posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 02:52 PM
"However, Mr van Boven warned against singling out the US for criticism, stressing that earlier this year he presented to the UN a study detailing
alleged torture in 80 countries around the world.
"We have to try not to be selective. We should be aware that there are many problems in other places," Mr van Boven said.
As an example, he mentioned the troubled Russian republic of Chechnya, where the Russian army fighting rebels is accused of abusing the rights of
I don't have a problem with them checking out Gitmo or any other facility as long as they check out EVERYBODY'S facilities with equal enthusiasm. I
also would want an independant group to go, not anyone with any kind of agenda against any country. Maybe Amnesty International or something...
someone who doesn't have any type of political interest, just humanitarian interests, at heart.