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Palin Warns Of "Armageddon," "Third World War" in Exclusive Newsmax Broadcast

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:06 PM
To me, Palin seems exactly like the type of person who would actually want, maybe even pray for, another World War, armageddon, doom and gloom, etc., etc.
edit on 14-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Sestias

The more I hear her speak, the less I want to.

This inane bitches' malformed logic is defunct in my honest opinion. When she says @ the 2 min 40 sec mark that America and the Obama administration should be focussed on reducing corporate taxes she proves her ignorance and loyalties superbly.

"Drill Baby Drill! Of course it's safe."
- Sarah Palin

And then she warns of WWIII????

Duh, GLOBAL = WORLD & it is the "Global War on Terror" Great marketting tactic ploy you shill Sarah Palin.

She is divorced from reality, and her motives and internal processes are questionable at best.


posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:09 AM
Palin has a purpose and the left plays into her purpose every day.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by infolurker
reply to post by Sestias

Most of us do not believe in complete "unregulated" capitalism. That is dumb. We like safety laws and anti-monopoly laws... we like Choice and Competition. Today's version of capitalism is being more and more controlled by Government and that we don't like. Government picks and chooses which companies to hand out subsidies to (the companies that donate to their causes) and unfair regulations that are being imposed so that their interests can profit. It is pay to play and a majority of American business (the honest businesses) are loosing because the Government is providing unfair advantages to their "chosen" favorites.

Close but not quite right.

It is the big corporate interests that make the rules, not the government. The government is just there to rubberstamp the dictates of the bankers and big business interests. Just look at the revolving door from the banking world into the top government finance posts. That is by design and keeps the government policies firmly under the control of the bankers.
The bankers, by their very nature, are driven by greed and profit at any cost, even if that means trashing the whole economy to achieve it. After all, that's a good thing - the more debt there is, the more control they have as a consequence.
ever wonder why the establishment gets to pick who runs for office? The old boy network and bankers get to vet who runs every time and will do whatever it takes to make sure the "right" person wins. If a fair system was in place they would have lost power a long time ago. Thus, Palin, for all her grandstanding, is just another selected tool willing to sell out her country to do the bidding of her controllers and enrich herself.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Britguy

It is the big corporate interests that make the rules, not the government. The government is just there to rubberstamp the dictates of the bankers and big business interests. Just look at the revolving door from the banking world into the top government finance posts. That is by design and keeps the government policies firmly under the control of the bankers.
The bankers, by their very nature, are driven by greed and profit at any cost, even if that means trashing the whole economy to achieve it. After all, that's a good thing - the more debt there is, the more control they have as a consequence.
ever wonder why the establishment gets to pick who runs for office? The old boy network and bankers get to vet who runs every time and will do whatever it takes to make sure the "right" person wins. If a fair system was in place they would have lost power a long time ago. Thus, Palin, for all her grandstanding, is just another selected tool willing to sell out her country to do the bidding of her controllers and enrich herself.

Very true. Still, even though all parties collude with the bankers, some administrations are better than others at trying to rein in some of the most egregious forms of robbery ad greed. The Democrats are still in bed with the big money interests, but the past Republican administrations have been dedicated almost solely to serving the bankers and the big multi-nationals.

Obama is part of the "old boy network" but there's still some hope that he will try to make a few changes at least. The only real solution would be a complete political revolution, but I hold up little hope of that ever happening.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Wow what I would not give to take Palin around say Doncaster for a week, show her some people that are clamoring for a more socialist government, including the re-nationalization of the British railways. That's a pretty big industry to claim for the people, but us Brits have seen the horribly inefficient and expensive system that privatization produced. Over 70% of the people here want the rails back in the hands of our government.

On the issue of war with Iran, I have yet to see any instance where it is plausible that Iran could actually get a nuclear weapon on a missile and hit the US with it, none. Iran is wholly incapable of causing "Armageddon" either in the figurative or biblical sense.

To hear Palin talk about it, one would think Iran has a bigger nuclear arsenal than Russia! Currently they have the same arsenal as say Ireland, none.

Currently Iran is working on a bomb, notice that singular there. Russia has thousands of warheads, complex delivery systems and tested systems. That is what it takes to threaten the world with oblivion, and Iran is not even on the first page of that book yet.

Of course Iran is dangerous, but let's not inflate a threat massively out of proportion. President Obama has never said that he will not launch a retaliatory strike if someone attacks the US with such weapons. Anyone who says he has is flat-out lying to you.

Obama has pledged not to use nuclear weapons against countries that lack them, with the specific exceptions of Iran and North Korea. Hell, Obama has not even rescinded the US's long standing policy of being a first-strike nation.

In short, President Obama has not in any way taken the nuclear option off the table when dealing with Iran, and Iran cannot cause Armageddon, period.

Wow, Americans read some real news instead of all this insane opinion fluff!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy

Wow, Americans read some real news instead of all this insane opinion fluff!

I hate to say it but your right- It speaks of Armageddon in the Bible. So bickering about Sarah Palin its not helping anyone. I heard somewhere that there is 85 Shariah Courts in the UK. So what does that tell you?
edit on 10/15/2010 by Leyla because: Forgot the s on It.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Leyla

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy

Wow, Americans read some real news instead of all this insane opinion fluff!

I hate to say it but your right- It speaks of Armageddon in the Bible. So bickering about Sarah Palin its not helping anyone. I heard somewhere that there is 85 Shariah Courts in the UK. So what does that tell you?
edit on 10/15/2010 by Leyla because: Forgot the s on It.

I think I may be missing something here, what does Shariah Courts for civil disputes among Muslims in the UK tell you?

I'm not bound by them, I'm not Muslim. Neither is any other Briton that does not wish to submit to their power.

What on earth does Islam have to do with the Battle of Armageddon in the Book of Revelation? Islam was not even invented or anywhere near invention at the time that book was written. If the book really is prophecy as American evangelicals believe (as opposed to figurative as the Church of England, Catholics and most Europeans do) why the hell isn't it more clear?

I also do not understand or accept the American evangelical idea that Islam itself is the enemy of Christianity. Please, explain to me what Islam, not extremist Islam, but real true Islam has done to you personally?

Now I am neither a Christian nor a Muslim, I'm a Buddhist, I'm the observer in this, and when I say Americans need to real real news, I'm never going to be talking about the Bible. I am talking about factually-based reporting without opinion. That is what is lacking in your nation.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by thegoodearth

Originally posted by spy66
reply to post by Sestias

The thing is, that she hasn't thought about

This woman does not think.
When she goes off script, or tries to comment on "real" issues, her ignorance shines.
And she is so popular that she says idiotic things and gets away with them.
Anyone who points this out is "liberal" scum or a misogynist.
It's inconceivable that one could simply be pointing out that the Emporer is naked.

Worse still, this woman is incapable of thinking.

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