posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:08 PM
I would like to start this thread, by mentioning some of the obvious divides within our day to day lives. Those of us that come to this website and
choose to research subjects that most of the masses choose to ignore, this is dedicated and directed to you.
I myself as many others here were part of the machine, that has made the lives of those that research, a combat within ourselves. We live with the
realities of danger surrounding us, as well as lies, everyday. Those of us who continue to come here, ask questions, and choose to look deeper into
subjects, have to deal with the emotional, and sometimes physical aspects of this knowledge.
Even with the above mentioned, we sometimes carry some of the habits of the people who choose their minds to lye dormant. I say this because even
though we see the bigger picture, we choose to either bicker or analyze the smaller subjects as opposed to seeing the bigger picture.
Of course I know that we have to see the smaller things and then move up. But at what point do we decide that 100 small things still have one thing
that can tie them all together. And that to me is that we are still being distracted. We fight about republicans and democrats, as opposed to
discussing that they all work together, and there is no winner, as far as the people.
We would rather discuss subjects that have an overall similarity. What if we decide that when we decide to share our ideas, they can be that we know
there is a conspiracy, our outlook seems grim, but fighting the bigger fight is a resolution.
I propose that we have a discussion of what we will do to win. "We" those who don't want to see our world to go down the drain, start a thread of
agreement. Start a thread of resources, and solutions. Of course we cannot all agree, but bickering, isn't the answer either.
I would like this thread to be about change. Not the change of those who do not want to search, but for those that take the time, those that want
whats best, those who know whats really going on.
"We" are the voices, though not heard as loudly as others, can speak about the "real" issues. "We" know the inside, "We know the hidden, out of
the way information. Maybe we can discuss solutions that the "everyman" can understand. If the asleep cannot stand up, "We" can.
I still have hope for the better things. I still have hope that as long as we stand together we can make a difference. I know that this may sound far
fetched, and "doom and gloom" will probably drown this thread right out. But this IMO had to be said.
EVERYONE'S contribution matters, There was a time when people we able to unite, and stand up, and I know that with the knowledge and information that
most of us carry in out heads everyday, we the "conspiracy theorists" can make the difference.
I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist, and I am glad that there are those of YOU out there, that when it all comes down, we are not alone. Though we
may feel that way. We fight the good fight, and when all else fails, those who chose not to keep their heads in the sand will prevail.
Thank you for reading.
Peace, NRE.