator because: (no reason