posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 01:25 AM
I agree with what the guy being interviewed has to say wholeheartedly about the control aspect.
The last thing the government, and it's corporate and banking controllers need, is for the people to organise, co-operate with each other and work
together as a community. That takes power and control away from them and will not be tolerated.
I formed the opinion a long time ago that many of these police officers get their jollies acting this way, all macho with their guns drawn, big and
tough and ready to take on the terrorists (as long as they don't meet anyone who shoots back of course!) There is no need for this behaviour on
their part but they just cannot help themselves. Simply walking in and talking to people isn't part of their training and certainly isn't macho -
they need to intimidate and assert their authority, even if that means busting heads or shooting someone to make a point.
I seem to remember a similar raid a few months ago, SWAT teams and all sorts, on an Amish farmer for selling raw milk. For heavens sake - an Amish
farmer - they think he's gonna hole up with an arsenal of weapons and shoot it out with them?
Bottom line, it's all about intimidation being used to get people too afraid to speak out or live outside their control.
I sure hope it all comes back to bite them all on the arse sometime in the not too distant future!