posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Mr. D
reply to post by Rockpuck
Must be a bitter pill for the Jews to swallow seeing that they chose to crucify Jesus instead
of a murderer. According to his teaching of forgiveness, I believe that Jesus will forgive
them if he hasn't already. The question is, have or will the Jews be able to forgive themselves?
There is not much to say to your bigotry other then the truth. When have the Roman ever shown mercy to those who stood against them? And when did
Roman's adopt Jewish customs*? Pontius Pilate was big on Emperor worship(a typical bureaucratic suck up that was on very thin ice with Rome because of
previous problems in the Province) and built a large temple to the sitting Emperor of the time.
And when have Jew's used Crucifixion for blasphemy? Isn't the punishment being stoned to death? And who came up with the story that the "Jew's
killed Jesus"? The Roman's/Italians/ Roman Catholic Church!
Right, nice trust worthy lot they are. The truth of the matter is that Jesus was killed by the Roman's because he interfered with their tax
collectors. So in essence, Roman's/Italians are the real Jesus killers if it really means that much to you.
* The Washing of the hands to wash away sin/guilt is a very,very old/ancient Jewish tradition.
edit on 6-7-2011 by korathin because: (no reason