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The True Human Divide. Its Working.

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:08 PM
I would like to start this thread, by mentioning some of the obvious divides within our day to day lives. Those of us that come to this website and choose to research subjects that most of the masses choose to ignore, this is dedicated and directed to you.

I myself as many others here were part of the machine, that has made the lives of those that research, a combat within ourselves. We live with the realities of danger surrounding us, as well as lies, everyday. Those of us who continue to come here, ask questions, and choose to look deeper into subjects, have to deal with the emotional, and sometimes physical aspects of this knowledge.

Even with the above mentioned, we sometimes carry some of the habits of the people who choose their minds to lye dormant. I say this because even though we see the bigger picture, we choose to either bicker or analyze the smaller subjects as opposed to seeing the bigger picture.

Of course I know that we have to see the smaller things and then move up. But at what point do we decide that 100 small things still have one thing that can tie them all together. And that to me is that we are still being distracted. We fight about republicans and democrats, as opposed to discussing that they all work together, and there is no winner, as far as the people.

We would rather discuss subjects that have an overall similarity. What if we decide that when we decide to share our ideas, they can be that we know there is a conspiracy, our outlook seems grim, but fighting the bigger fight is a resolution.

I propose that we have a discussion of what we will do to win. "We" those who don't want to see our world to go down the drain, start a thread of agreement. Start a thread of resources, and solutions. Of course we cannot all agree, but bickering, isn't the answer either.

I would like this thread to be about change. Not the change of those who do not want to search, but for those that take the time, those that want whats best, those who know whats really going on.

"We" are the voices, though not heard as loudly as others, can speak about the "real" issues. "We" know the inside, "We know the hidden, out of the way information. Maybe we can discuss solutions that the "everyman" can understand. If the asleep cannot stand up, "We" can.

I still have hope for the better things. I still have hope that as long as we stand together we can make a difference. I know that this may sound far fetched, and "doom and gloom" will probably drown this thread right out. But this IMO had to be said.

EVERYONE'S contribution matters, There was a time when people we able to unite, and stand up, and I know that with the knowledge and information that most of us carry in out heads everyday, we the "conspiracy theorists" can make the difference.

I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist, and I am glad that there are those of YOU out there, that when it all comes down, we are not alone. Though we may feel that way. We fight the good fight, and when all else fails, those who chose not to keep their heads in the sand will prevail.

Thank you for reading.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:19 PM
Great post, well said. First thing to improve your well being is stop watching corporate news and just Tv in general. Negative images and terms can have effects on our minds. Spend more time in nature if you can. Eat healthy and promote this idea of well being to others. Find time in the day to help others. Its a start i think.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:39 PM
too true good sir! I'm still really young, but even in my own high school i see how people are growing to divide themselves based on political standings/religious practice/etc. To me it seems that everything in life is starting to move further and further to one polar extreme or another, and people are forgetting that the truth of things lies in the middle. We all have our own biases, and to succumb to those biases and hate another for doing the same is just a waste of time.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:08 PM
Sometimes we can get pretty overwhelmed with this type of research, or any research at that. I think that we can focus on the bigger picture and realize that the divide that we see outside those that choose not to be awake, also happens to those of us who are.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:14 PM
I believe that we are kept divided on purpose, with whole range of issues. There is the race divide, the religion divide, the class divide and last but not least, the political divide. We are manipulated into a lot of these divides, either through wrewritten history or false perceptions, the media and our political leaders. The result is that we have a society that is fractured along multiple lines. This ultimately distracts us from the real issues, while our leaders rob us blind and subvert our natural liberties.

Who cares whether the national language is English, when our trade deficits are through the roof and we are hemorrhaging money at the behest of corporate interests. Who cares about a mosque in NYC, when our Constitution is being sidelined and our liberties are being thrown in the fire of tyranny? Who cares about prayer in school, when our leaders are killing thousands of our own citizens for some kind of sick power-grab? Who cares about lowering taxes by a few percentage points, when that money is only feeding greedy bankers?

