posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Originally posted by MrAtomicspace
reply to post by daluniverse
Quran and the muslim religion, like all other religion do not preach war, hatred, crime. But some people rely on religious scriptures to justify their
actions, which is totally absurd. Do not judge all muslims because you see people who pretend to be muslims and commit acts that cannot be tolerated.
There are a few rotten tomatoes in every market you go to, it does not mean the whole market is rotten...
This has got to be by far the Most ignorant and blindly stupid comment I have read in a long time. I challenge you to pick up the Quran, or the Bible
even and have a good long read. Its full of scriptures and commandments of the slaying and killing of non-followers, "evil doers" "blasphemers"
"sinners" anyone that doesn't align themselves with the said religion.
To the OP I applaud you for making an effort to figure out for youself as to the legitmacy of the general view on islam, but i shake my head in shame
how after watching one set of incredibly biased videos has changed your opinion.
I dont live in America, I'm from Australia but here we have had plenty of problems with muslim leaders preaching from their scriptures condoning the
rape of women who choose to "shame" themselves by wearing the average Australian dress standards, Condoning the "fight back" against the evil
christians who are trying to destroy Islam.
Of the course in general the Islamic community condems such messages, however you cant argue with facts read the quran. Seriously read it it will open
your eyes.