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A Message To Angry Americans--(Tea Party)

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posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
However, they are happy to discuss conspiracy theories that are banal at best and have no real impact on the world at large, while ignoring the major issues at hand.

It's a conspiracy theory website not a political/economic/environmental/insert-cause-here website. What else do you expect?

As for the OP, the list is rubbish. As are all the posts attempting to add to it. I and many others, both on this site and off, spoke out against what Bush was doing. We were called anti-American, liberal, left-wing nuts. When the face in office changed, but everything else stayed the same or just got worse we continued speaking out. Now we are called derogatory sexual euphemisms, right-wing nuts, and are accused of being racist Beck followers. Meanwhile several of the people in this thread and the thousands of tea party threads that already exist (looking for flags are we?) who I can remember speaking out against Bush right along side me get all bent out of shape if someone speaks out against Obama.

If you spoke out against Bush, but are bent out of shape when someone does so against Obama you are a hypocrite with very little intellectual honesty or integrity. If you said you spoke out against spending, the degradation of our Constitution, and invasion of our privacy through the Patriot act under Bush, but think little of Obama continuing those same actions and policies you are a hypocrite. You are what is wrong with this country. You are the reason why our national debt has skyrocketed. You are the reason the rest of the world thinks Americans are idiots.

While you sit up on your pedestals throwing rocks, this country is burning down around our ears and instead of helping put the fire out you'd rather point fingers and cling to your belief that you are somehow better than the rest of us. If nothing changes on election day, if all the congressmen and women who have been destroying this country for decades are still in office, the responsibility will fall on your shoulders. It will be your fault for playing into their hands and being more concerned with which side of the aisle they sit on than of their actions. It will be your fault for spending all your time on pathetic attempts to seem superior rather than focusing on what has been happening and who is responsible for it. It will be your fault for pointing fingers instead of paying attention. If you all spent half the amount of time paying attention and listening that you spend thinking up insults the last 10 years might have gone very differently.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Jenna

Why does every conversation around here devolve down to comparing Obama to George Bush.

George Bush was not born in Kenya. George Bush Sr. is a former director of the CIA. Obama is a creation of the CIA following the 1998 Nairobi terrorist bombings....Oh, wait! Now I see why all these conversations devolve to comparing George Bush and Obama. The CIA connections.

Now I get it.......never mind.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Tea Party candidates are ousting career politicians, democrats and republicans alike and I'm glad. The career politicians have put political expediency and their jobs ahead of the American people and blaming the other party won't fix it. They should all be thrown out.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by trash

Because even though we're saying the same things now that we said 3 years ago, all of a sudden we're racist, right-wing, Beck followers. Because some people seem to have comprehension problems and can't understand that nothing has changed for the better so we're still speaking out against the same things we've been speaking out against for years. Because the hypocrisy in all of these threads is so thick it's nauseating.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Jenna

Allow me to apologize on behalf of the liberal media that created so many illusions: this Obama thing got so many welfare liberals expecting apologies from successful people.

Two years down the road the welfare liberals are in worse shape than ever, and no apologies are coming from the successful.

Obama sought to divided the classes, the masses followed Obama's lead, now the welfare liberals are hopping around on one foot with egg on their faces.

The DOW is up over 11,000, while 95.000 more people expecting apologies lost their jobs last month.

Wow. Tough love. It's really tough.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 01:51 PM
I would like to hear what american users here on ATS have to say about the tea parties in general. Here in Europe we don't get much coverage about it. Is it really that big? I mean do you see these people on a daily basis?

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by NewlyAwakened
Ever hear of the straw that broke the camel's back?

Can we not be happy that people are waking up, or must we just complain that people didn't wake up soon enough?

^--- thank you.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Metallic Monk

well what they say in large part about the teapparties is that they are a bunch of fascist,nazis,islamophobic,bigots,haters..................thats the general concensus on this site.....have to remember the conservative viewpoint is outnumber on a site such as this.........

see these people on a daily basis well they are just people its not like they go to work and the store with their protest signs held up high....

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by neo96

Is the conservative view outnumbered on this site? Is the majority on ATS statists and liberal? I have a hard time accepting that. And when you say conservative, what do you exactly mean? Paleoconservative like old school republican or neocon fake conservative like Bush?
I figured most conspiracy theorists where either paleoconservative or libertarian or at least more close to those two ideologies than any other.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:49 AM
You really don't get it. I don't disagree with all of your points and there's plenty to be mad about from the last administration, but you're ignorant of some key facts.

My responses in bold below along with a few corrections...

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President. More liked saved the election process.

You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy advise on policy. Are you suggesting we let non-related industries advise, or perhaps politicians who are not experts in particular subjects?

You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed. I did, actually.
You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed. No. You are assuming we all disagree with it?

You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us aided terrorists, committed genocide, flagrantly violated sanctions despite repeated warnings, and by our best intelligence reports did have WMDs..

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower
Here is an interesting clip of a Tea Party rally posted by Mike "Lefty" Stanfill

edit on 16-10-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 10:56 AM
People will only put up with so much bull#.

Personally? My biggest beef is the government pimping out America to China.

Can't afford something? Oh. no worries, we'll just go grovel to China with our hat in our hands for a 'loan'. And again, and again and again.

Both parties are guilty of this, and I think the usually indifferent 'John Q Public' are starting to wake up to what the government has been doing with the public treasury. It is NOT the government's money.

It is mine, yours, our children's, and our parent's.

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