We have bigger issues to worry about, then the issues they want us to worry about, the issues that we are distracted with, which just happen to be the same issues that distract us. We can't see the forest from the trees here and Nero's fiddle is so out of tune, that it's not even pleasent to listen to, while Rome is burning around us. I do have to give it to the elites, as their distractions and dumbing down of the population is so effective that most Americans have turned into zombies.

edit on 5-10-2010 by airspoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:35 PM
I spent some time posting on political issues. You know the ones..left is this..the right is that. I just wanted to scream, wake the hell up! It's all smoke and mirrors to keep us apart. We are all one. I mean, really, we are one. I think to myself, what the heck are you doing getting sucked into this, but sometimes I just want to bang my head against the wall. I know, everything happens for a reason and each soul bought there ticket before the ride started and everyone knew what kind of ride it was gonna be; but enough....enough. I just want the ride to be over. It's boring. I know the ride will be over soon. Some of us will get off and some of us will ride it one more time. I bet you want off too. What's next? I don't know if I can stand another ride further down the midway. I'm off to see who's behind the curtain. It's probably myself?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Star and Flag!
We should utilize the information we discover to better ourselves. Knowledge, Information, Technology, Materialism.... we have forgotten about our souls! Religion not your thing? Then get some philosophy in your life! All the laws in the world can not make you a good person. The world has forgotten about Morals and Ethics. We forgot to take the time to work on and build up our character. Righteousness, Patience, Love, Compassion, Understanding, Honor... you rarely hear these words in action any more. How can we fix society... fix the world... when we don't even think to fix ourselves?

reply to post by Dr Cosma

I couldn't agree with you more! We need to break free from the propaganda of negativity, deception, and manipulation. Kill your t.v.! And we definitely need to get away from the poison we are being fed, i.e., GMOs, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, hormone injected meats, fruits and vegetables saturated with chemicals and pesticides, flouridized water.... so sad.

Long rant/reply! But let me leave with this;
"You must be the change that you want to see in the world."
"Treat others as you wish to be treated."

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:31 AM
Ive always thought of creating a society of truth seekers. I know there are already these types of groups but we need one that are teaching the people. We need a world group that its members set up work shops in different countries giving lectures on how to survive nuclear war etc

Also teach people how they can save themselves, solar panels etc
Also teach young people alternative views. If we want things to change we need to work directly with the people as actions do more than words.

Members in the group should pay annual fees so there is funding for all of this. I used to do this through Hip Hop, kids need to see that its something cool also. We need to teach that its a cool thing to learn and to be educated properly.

People have lost self belief, we need to teach that.

Another thing also to help, if youre a writer, write about this, if youre a musician, sing about it, if youre an artist draw about this etc

edit on 6-10-2010 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:21 PM
Thank you all for the replies and great ways to possibly change what we know is going on, but not actually saying.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Though we continue to be distracted, most of us have the same initial outlook. That's what will keep our minds in motion, to continue to look into the things that others decide to ignore.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:04 PM
Well, it seems to me that the issue of "divisiveness" is kinda like the half full/ half empty question. Some are lost & in that process, others are cleaved together. I've wondered if bringing up divisiveness is a way of preventing that loss (of people/ number of people in the group) especially from aligning themselves (or making them available) to something else/ some other group. Kind of creating a "this or nothing" sensation or maybe trying to create self doubt or "guilt" for disagreeing. In other words, even if they aren't going along, to prevent them from opposing. It silences people.
I worry more about people who are just disenfranchised entirely- when people just throw up their hands & drop out/ give up/ let someone else decide for them. That is the most dangerous & allows domination by default. Apathy or complacency are dangerous to everyone but the agenda.

It's odd, I think, that sometimes someone will accuse another person of doing something or "starting" something or "being aggressive" (or divisive) when the accused is actually responding/ reacting to what the accuser has done, said, or is advocating. Or it could be sort of like "kill the messenger".
I'm not speaking to the intent of this thread (necessarily) but just to conflicts/ ideological battles in general.
Is there something "wrong" with standing for something or standing up for your own convictions- actually having a sense of right & wrong or even, any opinion at all?

Why must there always be a struggle for control or dominance? Why can't people- as a group, not seek to impose their personal beliefs upon others? Live & let live. This is why we all can't get along.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

You are unfortunately in the minority that wants to celebrate our similarities as humans. The majority like to highlight the differences. this is reinforced through many mediums such as the media portraying us as individuals who are completely different. Essentially most of us want harmonyu and peace but are driven apart through many complex strategies so we feel alienated from one another.

We must celebrate our common purposes of love instead of reinforcing negativity. The butterfly effect of indifference grips humanity and takes brave souls like yourseld to highlight the similarities.

I speak not of DNA but of self-actualisation which will only occur when we snub the curse of humanity which is the consumerism and capitalism most adhere to

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