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We all have soles, here is my argument, agree or prove me wrong if you can!!

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:00 AM
If we had no soles, then we would have full control of our bodies..lets say our bodies were cars, the drivers would be the sole. The driver can make the car move, drive it to gas stations to fuel it,,, but can a driver feel if there is something going wrong with the car? not unless it starts acting up, smoking or slowing down, making unusual sounds, but overall the driver has limited feeling, can’t feel every bolt in the car, or control every aspect of it while sitting in the driver's seat.
Now when a person gets a paper cut for example, can u feel ur white blood cells rushing to heal it? can you command your body to heal faster?, do you have full control of your organs and muscles? we do have a lot of control, but not nearly enough, that all points to one thing, that we are soles trapped in bodies, another point I can make would be taking a person that had just died, plugging that person into machines, get the blood going, oxygen pumped, heart kick started, with all that done, the dead person would not come back to life, unless its done quickly enough before the sole leaves the body, we all hear about the sole, but have you thought about it seriously? i believe logic, and science proves that we have soles and just because it might be ancient news, it is not necessarily fiction. I would appreciate everyone’s respectful thoughts and ideas on this subject, Thank you

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by stayjersey

Only those of us with shoes have soles.... or perhaps fishmongers have them too?

But in all seriousness.... in your car scenario, the brain would be the driver, not the soul.

I don't dispute the existence of a soul, but when you say about bringing someone back to life before their soul escapes, well people have died for minutes...even hours before coming back to life.
So not sure that speed is what's needed to keep the soul from escaping.

edit on 7/10/10 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:06 AM
Agreed we all have... 'Souls'

Spellcheckers too!

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:11 AM
I would have thought that this was more to do with the division of the brain into different areas.
Things like blood pressure etc are controlled by the HYPOTHALAMUS while the bits that might be called conciousness or soul are working within the higher brain function in areas like the FRONTAL LOBE.

I guess it depends on what aspects of human nature you are putting down to the soul? Could you give some examples of things that come from the soul and not the brain?

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Jeeez. SOULS!
Edit your post!

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by stayjersey

Yes, nephesh, to breath, we are all living breathing,


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:19 AM
If we had no souls it would play no part on our bodily function, unless you tried to make the connection of soul to the subconscious then perhaps I could see it having an influence, but as of now we are all 'supposedly' in control of our lives, a soul is part of one's life and therefore could connect and say that we are in control of our souls. I suppose one could signify it as being a silhouette of our own physical body. Jumping from one religion to the next trying to find answer ultimately arriving at Buddhism before departing I had thought such a thing as soul existed and that there was a place for it to reside, but during one of my spells that changed for me and now I am back at square one.

I would say it depends on one's perception and how they view themselves as to whether or not they would believe in an ethereal body residing in their physical body. As of right now if I "feel" out myself I would say I feel rather hollow, but if I believed fully in a divine power of some sort all my life perhaps I would be saying I "feel" light or something along those lines.

I expect a bit of this post to be torn about by more insightful minds

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:34 AM
We have "soul" only in so much as there is a world here that exists, that we live in and are a part of. It makes absolutely no sense that this world exists, or that we exist except for the fact that some kind of energy permeates it all makes it all possible. That is soul. This belonging, attachment to, being part of something that is miraculous and beyond comprehension.

The energy that is behind all of this has intention. That intention is the soul that drives us to experience life, and desire for knowledge and understanding.

It is not individual in my mind but shared between us and all living things -- maybe simply all things.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:36 AM
All that proves is that our bodies perform according to the laws of our physiology. An involuntary action such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion can be attributed to different levels of brain functions.
Whether or not we have souls, or live eternally, or whatever is something that I do not believe can be proven with current technology. Certain things can be hypothesized based upon data, but if the data is flawed or the data collector is biased one way or the other then it renders the conclusion uncertain.

My take on the matter is that IF we live in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities, the fact that we are existing now gives indication that we could possibly exist at some time in the future. I do believe however though, that all of our memories and experiences are stored in the brain, and unless there is some massive sort of data transfer at the moment of death from our brain into the great beyond that all of that fades as well. If that is correct, and we DO live again, we wouldn't have any prior knowledge of existing before, which is essentially the same to us as if we had never existed, which WOULD mean that death is the end of it all, as far as any one particular lifetime would be concerned.

Perchance that memories DO transfer from one life to the other, and each life is a learning process - we have proven ourselves to act quite contrary to the supposed lessons we have learned. In the past 100 years, crime is up, rape is up, divorce is up, child abuse is up, greed is up, pollution is up...the world has become an unsafe place to live and raise a child. Theoretically, the thief should learn not to steal...and carry that on to the next life. We see none of that.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by stayjersey

If we had no soles, then we would have full control of our bodies..lets say our bodies were cars, the drivers would be the sole. The driver can make the car move, drive it to gas stations to fuel it

*Souls* ...

