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History will continue to be written by those who have written it previously

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posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Let me just say that this is my opinion, and I do not claim it to be fact, in fact, I hope I am wrong.

Let me also say that if you do not believe that certain powers have existed for thousands of years, and continue to have strong influence on the system today, maybe this isn't the thread for you.

The Powers That Be, Religious, Bloodline related, Royalty, Bankers, and/or many others, have more influence over the events of our world than our public figure heads.

Looking back on the history of our planet, having a "fair" understanding of the last 5,000 years or so, it is easily conceivable that there have always been ruling forces.

"History" as we know it has clearly been written by someone under a certain influence. Every new generation leaves behind the last, which leaves behind the personal observations of those whom we trust. Alas, we are left with the observations of those who we do not know.

Knowing that holidays carry over into new cultures, just as language does.

9/11 for those who believe was clearly an "inside job" along with events dating back to Abraham Lincolns emmancipation and assasination, Woodrow Wilson's Fed Reserve Act of 1913, "our" involvement in WW2, the creation of the state of Israel, the Vietnam War, the George Bush Wars, and the continuation of those wars by our current president.

Is this not a design? Was this not the plan? What is at the bottom of every problem? A conflict. What do we have today? What will we have, no matter a success or a demise? A conflict.

The American economy can fall, the government can fail, the housing and employment markets can fail, and still we have a conflict. All of which can succeed, and still, we will have the same conflict.

What is the largest conflict? The most successful and strategic division? Man and woman. Everything else is a bi-product of this strategic plan of division. Think about that for a moment. This is not between political divisions or differences between countries. This is the New World Order. This is not about religions, or governments, or regions, or resources. This is not about currency. This is not about money. This is about control.

With that said, let me just say that I don't claim to understand the plan, I don't claim to understand the future or the past. I do believe however, that the age of division is upon us, and it is up to you to choose your own path... I do believe that we are being led in certain directions. Consumerism, corporatism, "one-ism".

Which are more important? Your needs or the needs of others? The needs of your government or the needs of the people those governments serve? The needs of the people or the needs of the government? The needs of the banks or the needs of the welfare of the people of this planet? The needs of hunger or the needs of control?

I apologize for not delivering more. This was a "last-minute" attempt.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:57 PM
Osamas name to be erased from the 9/11 indictment.

Article states: Typically, court indictments are dismissed when the defendant dies or is convicted on other unrelated cases. Such requests to drop charges are procedural and routine. Pending federal criminal indictments remain against other top al Qaeda officials and their associates.

Other pending criminal indictments will probably be amended in coming weeks or months to remove bin Laden's name, including his self-admitted role as mastermind of the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York on September 11, 2001.
End quote.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:36 PM
My siblings and I are in our 50's now, and just recently, many are succumbing to catastrophically bad illness, which appears to be a genetic innevitability in our line. It's got me scared. So it got me thinking about, if people are not living long enough, due to environment, poverty, stress, genetics, so that, NEW ones and new ones and new ones ("ones" being people in general) keep coming 'in', they can carry on the PTB playground, generation after generation after generation. With the help of revised propaganda and ignorance, long figured out by the more long lived.
The monkeywrench in that though, is the free worldwideweb at the moment, but how safe is it's reliability for us? Until the PTB kill it.
edit on 17-6-2011 by simone50m because: edit

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