There once was a man who had nothing except his knowledge. At a market he saw a stall with a huge pile of fine looking apples upon it & the
apple-seller eating a juicy one. He approached, smiling, & was about to offer to be useful in exchange for a few apples, when the apple-seller said,
"I dont like the look of you," took a last bite of fruit & threw the core at the man's feet, adding, "I've got, you haven't. That's just the way it
is. Get lost!"
The man was hurt & insulted, but also hungry. He picked up the core & nibbled the last of the flesh from it, but then decided to keep what remained as
a reminder of how some people behave.
A while later the man happened on a kind farmer who owned plenty of land. The farmer accepted the man's offer to be useful in exchange for food & soon
he was working there regularly. Since they got on well, so would presumably make good neighbours, & the farmer had so much land, they came to an
agreement whereby the farmer would give the man a small field of his own in exchange for 10 years work, during which he would be fed, clothed &
housed, but could only tend his own field during his free time.
The man planted the seeds from his reminder & many others he came across & did his best to tend his burgeoning project. It wasn't easy, but, after 10
years, he had a thriving orchard of young trees & a reputation for producing small amounts of excellent cider, which he often shared with the farmer
as they chatted about the problems of pests & the importance of bees.
Now that he could devote more time to his own land, in the coming years, the man found himself with bumper harvests. He would take the best apples
down to market & undercut the original apple-seller. One day, he & the farmer had drunk a good skinful of cider, when a friend happened by & informed
them that the original apple-seller had gone out of business & was destitute. The man selected a basketful of the pick of the season & set off to find
the poor woman.
(To be continued...)
edit on 12/10/10 by Bunken Drum because: Missed a plot device.