posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 07:03 AM
Hi everyone,
I joined a while ago and read ATS threads almost every day, however only posted my first replies to a thread today.
I am very intrigued by the threads posted on ATS - in fact addicted to ATS and I love reading about all the conspiracy theories, thoughts, feelings of
What do I believe? I'm not sure yet. I'm very interested in the whole disclosure topic and there being other life forms out in the universe that
visit us secretly in UFO's. However, like most people on ATS, I'm yet to be convinced of this as most people's footage or photo's never clearly
show what they believe to be a UFO.
And we're all yet to see a real ET. Though I have had some very frightening dreams of them.
I laughed today, when no UFO's showed up across the world as that NORAD officer who wrote that book and released it last month, predicted would
I must also point out that I do not believe everything that i read or see and have always questioned everything in life and I love to discuss these
things with my friends and family.
I hope to contribute some honest thinking replies to ATS threads and perhaps one day post a few threads of my own.
Thanks for reading.