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How do the unemployed spend their time?

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by abe froman

Exactly right. The members of my family who are unemployed have been unemployed long before this "recession" and fill their time with self medicating and television.

My unemployed friends, the ones who are unemployed because of this "recession" are working longer hours than I am just trying to track down employment and have applied to every open position they can find within 50 miles whether it's a well-paying professional job their education qualifies them for or a part-time job flipping burgers under a 19 year-old "manager."

There's a difference with people. Not everyone is a slacker POS and not everyone is just down on their luck deserving of pity. Some folks are just genuine trash and no job or lottery winnings will change them.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

You see, people like you are the problem. You tar everyone with the same brush. What motivation is there for people to change when people like you call them trash who are good for nothing. If it bothers you so much, why dont you get on the streets and try to help some of them. Its the system that makes people like this not the people.

We are failing young people as a society, and its these young people that grow up to become the long term unemployed. What good is waving your moral finger at them going to do. If there was'nt so much depravation and lack of guidance, maybe more people would see the benefits of getting a job. Instead all they get is kicked in the stomach while there down. Even though they never had any chance of getting up in the first palce.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

What same brush? I clearly made a distinction. You're reaching for straws to satisfy a desire to be offended.

When say they are trash they most certainly are trash. They suffer no cognative, emotional or physical disabilities, they have squandered opportunity after opportunity, they intentionally and knowingly participate in risky behaviors (which have thrown some out-of-wedlock, daddies-in-prison, babies into the mix (that showed them that having babies got them more money, working out great so far :@@
they are trash plain and simple. They are destructive to the world around them, offer nothing to society, are a detriment to their children, present a health risk to their neighbors, and much much more.

You can be a sucker if you want. Hold a hand for decades and see what it gets you. When you finally let go you'll notice your rings and watch are gone.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

What same brush? I clearly made a distinction. You're reaching for straws to satisfy a desire to be offended.

When say they are trash they most certainly are trash. They suffer no cognative, emotional or physical disabilities, they have squandered opportunity after opportunity, they intentionally and knowingly participate in risky behaviors (which have thrown some out-of-wedlock, daddies-in-prison, babies into the mix (that showed them that having babies got them more money, working out great so far :@@
they are trash plain and simple. They are destructive to the world around them, offer nothing to society, are a detriment to their children, present a health risk to their neighbors, and much much more.

You can be a sucker if you want. Hold a hand for decades and see what it gets you. When you finally let go you'll notice your rings and watch are gone.

Im not offended, im just frustrated that everyones so quick to judge and point the finger. Instead of offer reasonable arguments and constructive critisms. When you say they've squandered opportunity after opportunity. What Opportunitys are you reffering to. The opportunity to be born in to a sytem that does'nt care. The opportyunity to grow up in an impoverished neighbourhood, thats full of drugs, and violence. The opportunity to have those that should be offering them support and guidance, to simply dismiss them as trash. Im no sucker mate. I just look beyond what the papers say and let go of my ego for long enough to actaully find out for myself.

You sound like some old man who's too set in his ways to look past the end of his nose.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:32 AM
Moving out before foreclosure.
Why waste more money on a sinking ship.
Living with parents again barely getting by on social security benefits.
All the bet takers with AIG got theirs from the government now the rest
sit and wait for AIG to go away.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

Maybe you missed the "my family" part of the posts.

None of them are in impoverished crime-ridden, drug plentiful places. All middle class with paid for education thrown away and an inability to keep even a government job a thief and murderer couldnt get fired from.

They consciously chose a life of ghetto-fabulousness. They wanted the "cool" life. Casting off all common sense and actively seeking out bad choices. Perhaps their intentions were not to ruin their lives but merely to have a couple of years of 'fun' but the consequences are at this point irreparable.

I never claimed or made any indication I was speaking of or for all in this situation. Just those I know personally. The siblings, cousins, even the older Aunts and Uncles and the close friends I grew up with.

Same socio-economic start, same basic intelligence, same opportunities (several had far more opportunities than I did), same family life, yet for whatever reason they chose to be trash.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:52 AM
The unemployed are the ones who have the time to stand and watch the world(not saying all do),most people are so busy with there 9-5 job they forget about everything that surrounds them and this wonderful place we call earth.Seems to me that the hours that people are working now has a massive impact on our children and society,we are like machines.

