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7 July London bombings inquests under way.

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:17 AM
The inquest into the 7/7 bombings is underway.

Although the families of the victims want an independent enquiry, it looks like this will be the best they will get...

The inquests for the 52 people killed in the 7 July 2005 bomb attacks have begun with a minute's silence. Lady Justice Hallett, the coroner, will preside over five months of hearings without a jury into the attacks in London on three Tube trains and a bus. She will examine if MI5 could have stopped the bombers - but many victims' families still want a public inquiry. Hugo Keith QC, counsel to the inquests, said some of their questions may never be fully answered.

So there you have it, before the inquests are even started they do a 'disclaimer' of sorts. I guess to soften the blow when it turns out to be a big whitewash, like the 9/11 enquiries.

That was just my personal opinion, btw. Feel free to flame.

BBC News
edit on 11-10-2010 by Wide-Eyes because: missing info

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:41 AM
7/7 victims murdered with mindless savagery

The 52 victims of the 7/7 London bombings were murdered in acts of "mindless savagery", the inquests into their deaths heard today. More than five years after the attacks, the long-awaited hearing got under way with a minute's silence for those who died. Hugo Keith QC, counsel to the inquests, began by outlining how four suicide bombers detonated devices on three Tube trains and a bus on the morning of July 7 2005. He said: "They detonated amongst the innocent and the unknowing, indiscriminately killing and maiming passengers who were simply going about their daily business.

They were murdered by the terrorist agents of the globalist U.K. government as part of their false-flag terror attack MO.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by ironfalcon

Thank you, I coundn't have put it better myself.

I tried to remain neutral in my post but you took the words out of my mouth. Good post.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by ironfalcon

:: Commuters described some of the bombers as "smiling and laughing and generally relaxed" as they travelled to King's Cross Thameslink on a delayed train;

Does that sound like the behaviour of people who were about to die and kill all those around them?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:39 AM
I disagree

If the Gov wanted to set this up then the bus on its own would have been enough. adding multiple tube bombers would just complicate the situation. I think they knew something was going to happen and simply stood by and watched. Its already common knowlege that at least one of them was known to MI5. If they had of picked him up then the others would have got cold feet and either changed there plans or panicked and fled the country.

I would'nt lay the blame completely at MI5's door though. Someone in the Gov would have been kept in the loop and it was they who probably let this go down to justify the war on terror.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

It does if you believe that is your true desitination in life.

It does if you believe that you are to recieve the reward for killing the Infidel that the Koran describes.

They were on their way to Paradise, whatever knows, (Whatever, replace God, mine, your's or another) As an Agnostic, I'm never sure.

But if they believed, then they would.

edit on 11/10/10 by chukka because: Poor spelling

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Well I dont know alot about this subject, I only know some because it seemed somewhat like 9/11 at the time.. Like 3/11...

Here is what i remember......
I think there is images that were photoshopped that shows the people who were in the videos that they showed on the local tv there and in the paper where proven on ATS to be photoshopped..

There is a video on the net that has this guy talking about drills going on at the same time and same locations as these bombs were going off on the buses..

And here is a tidbit of info.. that most people ironically disregard.. Rudy Giuliani was in the area when this happened. The only reason I bring this up is how can 1 person be in 2 major terrorist attacks? Odds in that are?

This is a few things that made me think FF.. So whatever they say will be as crap as what the 9/11 commission report said..

I have a question, why is it taken them this long to do an inquest?

Oh and this attack here is what helped make congress pass PA II in the states...
edit on 10/11/2010 by ThichHeaded because: Added the edit part.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I have a question, why is it taken them this long to do an inquest?

I have that same question! The only thing I can think of, is that they needed 5 years to come up with a semi credible story, to cover all the dodgy questions that were raised that day and since. If everything was cosher, they could have held the inquests within much less time than that.

BTW, your avatar is probably my fav on ATS. Makes me giggle every time I see it

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by chukka
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

It does if you believe that is your true desitination in life.

It does if you believe that you are to recieve the reward for killing the Infidel that the Koran describes.

They were on their way to Paradise, whatever knows, (Whatever, replace God, mine, your's or another) As an Agnostic, I'm never sure.

But if they believed, then they would.

edit on 11/10/10 by chukka because: Poor spelling

Maybe, but surely there would always be some nervous apprehension about such a thing.

Who knows the mindset of a suicide bomber? I certainly don't so I am just speculating.

Thanks for the reply.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

But alot of things on that day are shady, as I pointed out..

There is no way of saying that Bin Ladens crew did this.. Just the things i mentioned about leads to FF.. exp the part where that guy was talking about drills going on at the same time... The ATS PS'd thing.. thats our own gig.. So it wouldnt be counted but counted for us because people actually went through and meticulously tore those images apart..

But whatever right, we all get screwed somehow...

And remember boys and girls.. Nothing happens because, there is always a reason behind why it happens..

If I can find the post on ATS about them images I will post it here.. But its been a long long time so I dont know how well it will be because the search on ATS sucks bad...

Here is the drills guy here..

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

any additional info you can find, please post. Thanks for contributing

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:19 AM


posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I have a question, why is it taken them this long to do an inquest?

I have that same question! The only thing I can think of, is that they needed 5 years to come up with a semi credible story, to cover all the dodgy questions that were raised that day and since. If everything was cosher, they could have held the inquests within much less time than that.

BTW, your avatar is probably my fav on ATS. Makes me giggle every time I see it

The same reason why it took over 10 years for the suposidily masterminds of 9/11 to begin their trials in Cuba. Same reason why we never heard a proper Iraq war inquiry here in the UK. Simple reason because it takes that long to write so much. BS and make it sound real. Sometimes I hate living in the western world

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by sevenseven

Sorry Laura but you said the word BBC, there are alot of people on here who will give you evidence. But if it doesn't sit right with the government controlled BBC then the persons evidence won't get out. I guess your looking for someone who laps up the original BS and says it was terrorist and bin ladens thought all trained in afghanistan blah blah blah
edit on 9-5-2012 by Gemwolf because: Removed quoted post

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