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Your Spiritual Revolution VIII: Basic knowlege VII: Meditation for Beginners

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:20 PM
This thread is part eight of the series „Your Spiritual Revolution“ and part seven of the section „Basic knowlege“. In this first mainpart i will give you the essential knowlege you will need to go on.

I appreciate to start with the Introduction! You find it here...
You can follow the parts down in my signature to go to the next part by clicking on the different roman numbers.

Oh, before i start i have to apologize for a little mistake i´ve made in the last thread title.
Maybe you have noticed the incorrect roman number in the title...
Sadly i am not able to change it now (Mods? Admin?), but i will now go on correctly and hope it wont happen again...

Basic knowlege VII: Meditations for Beginners

After many fellow seeking spirits have asked me for a beginner thread about meditations, here it is...
Again i dont claim to have the full knowlege and all suggestions, additive informations, meditation exercises and corrections and else are welcome.
I hope this thread will grow to a knowlege base for everyone that search advise about how to start with meditations.

What is meditation?

The word meditation originates from the latin word meditatio, deduced from the verb meditari and means “to think about, to ponder or to reflect“. It is also related to the latin words mederi - „to heal“ and medicina – „the art of healing“ and to the greek word μέδομαι or μήδομαι means “to think, to ponder”, too.

So to say meditation is a form of reflection. A kind of higher thinking thats purpose is to get a selfreflection with healthy effects...

The practise of meditation is a spiritual way to achieve a wealthy, holistic awarenes over the body, mind and spirit and in far-east traditions the formulated maingoal is to reach an enlighten state of consiousness. During the advancement of the practitioner, he goes through many different levels of selfawareness and expands his conscious mind above the general level. It is also possible to get several psychic abilities. I don´t label them as supernatural because they arent. I would assume, they are as much as natural as even possible! But that´s another story...

Even if you dont believe in this spiritual issues and even if you are a materialistic atheist, there are many positive effects on the body by meditation. But i will try to include all things that come to my mind that could be a possible positive effect for you... M/A´s don´t get upset with me...

-When practicing meditation constantly...
-you get more relaxed in daily life.
-you can handle stressful situations easier.
-muscle tensions will be solved.
-you get a higher daytime awareness
-you gain better concentration
-you learn to focus on a certain subject
-it raises material and emotional well-being
-you achieve a better view on yourself (body, mind, spirit...)
-you may get new ideas and solutions for problems
-you may gain insight into your subconciousness
-you can rework and solve traumatic or at least bad situations from your past
-you can get insight into your energysystem (including auralayers, chakras, meridians, flow)
-you can learn to work with your energysystem
-you can learn to travel in astral planes
-you may learn to achieve and use your energybody
-you can have many different visions and experiences beyond the general conciousness
-you may get information from past lifes
-you can get access to the akasha chronicles (will explain it in an own thread)
-you may be able to heal yourself and others
-you may master your mind and your ego self
-you may get in contact with your higher self
-you may be able to get behind illusions ( like matter, what is the plural of “the matrix”?...)
-you can come behind the mystic meaning of symbols
-you can come to a state of oneness with yourself
-you can get in harmony with nature, mother earth and universe
-you may step into Nirvana...
-you may become an enlightened master...

*to be continued*
edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:21 PM

There are so many technics outthere from nearly every religion, culture or region and this meditations all depend on the actual view of the mystical backround of each school.
I couldn´t count them all...
Since the seventies the new age movement brought the western civilisation more in contact with the far-east traditions but they twisted and “reformed” them to fit for the western believesystem.
There are also christian and islamic meditations, but they mostly focus on finding god by meditating on religious symbols, prayers chantings or dancing into trance sessions ...
I really feel no urge to go too deep into them. If someone want to share their experience with it, here is the place. But i want to remind you that this is thread is a free-spirit thread... I don´t want to have any missionary style posts in here (Mods: please read them as off topic!)... Show us just your experiences and respect us free minds.

Actually you can divide all types of meditation into two mainforms:
-The passive meditation, that is done in a quiet resting position and
-The active meditation, is mainly associated with body movements, mindful observing of your and others actions. But it also relates to speaking mantras or chanting.

The most important point in any meditation is before you start you define a goal you want to reach. This can reach from getting a deep relaxion level over having a cleared mind to bigger goals like chakra tuning/opening/workings or astral travelings.
But first you should start with getting the basics on what i will focus now a little and what will be the heart of this thread. Dont set your goals too high as you would be disappointed if you don´t reach them in the wished time.

What is the core of meditation?

In general i would say that the core of every meditation practice is:
-The bodys position (or movement) and its relaxion
-The awareness is focused on a special object/subject
-The awareness is centered /expanded

Many will tell you that, as it is the very core of meditation.
If someone doesn´t agree on that or has to add something, feel free to do so...

