posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 09:25 AM
Originally posted by babybunnies
However, they are happy to discuss conspiracy theories that are banal at best and have no real impact on the world at large, while ignoring the major
issues at hand.
It's a conspiracy theory website not a political/economic/environmental/insert-cause-here website. What else do you expect?
As for the OP, the list is rubbish. As are all the posts attempting to add to it. I and many others, both on this site and off, spoke out against what
Bush was doing. We were called anti-American, liberal, left-wing nuts. When the face in office changed, but everything else stayed the same or just
got worse we continued speaking out. Now we are called derogatory sexual euphemisms, right-wing nuts, and are accused of being racist Beck followers.
Meanwhile several of the people in this thread and the thousands of tea party threads that already exist (looking for flags are we?) who I can
remember speaking out against Bush right along side me get all bent out of shape if someone speaks out against Obama.
If you spoke out against Bush, but are bent out of shape when someone does so against Obama you are a hypocrite with very little intellectual honesty
or integrity. If you said you spoke out against spending, the degradation of our Constitution, and invasion of our privacy through the Patriot act
under Bush, but think little of Obama continuing those same actions and policies you are a hypocrite. You are what is wrong with this country. You are
the reason why our national debt has skyrocketed. You are the reason the rest of the world thinks Americans are idiots.
While you sit up on your pedestals throwing rocks, this country is burning down around our ears and instead of helping put the fire out you'd rather
point fingers and cling to your belief that you are somehow better than the rest of us. If nothing changes on election day, if all the congressmen and
women who have been destroying this country for decades are still in office, the responsibility will fall on your shoulders. It will be your fault for
playing into their hands and being more concerned with which side of the aisle they sit on than of their actions. It will be your fault for spending
all your time on pathetic attempts to seem superior rather than focusing on what has been happening and who is responsible for it. It will be your
fault for pointing fingers instead of paying attention. If you all spent half the amount of time paying attention and listening that you spend
thinking up insults the last 10 years might have gone very differently.