Now for the second observation of the object from last night (completely overcast and very blustery strong winds), exactly one week latter after the
first sighting, around the same time of night 9:40pm-
I was oddly doing the exact same thing as the first time, I was locking up the garage after removing the cats from it for the night (they keep our
mouse population down) and as I walk back to the house bingo, the light… and again I thought ‘hey it’s a commercial plane coming in to
land’... then I clicked 'hey its that same light', also this time the light was noticeably more orange and brighter than before. I ran inside
grabbed the binoculars and told my brother the light was back in the exact same spot and location exactly, same elevation location everything.
Although some things where a little different, through the binoculars the light was slightly larger, far more orange and it shifted between yellow
white, yellow with orange and yellow with dark orange rim. Again it was hard to focus properly this was more than likely due to the fact that unlike a
directional light or a small man-made light which tends to have direction to it, this object was a biggish indistinct light source that seemed to
project an omni directional light like a frosted light bulb, so what looked still fuzzy to my eyes was in fact the best focus more than likely. At
first it appeared as half circle, then it sort of boiled at one point (imagine 3 bright balls rolling around each other while in direct contact) and
at another it seemed to have two small points on either side of it… now this is more than likely due to me trying to constantly get a proper focus
on it (although the roiling was during a period when I didn’t adjust the focus), but ultimately the best I could do was the yellow, white. orange
shifting noticeable sphere (as if you looked at mars through a set of binoculars you can see it’s more than a point of light but an actual sphere).
Now my brother who I brought out also mentioned how oddly ‘orange’ it was with the naked eye, I got him to view it through the binoculars also but
he had no real comment and passed it off as possibly a helicopter, he has no interest in these sorts of things. This time the object was stationary
far longer than the last sighting but it too began to descend after about 8 minutes of observation at roughly the same speed as the first time in the
same straight as a post vertical path this decent took around 10 minutes or so (No real time reference sorry, didn’t think of it at the time) until
it vanished behind the same hill line once again that the 3 distant houses sit on.
Now heres the kicker, at first I thought hey it must be a flare again, then I twigged… but its blowing a gale out here, how on earth does a flare,
or an RC Toy Helicopter with a flare attached, Chinese lantern or balloon etc etc stay perfectly in place and descend that straight vertically in
blustery winds that force you to brace yourself slightly from being pushed around every time they blow? This immediately means that the same
‘object’ from last week if it was the same object, was therefore most likely not a flare either.
Another oddity was during the observation as it got close to vanishing behind the hill line during a period I wasn’t fiddling with the focus the
object appear to become smeared slightly. Imagine a yellow orange orb smeared so that it gained a small indistinct ‘tail’ to the right and
slightly down, if it was out of focus you’d expect to have this blur on opposite sides of each other not just on one side, also the main circular
mass of the ‘sphere’ suddenly got a very distinct black ring around it that then vanished then popped back again this black ring did its appear,
vanish routine about 5 times over a period of 20 seconds or so. The strange thing is, is the black ring was in VERY good, crisp focus and the blurry
tail smudge remained even though with the black ring it now looked like the blurry tail was behind the sphere as a separate object, to me it gave it a
very cylinder like appearance with the bright sphere being the closest end and the blurry unlit tail being the length trailing off. A few minutes
later it dropped behind the hill line out of sight.
Interestingly after some discussion with my brother latter it was only then that he pointed out it was the exact same time and day as the last one,
which hadn’t occurred to me at all. I was unable to get any photos or videos this time since coincidentally, I had stuck the cameras batteries on
charge a few hours earlier due to dad requiring the camera for work the next day. As far as to what it was, I cant say. It isn’t as far as im aware
from experience any helicopter, plane. Given the weather conditions last night any small or wind born item like flares, kites, lanterns etc are out of
the question (but not 100% improbable since I cant be that sure).
Well there are the accounts of my two current observations of this object. The thing is that I find most exciting (regardless of what it could be,
either mundane or fantastical) is the fact its got a repeatable frame of time to its appearances (so far, this fact does make it very man made
possible). As such im going to prepare myself for next Tuesday by getting out the old Telescope (far better than a pair of binoculars), and using a
tripod with a pre-setup exposure and shutter speed on our digital camera. Ill also regardless of weather start observing the location very early in
order to hopefully see where the object comes from, after all its airborne and its ‘there’ so it has to get there in some way. Ill also get my
brother to be on call since I personally wouldn’t mind attempting to driving out to where it appears to be and that would at least give a better
vantage point to see where it goes after it goes behind the hill line. Ill keep an eye out each night also just in case it pops up on any other day,
Id love to get a good decent exposure photo of it along with some film… then again it might not appear again (fingers crossed it does).
Im not exclaiming it’s a UFO after all It could be extremely mundane and I have nothing but this account of events, then again it might not be
mundane, so far in my opinion its definitely out of the ordinary and like nothing ive seen personally or can logically place, given my own deductions
based on what it could be along with environmental and visual observations. My brother insists its more than likely aerial spraying by a farmer in a
helicopter, but I disagree since ive witnessed night time helicopter use at a similar distance through binoculars before and the object and its
behaviors doesn’t fit at all with his conclusion.
Until then I can only wait.
This is the only picture I got of any value from the first observation, its wiggly thanks to long exposure and it being hand held, its cropped to
remove all the black, the orange wiggle is the Object, while the white wiggle in the bottom right is the lights of one of the houses on the distant
hill line, I couldn't see the object in the cameras view port so i had to aim blindly and was lucky enough to get this. The objects color is far more
orange in this pic that what it was through the binoculars at the time of observation thanks to a long exposure time. That being said the color of it
in this image is more like the color it was observed to be last night. Its not solid evidence at all, but its all I have so far. So you can rip into
it since its of no real use :p
Heres a pic of the location during daylight hours showing the various hill lines, the red circles are the houses that sit on the hill line, the purple
is the hill line the object descended behind. The distant hill line is the furthest landmark visible from this vantage point during the day.
The inset picture is a darkened crop of the black outlined area made to look more like the first observation that night with the pic of the object
from that night aligned with the house whos lights appear in that pic and scaled to roughly where it was at the time of the photo being taken. In
reality it was completely dark with only the house lights and object being visible also im still unsure which of the middle two houses the light was
closest to, im more or less sure it was the one indicated in the inset, ill have to double check.
Edit:- Anyone know how to make the last pic scrollable? cheers
edit on 12-10-2010 by BigfootNZ because: Spelling & Tid Bits