The first point is the bodys position and the relaxion of it. Some different positions i will elaborate later, so you can read the thread in the order you can work with it.
Relaxion is the next part of this point and goes hand in hand with your position. When you have a uncomfortable position you cannot fully relax, when you are too comfortable you will fall asleep... Also relaxion will be a matter of subject in the right context later...

The next point, the focused awareness, is very important, despite you just don´t want to relax a little. The object or subject for meditation defines your goal and inhabits the course of what you wanna do. This can be just a point you want to focus on, but also a symbol/figure/mantra/mandala or thought. I would also assume that your meditation exercise and manual counts into it, too.
In all cases, irrelevant what you want to do in your meditations, you first have to make/read/define/think about a course or object/subject, before you start to meditate.
The possibilities are infinite and only limited by yourself and what sources you prefer...

*to be continued*
edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Shure, you can also just sit down, do a meditation and just observe what comes around as this is your full free choice and a kind of intuitive spiritual way, but then you have to study afterwards what this has been. As i know from my experience that many spirits will have similar experiences. Not at the same time or age, but at their very own spiritual development level. Just look around ATS for threads where the OP asks for help because he had this or that...

The centered awareness is the tool to establish your object/subject. You can also call it concentration. It is the manifested will to stay on your point and maybe you still have to train it.
Maybe you arent able to concentrate very well or only for a short time. Then i would urge you not to take any drugs or medicines but to set this as your first big goal for meditation! You will see you make big efforts in the next half (or one) year, what depends only on your very own discipline to do it constantly and on a regular basis.

I know many of you advanced practitioners have questioned yourself, why i wrote ...”/expanded” right after centered. How can that go conform with a centered (concentration) focus?
This is a little riddle i still want to uphold until i am ready with the basics... more on that later...

What is to do before you start?

Before you start to meditate you should do some preparations. It really depends on you how far you want to go for it. Some don´t feel the need and some may not have the possibilities to implement everything. Again it is your free chioce to do what you want and how important this points are for you.

1. The right place

The right place for meditation is a essential basic, as it influences you and the outcome of your exercises directly.
Surely the best place for your daily meditation would be out in in the nature, where you are undisturbed for the whole meditation time, where you have a nice clean environment and fresh clean air. But if you are living in a city you probably won´t find such a nice place outside. And i know nearly nobody that has everyday the time to walk/drive/fly an hour or more to such a place (and this back again!)...
So you have to find a nice place in your home, near your work or wherever you are able to...
At ist best you should have a special room where you can meditate. But that depends on your budget.
The room should have few different attributes:
It should be clean. In a dirty environment you cannot meditate very well...
It should be a place away from the streets and where you can stay undisturbed by outside influences. There should be the lowest noise level possible, it should not smell bad.
It should be not packed full with stuff or many posters/pictures on the walls. At least it should not be used as a depot for any stuff and be free of any influences. (Think of a buddistic styled place... Its almost ...ahem... nothing in there!)
It should be a room with a window and a good airflow. Fresh air is always important for meditations, at least for the breathing technics. If you like to use incenses you will need absolutely!
It should be as near as possible to the earth. At its best directly on natural soil. I even hold the opinion that one should not meditate (or worse: even live!) as higher as two levels above the ground as this is important for energy purposes. (On a mountain is okay as it is connected with earth, but a skyscraper out of unnatural materials with alot of elektrosmog down you?)
If you have a residence where other people live (up-)downstairs, make sure what is under (over) the place where you want to meditate! Also think about electric wirings and water pipes! All this could disturb your outcome and is mabe a reason why you have had problems with past meditations. And also think about the walls, your own electric devices and even radio towers and e - transmission lines...

Some might paint their room in a certain colour. My own room is painted burgund red (one and a half meter from the ground) and orange ( the rest plus the ceiling).
I would assume to take organic or even natural paint. And also you could find out what colour your aura (mainly) has and use this as colour. This will have a positive effect on you!

2. Meditation tools

If you like you can buy -or better- make yourself some implements that are not essential but will help you a little.You can buy them in the internet or at stores that stock yoga or meditation articles.
But i recommend to make them by your own if you are skilled enough (they dont have to be perfect! You don´t want to sell them...). You will put your creativity, work and energy into it what will pay out later...

As you won´t like to sit on the naked floor you may want a blanket or pillow to sit on.
Some tell you to buy a rubber mat or a typical camping mat, but you surely know that rubber and (most) plastic doesn´t conduct electricity. So they are for meditation purposes useless.
I tryed many different versions and i think it depends on what you want to do. I use many of them for all the different purposes and positions. But i suggest to use them only for your meditations, not for something else.