Regards to all

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Stop trying to worm your way out of it. You've made it clear that you think all jobless people are trash. Your family included. I actually feel sorry for you. A persons worth should'nt be measured on the amount of money they make or the job that they hold.

Im not going to try to change your mind and i actually respect your honesty. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:32 PM
I think a lot of people are "gainfully unemployed" these days, it's just up to businesses to realize that and start employing those people. Either that or businesses will lose out to crowdsourcing and ideagoras, etc. Here are some good business audiobooks that I've recently researched via online library.

Good Business Audiobooks

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Well when I was unemployed I spent a good chunk of my time trying to get employed.

I gave up and started my own construction business and I've been busy ever since.

Sometimes its better to just grab the bull by his damned testicles and SQUEEZE a living out of him

Goodbye Bosses


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:45 PM
The best things in life are free,

happy is he that`s claims nothing ,

money is not worth working all day ,

SO i hear there are no more jobs 'well' what is there to buy at the store`s but garbage ?
slowly we are realizing this and soon money and gold will be worthless .

Most of you reading this will work all your life to get money to buy bullsh*t you never wanted or needed.
YES a job will give a sense of accomplishment ;but why?
what have you really accomplished ¿
when you poison the last river and cut down the last tree you will know you can not eat money .

love, smiles , adventure, freedom , good food and water, good health ,
all free ;what else can a man want .

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by -unknown

i agree, I dont think the people who do work are to blame. Their just trying to feed their family. Its the sytem that they are born in to. From the cradle your being groomed to become another subserviant drone. Now people dont realise that the wages they recieve are for their one and only life. Thats what your selling at the end of the day.

This cant continue forever, it will crumble under its own weight, once all has been raped. Then people will look to the jobless trash for ideas on how you survive.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by quantum_flux

I am unemployed but a full time student! I have been looking for jobs! But most of the time I am busy with University coursework and other educational things!

At the moment I am creating some 3D environments as I am a media technology student we do CGI for film and games!

I have a few friends who are unemployed and don't have any education and they just sit around all day watching TV and video games which is pretty sad!

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:18 AM
I just HATE getting resumes from desperate QUALIFIED's just so difficult for a business to grow in these times. All the excessive taxing on small/medium business while big biz gets a free ride (BAILOUT). People are under the impression that corporate conglomerates employ most people in the United States. That is incorrect. The majority of employment in the United States is in thanks to small/medium ranged business.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:28 AM
i have done a welding course since bien left unemployed.

right now i am making a chicken coop in my garden so i can collet fresh eggs in the mornings, once i have that made i will be making a vegetable garden there also to keep me occupied in the days. i am also on the waiting list to do another longer course in welding, im luck i am able to do something and learn more about something im interested in.
also i have rebuilt my engine in my impreza sinze it gave up on me not long after i lost my job and i had time to do it so i managed to save myself money that way too and get more experience too on working on cars which i also love.

in general i love working with my hands and doing handyman work around the house as im a hands on kind of person.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:59 AM
considering that many give up looking for a job and are stopped being counted as the unemployed, I would venture to guess at least some of them are spending their time just creating a job for themselves...(starting a small business) since they can't find one???

oh, but I am sure many of you don't want to hear that
they are home, playing video games, snorting crack, engaging with hookers every night of the week...
then on the weekend, they are enjoying nice little vacations on cruise ships in the carribean, all on your tax dime....

so, well, today when you go to work, you should beg your boss to lay you off, so you can enjoy the good life also!

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:23 AM
Reply to post by KrypticCriminal

I've made quite clear the contrary. Fortunately those reading the thread are not quite as obtuse and recognize this.

Take a breath, count to 10 and calm down.

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:29 AM
i'm in school to learn another trade...using my veterans benefits...
I wonder if someone will say i am wrong for doing that....

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:31 AM
Reply to post by dawnstar

The members of my family who have been unemployed for over a decade now are at gone doing just that.

And it isnt a good life. They are stressed and sick. Which intensifies their self meditating which in turn makes them more sick and stressed.

When offered help they stole and took advantage. Even gone so far as to break in to members homes and assault their own blood.

Trash, sadly, by choice.

Not every one is trash obviously but to assume trash doesn't exist is beyond foolish. They're just criminals who aren't in jail. Liabilities and public health risks. They neither want assistance or responsibility. They aren't having fun by any definition of the word. At least not now. Years ago it may have been fun but now it's just pain and failure.

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posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

then they aren't unemployed...
they are welfare lifers????

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