posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 11:49 PM
Perhaps I am unlucky. I grew up small town conservative. I worked my butt off to pay my way through a liberal college education. I maintain strong
relationships with both Rush/FOX loving conservatives and Maddow/MSNBC loving liberals. I see how conservatives can accurately label the media
liberal and I see how liberals accurately label the media conservative. I see the positives and negatives of the Tea Party and of ACORN. I can see
the positive influence of government and the negative.
But, beyond all the differences the left and right have, I have no doubt that both sides love our country and know that something is very wrong with
it. It has been wrong from Reagan to Clinton to Bush to now. This isn't about politics. While we are fighting with each other, people who do not
care about sides, moral or political, are doing whatever they want. While we are fighting each other on race or wealth or religion or atheism or stem
cells or health care or taxes or Dances With The Stars, the thieves are looting our country for no higher purpose than wealth. I've known people
from both sides who have sacrificed for this country. No side has a higher claim to patriotism. In the end, we are Americans, we speak out opinions
strongly and freely even though others may kick our ass for it.
So, what I am looking for with this post, is a promise from the most hearty defenders of both liberal and conservative idealogies that they will
consider the true American enemies while they debate. That we meet each other on the football field of debate, beat each other up during our debate
games, learn something from each other, then shake hands after the game and eagerly await the next game/debate. Between games, we all work toward
taking out the true enemies, domestic and foreign, who threaten the country all of us love, the country we are raising our children in. The same
children who will also speak out opinions strongly and FREELY even though others may kick their ass for it, unless we allow our country to be lost.
I just want a pledge from AT folks that they agree. I want the AT Police to allow one line responses for this thread. I want AT Police to allow me
to say a**
Maybe I am overstepping my bounds, but that is what I do. . .because I am an American!