Next thing you may need is a small altar. You can put there things on you may need for your exercises. For instance, candles, incence bowls, a picture holder, a vase for flowers, a waterbowl, etc..
It should be not a high table. Maybe 20 to 60 centimeters but not higher than eye level.You are only limited by your fantasy how it should look like. Do whatever you are comfortable with.
What not belongs on there are thing that distract you, foods (exept it is your object of meditation

A digital clock with a countdown ability is also a good thing. With it you can measure how long you want to meditate. Dont take an analog clock as the ticking will distract you and it should be only a helping accessoire if you feel the need for it. AND dont take your mobile phone as a watch or countdown! It radiates so much different frequencies it will surely disturb you.
To the length of meditations i will come later in explicit. I never used a clock.

*to be continued*
edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Inscense and burner or an aromatic oil lamp is another nice appliance. If you like you can burn some incense you prefer, short before your meditations but dont let the room be full of smoke. You should have always enough fresh air and oxigen in your room. The incense or aroma can help you to relax, just a little bit (0,5 – 1 cm) of a stick is enough. The most famous incense is “Nag Champa”, a typical insence from buddistic temples, my favourite is “Green Champa”. But you can take whatever you like.

And at least you need some clothes for your meditations.
Loose clothings are recommended. You should not wear anything tight that surpresses your blodstream and that is uncomfortable in your favourite position(s). Also i would say this clothes should be out of natural textils. 100% Cotton, hemp, silk, etc... is good. All syntetic clothes are bad as they could limit your energy output. I myself meditate naked at home or at least in a boxershorts.
For outside i have a nice selfmade silk kimono.

Okay this are the main tools you will need, but there are many more. I have a medium sized box with alot of stuff, like different stones, my collection of mandalas, my clothings and much more...
It really depends on you what you want and how far you want to go for it.

*to be continued*
edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:23 PM

What position?

In what position do you wnat to meditate, depends on what you are most comfortable with. The typical clishee is to see a yogi in the full lotus position. If you never have heard of it dont mind, i will explain it in a few seconds...
But there are so many possible positions that i could write a book about them...
I won´t. Tho i will adress only the most common ones.

In vedic scriptures these positions are called “Asanas”. I will call them this way too as i am comfortable with them... But i will also include the common names...

1. Vajrasana – Dragonseat

The dragonseat is a very nice one for beginners as it is the easiest position for western people.
After the full lotus, it is the firmest seat and is the best position to hold a straight back easily.

1. Get down on the knees with closed legs
2. sit down on your legs so your butt rests on your heels
3. turn up your upper body but take care that your back is straight
4. loosely spread out your arms
5. lay your hands with the palms up on your thighs
6. loosely stretch your fingers and close ´em slightly
7. hold your head straight, neither duck ´em up nor down
8. close your eyes if you want to meditate on an object/subject

If you notice stronger tensions in your thighs, calves or arches, distensions might help before you get into this position. As more loose you are as easier and longer meditation sessions in this position will be.

2. Siddhasana – Open lotus

This position is another easy one and is prefered the most as for much spirits the full lotus or the dragonseat is harder to do. The downside of this position is that it feels harder to uphold a straight back for a long time. But it you will feel more loose or open tha in dragonseat or lotus.

1. sit down on the floor
2. pull you left (or right) heel as close as possible to your pelvic base
3. lay down your other foot as close as possible, heel on heel
4. loosely spread out your arms
5. lay your hands, with the palms up, on your thighs
6. loosely stretch your fingers and close ´em slightly
7. hold your head straight, neither duck ´em up nor down
8. close your eyes if you want to meditate on an object/subject
3. Savasana – Corpse pose

The corpse pose is the easiest and you dont need any guidance to do it as you might do every night.
But because of the similarity to your sleeping position it could be hard for newbies NOT to fall asleep! Chilled spirits will quicker get tired, more nervous ones could get the right calming down by it. For the last ones this position can be very helpful.
Also i would recommend to do meditation in this pose as a daily ritual before you go sleep...
Many things can happen...

The only thing i would add is that the feet shouldn´t touch each other and the hands should lay beside the body.

4. Padmasana – Full lotus

This is quite a difficult technic and not recommended to everybody. But it is the firmest and most straight one. You will have a straight back automatically and you could meditate hours, if not days in this position without being able to fall to any side. Nut it is quite hard to do and you will need a long preparation time before you could meditate in this position and feel comfortable with it. But that depends on your ability to stretch and your joints. As older you are as harder it will be for you.

1. sit down on the floor
2. put you left (or right) heel at the top of your opposite thigh
3. now put your other foot at the top of the other thigh
4. loosely spread out your arms
5. lay your hands, with the palms up, on your thighs
6. loosely stretch your fingers and close ´em slightly
7. hold your head straight, neither duck ´em up nor down
8. close your eyes if you want to meditate on an object/subject

There are surely many more positions, like from Hatha Yoga or the Five Tibetans, but it would let the thread OP (yes this is still the opening post!) explode if i would list them all. If you have another pose than the ones i mentioned or you have certain experienes with them, feel free to inform us about it...

