posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:13 PM
With so much debate about ghosts, spirits entities etc, and millions of people trying to both prove and disprove the existence, has anyone actively
tried to return as a ghost?
The idea may sound strange; and hard to choose due to the fact that if one is religious they would most likely want to rest in peace, and if they dont
believe in general why would they want to try and be something they dont believe in, but could someone actually try to leave their mark, so to speak,
on the physical world by trying to become a ghost?
Most accounts and reasons given about ghosts are that they are either stuck on this plane of existence, dont know their dead, are a "engrained loop"
or image stuck on this plane due to environmental memory, died a violence death or an injustified one, and so on and so forth.
So if someone decided to kill themselves in the direct hope of keeping their "spirit" on this plane, or used determination, meditation, stubborness
or what have you to remain here once you naturally died, will you return as a ghost? Its not that difficult a concept to think that if a person died
without accomplishing something and therefore returned as a ghost in a vain attempt to do so (as some explanations say), that someone can't actively
try to keep their spirit bound to the earth.
Its an interesting concept to think of, as I have several times, not that I want to become a ghost, but some people might. It could also be done in a
"pseudo scientific" matter, with several people who are close to the "test subject" in question are supposed to remain aware and look for ghost
activity, monitor the location of death to see if paranormal activity appears, and so on. If there is a file so to speak on a person who passed while
attempting to become a ghost, it would help explain such paranormal activity. Most entities now are just assumed to be ghosts of someone who may have
died in the location, or given a name based upon absolutely nothing. But if you had actual data saying that there was no activity in a location, then
Jon Doe died at said time and date in attempt to remain here on this plane, and suddenly you get activity in that location, you know all the
information on the actual ghost.
Anyone else think this idea might not be so far fetched?
*Please dont kill yourself in attempt to remain on earth in the name of a experiment/board post*