posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:05 AM
Thanks for posting this, OP. I hate to say this, but I think not only can we NOT trust govt. reports that say a particular seafood is "safe," we
shouldn't trust the fishermen or the companies they work for that make such claims either. After all, it is their livelihood. Once they make any
admission that any seafood they've acquired is tainted by the oil, even if it only is a possibility and not confirmed, they will suffer for it in
loss of profit and lack of customer confidence in their product.
Personally, I don't see, given the extent of the oil spill (gusher) and the fact that it went on so long, how we can be sure anytime in the near
future that ANY of our seafood is "safe." This thing will have far reaching negative results for a long time to come.
Frankly, I recently gave up seafood all together because I think it's silly to assume any of it is safe at this point. Some might think that's an
over-reaction, but I don't. We can't trust our government to protect us, and I'm afraid we can't trust our food industry either. Neither have
had a stellar showing in the credibility department for quite a while.