I didn't read the rules before, I'm sorry for wrong posting.
So here is the "real about me"
(I wanted to post it to that other thread, but you've already locked it.)
Maybe I should also add few things that really changed my life.
I don't write this to persuade anyone, it's just my story.
At age of 10 I was thinking about doing something really wrong. For a moment I strongly felt a presence of something, someONE "telling" me not to do
that. It wasn't in words though.
I was a dark teenager.
Then, in 1997 when I was 17, my grandmother died. On the evening a lot of village people came to pay respect to her, to our house where her dead body
was laying. Before, she was handicaped and on bed for 9 years, because the doctors cut of her right leg at her age of 80.
One moment I was sitting in that room full of people and I HAD A VISION of her (people didn't notice anything). She looked younger (as I remember her
from my childhood). She was standing in a veeery beautiful light, there was a very gentle music coming from it, and she had both legs (as if she got
them back). She spoked, but her voice wasn't her, it sounded as a storm, kind of frightening but also very loving and mild, I don't know how to
explain. And she said: "I'm going to prepare a place for you". This vision took about 15-20 seconds and IS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE - EVER!
When it ended I felt sooo sad, I really never felt such sadness in my heart, not even the death of grandmother hurt me so much (the sadness of her
death was AS NOTHING to compare to this sadness).
I knew these words were Jesus' words but at that time I couldn't accept them as they were ment for me. I was simply happy to know that my grandmother
went straight to heaven (although I wasn't really that religious at the time, I was "traditional christian").
I now think (I'm not sure) it was God talking through my grandmother's figure.
After her death I felt her presence very strongly for about 6 months, then I told her to 'go away' (how foolish of me!), because I knew she see my
sins to their fullness.
Then later on the year 2005, precisely on 21.dec. just before Christmas, I went to this "static show" my friend invited me. She was "playing" Virgin
Mary next to Joseph as they are just siting and only watching Jesus (for two hours, which was difficult for her and she asked to be there for
support). Instead of baby Jesus there was the Holy Eucharist.
There were some papers to write down your wishes or something else to Jesus, and there were also papers with "word of God" on them. I took one, just
for fun, you know, since I was already there
... I open and there was: "I am the Lord, your God. Do not be afraid."
And - I didn't only read it, but it was AS GOD DIRECTLY SPOKE TO ME AT THAT MOMENT IN THAT PLACE. As God himself told me, he loves me at that very
moment. Again, cant describe the feeling, it's too... I don't know - too... much.
My life COMPLETELY CHANGED after that! There is a lot of true happiness in me, as if somebody took a great great great burden of of me. I see things
from a completely different perspective, ...it really is imposible to write it down... I don't know..
There were also many other little things, but these are the most important.
I'm catholic now, obviously
and as you can see I'm currently interested in apparitions of Virgin Mary.
So - that's my story, folks
All good!
edit on 12-10-2010 by Muha137 because: (no reason given)