I agree with the person who first responded, the brain would be the driver as the brain controls all bodily functions. Without the brain processing signals and transmitting commands to every system in the human body, we wouldn't function at all.

but can a driver feel if there is something going wrong with the car? not unless it starts acting up, smoking or slowing down, making unusual sounds, but overall the driver has limited feeling, can’t feel every bolt in the car, or control every aspect of it while sitting in the driver's seat.

Actually, very good mechanics can sense a problem occurring with their vehicles they drive on a regular basis well before that problem manifests as a bad sound or vibration. My brother in law has even found problems with my car that were not noticeable to me at the time.

Now when a person gets a paper cut for example, can u feel ur white blood cells rushing to heal it? can you command your body to heal faster?, do you have full control of your organs and muscles? we do have a lot of control, but not nearly enough,

The human brain has great control over the body, it's a simple matter of training through biofeedback techniques to do so. You can stop feeling pain, control emotional responses, even stop your heart for a short period of time.

that all points to one thing, that we are soles trapped in bodies,

Without meaning to be rude, but in all honesty, all your points thus far show us that you don't really know much about the human brain/body and it's capabilities. Obviously we can't expect people to know everything there is to know, but if you honestly don't know... then should you be jumping to conclusions of a soul without any tangible evidence of one?

another point I can make would be taking a person that had just died, plugging that person into machines, get the blood going, oxygen pumped, heart kick started, with all that done, the dead person would not come back to life, unless its done quickly enough before the sole leaves the body, we all hear about the sole, but have you thought about it seriously?

When exactly does the soul leave the body? How quick are we talking about? Some people have come back from clinical death from mere minutes to as long as hours after dying, depending upon the severity of bodily/organ damage.

i believe logic, and science proves that we have soles and just because it might be ancient news, it is not necessarily fiction. I would appreciate everyone’s respectful thoughts and ideas on this subject, Thank you

From my understanding, science doesn't really have much to say or offer on the prospects of a soul inhabiting the human body. The soul is a religious object only.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by stayjersey
If we had no soles, then we would have full control of our bodies..lets say our bodies were cars, the drivers would be the sole.

Ok, before it gets really annoying, it's spelled "soul". We do all have 'soles', they're on the bottom of our feet.

So how does this work? Let me see if you address how a lack of a soul would give us full control over biological function.

The driver can make the car move, drive it to gas stations to fuel it,,, but can a driver feel if there is something going wrong with the car? not unless it starts acting up, smoking or slowing down, making unusual sounds, but overall the driver has limited feeling, can’t feel every bolt in the car, or control every aspect of it while sitting in the driver's seat.

Alright, you're making a big misjudgment. I can actually feel if something is wrong with my body. If I get a cut on my back, I feel it right away. If I bang the back of my head, I feel it. I can feel every portion of my body that my nervous system runs through. I can feel my fingers typing this message, my posterior sitting in my chair, my eyes darting across the page as I type.

Now when a person gets a paper cut for example, can u feel ur white blood cells rushing to heal it?

Um...what? I'm sorry, white blood cells lack a connection to the nervous system. And they don't heal the wound, they merely disinfect it. It scabs up and then cellular division takes care of healing.

I don't see how this proves the existence of a soul.

can you command your body to heal faster?

Of course not. But again, how does this have to do with a soul? How would being able to violate physical laws follow from not having a soul?

, do you have full control of your organs and muscles?

Well, my musculature I have more or less full control of, save for my heart. And of course I don't have full control over all of my organs, that's because they're controlled by the automatic systems of my body. If I had to consciously control my heart beat, my digestive functions, my blood filtration and detoxification, my breathing, etc at once I wouldn't function.

we do have a lot of control, but not nearly enough, that all points to one thing, that we are soles trapped in bodies,

No, it doesn't. It just points to our brains being able to assert control over certain functions and not others because it would be evolutionarily pointless to be able to control my kidney functions. I get no evolutionary advantage from manual kidney function but I get plenty of advantage from automatic kidney function.

The lungs are a different story. There are plenty of great reasons to hold your breath. Bad smells, attempting to be quiet when predators are around, swimming underwater, etc. All of them point to an evolutionary advantage for a manual override over breathing.

another point I can make would be taking a person that had just died, plugging that person into machines, get the blood going, oxygen pumped, heart kick started, with all that done, the dead person would not come back to life, unless its done quickly enough before the sole leaves the body,

Again, nope. The main issue is brain function. If you don't restart the body before full brain death the body won't restart properly and the person will never come out of the coma.

we all hear about the sole, but have you thought about it seriously?

Yep, and I still see no reason to believe it.

i believe logic, and science proves that we have soles and just because it might be ancient news, it is not necessarily fiction. I would appreciate everyone’s respectful thoughts and ideas on this subject, Thank you

Well, I tried to be respectful, hope I succeeded.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 02:39 AM
Yes i do agree we all have soles, for we alll own shoes dont we. Souls on the other hand is an entirely different question.
Much more complex

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:33 PM
Thank you all for your input..and thanks for the spelling correction but you know what thats how i feel it should be spelled and thats how I like writing it SOLES ha!!! LOL :p)

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