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As millions of decent families face benefits cuts, one woman who's never worked in her life is inve

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Most families who are due to lose their child benefit are worrying about how they'll make ends meet without it. But for Kelly Marshall, who has five children by four different fathers, the handout has never been about paying for nappies, food and other everyday expenses. She saved her benefit money to help pay for breast enhancement. And as many parents envisage tightening their belts after the Tories announced plans to cut the benefit for higher-rate taxpayers, she plans to save more of hers for liposuction and a tummy tuck. Miss Marshall, who has never worked, rakes in almost £29,000 a year from benefits - and last year spent £4,500 to go from a 34A to a 34DD. She explained: 'I have wanted a boob job since I was a teen. But it wasn't until I had five children that I could afford it - with all the extra benefits I get. Now I hope to have liposuction, a tummy tuck and regular Botox.

Unrepentant: Kelly Marshall believes all mothers should be given cosmetic surgery

Luxury-living: Miss Marshall with her five children by four different fathers, from left: Mia, 11, Nio, ten, Lenni, three, Kallie, 11 and Lewis, 16. Each of their bedrooms has a flat-screen TV and they also have a Playstation3, a Wii and an Xbox 360

Wanting for nothing: Miss Marshall has an entire wardrobe just for her jeans


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:25 AM

She credits her kids for her boob job? She makes me sick!

People like shouldn't be able to breed. Four different fathers? Wow...cant say what I really think here....

So she is popping out kids for money and plastic surgery?? Octomom should have given birth there, she would be rolling in the dough..

How is she able to get these benefits?

She has never worked either? So she is living off other peoples hard work and feels its ok cause she has kids and deserves that money?

Assistance of any kind should be for those who REALLY need it. I hope when this gets out she never gets a dime again.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Yes there are some complete #ing wasters out there. The fact is the majority of people on benefits are entitled to every penny, and they need the money to live on. The media yet again are inciting hatred towards these genuine claimants by pushing the people who abuse their benefits in the face of everyone.

# the media. They are part of the reason this country is in the mess its in.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Double post
edit on 6-10-2010 by EnactedEgoTrip because: Double post

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:28 AM
It's spongers who have kids for no reason just to get extra money that should be punished however, i do feel sorry for the honest and genuine people

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:28 AM
welcome to socialism,

and all that good stuff.

call it what you want.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:31 AM
I hope this isnt out of line, but she really does have impressive breasts (not that she worked for them)

But seriously, women are doing this more and more these days, and its beyond a joke. How much more do us tax payers have to give them?

Its so wrong....leeches they are...mandantory sterilisation I say
edit on 6/10/2010 by OzWeatherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:31 AM

'I know most people will think it is wrong I am spending taxpayers' money on my looks. But I deserve it because I am a good mum. Having children has taken its toll on my body. All mums should be able to have cosmetic surgery. Read more:


She deserves it cause she is a good mom? She is teaching her kids BAD morals! What is wrong with her?

This woman only cares about her looks NOT her kids and it's obvious. I wonder if her kids know they are her meal ticket to her surgeries?

Another part she says she thought having kids would give her boobs and it didn't. Well duh! So she decided to have more kids to have bigger boobs? Does she not see how wrong it is. I know it's "her" money but she doesn't work and what qualifies her to get so much money?? Is she disabled? Can't work?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM
I mean, a society where social parasitic nonworking lazy leeches are rewarded with taxpayer money while hard working families struggle to make ends meet in a world where surviving the next week economically is their first and foremost priority, that to me is an undeniable symptom of a twisted society, don't you think?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:40 AM
It's stories like this that really show how ridiculous the benefits system has become.
The flat below me is occupied by a single mother with 3 screaming brats again all from different fathers, paid for by the council plus all the other benefits. She too has never worked and keeps complaining that the flat is too small and how the council should have given her a house after the 3rd child popped out.

I personally object to having a single penny of my hard earned taxed income being used to prop up selfish wasters who, due to their own lack of morals and responsibility get themselves into these positions. They claim they have a right to this and that but don't seem to stop and think about where the money ultimately comes from. Personal responsibility is a thing of the past it seems and, thanks to the carefully created nanny state, many now expect these benefits as a right and many more milk it for everything they can get, such as in this case.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for benefits for those that need them, I mean REALLY need them, but the present system is just rife with abuse and run by incompetent idiots.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:52 AM
Social Services should take this CHAV Breeders children from her and make her scrub public toilets to pay off her boobs. This is one idiot having a good old laugh at everyone's expense. White trash! I agree with Oz... the women is a poster child for the greater benefits of sterilisation.

edit on 6/10/10 by InfaRedMan because: (no reason given)

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