Also sometimes i read or hear that meditation should only be made in a position that is perpendicular to the earth core. I would assume that this is BS.
As long asyou are in any way connected to earth (and not meditating on the empire state building...) this won´t be an issue to you...

*to be continued*
edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:24 PM
How deep you want to go?

Now we want to look at different levels you can reach and achieve during meditations.
The issues of this paragraph will be relaxion -, awareness - and concentration levels.

Surely all of this mentioned above is connected with your brain activity. I was talking in the second part about the different states. Here is a little quote out of it:

Brainwaves are categorized in 4 categories : Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
Beta (13- 40 Hz)
Beta is associated with our waking activity. During a day we experience all the brainwave patterns with a predominance of Beta.

Alpha (8-13 Hz)
The first pattern discovered in 1908 by an Austrian Psychiatrist named Hans Berger. Alpha pattern appears when in wakefulness where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness. Light meditation and day dreaming. It is recommend to practice your creative visualization and auto-suggestion technique in alpha state.

Theta (4-7 Hz)
Associated with creativity, dreams and Extra-sensory perception for the student the theta state is something to learn to go at will.There are countless ways to achieve this level, but i will state later... Theta is simply the state where your ESP can operate. If you do the proper work you can learn to enter theta at will and perform most of the psychic activities. I can tell you for example to go in theta to perform consciousness travel to read the aksha chronicles, but again this will follow in a later thread...

Delta (0.5 - 4 Hz)
Delta is associated with deep sleep, this pattern is very slow, however, this brain waves pattern is important for the explorer of consciousness. If you work to merge with the mass consciousness of our planet you need to work in delta. The first step will be to learn to be conscious in your dreams, you can do that, you can go further in the exploration. Astral projection or Out of Body Experience occurs in Delta.

Okay, this goes hand in hand with relaxion levels. So there is not much to add to this.
As more relaxed you are as deeper your brainwaves will be. The steps form beta to alpha level are the most interesting as it is the slide between the awake daytime state and the start of meditation or sleeping and dreaming.

But i want to add now some information on the states you go through as more as relaxed you are.

First step: Serenity

This is the state when you sit down and calm down. Everybody knows it (at least i hope so...).
The muscles are only relaxed superficially and of short time. At this step no phenomenoms occur.
But it is an important step for beginners as this mindset is the first you have to reach when you found your position.

Second step: Looseness

The muscles are limp, maybe your lower jaw hang a little. Breathing and hartbeat are calmed and a bit slower. You wil feel you body is more heavy than normal and pleasant warm.
The awarenes is more focused to inside, but your perception of your environment is still normal. Somtimes you could feel swindle or the feeling of falling.

Third step: Separation

There are the same effects like in step two but you will feel more away from everything. Inner and outer influences are hardly reduced and feel subdued. At this stage astral phenomenoms in the vision could occur. Sometimes you feel parts of your body aren´t laying in the right position. Thats a first step to out of body experience (OBE).

Fourth step: Rigidity

There is no perception of the own body and outer influences anymore. The body is layed off. Sometimes this state is called, the “diamondbody” or “Pratyahara-effect”. This rigidity or anaesthesia usually begins at the legs and goes up. It is possible that you get panic because your breath is so flat and slow you maybe thinky you need air. Typically you will try to breath deeper and get away and back from this level.
Actually this happens every night when you fall asleep! It is the same feeling when you start to sleep in but your mind is fully awake (but more on this in another part...)
If you cannot handle this situation go to a advanced practitioner and ask them for help... This you only can do in real life. Internet or any tele advisors wont help you much...At this stage you can prepare yourself to get out of the body into OBE or astral planes...

Fifth step: Paralysis

This is the final stage of rigidity. When your full body is anaesthesied and you have no control over it. At the first times you reach this you will fall into panic and try to force your body to move. This works! And it will bring you back to daytime awareness.
What the reason might be to reach this level is astral travel, gain insides to your subconciousness, to work in your inner room (will explain it all in another thread) or just meditatoe about a certain object or subject.

*to be continued*
edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Now i will give you now some advises and exercises to get better relaxed.
As i have mentioned before, drugs (legal or illegal) are a no-go! You wont get any success in meditation by it. They anesthesize certain parts of the brain or block the communication between brain and different body parts.

The first exercise is one i aforementioned in another part:

The 424 Breathing:

Before you start with this open two windows to get fresh air inside (if you are not outside and if the environmental air isn´t dirty) Get yourself into a cross-legged sitting position with a straight back and lay your hands with the back on your knees. Don´t force yourself, they have to lay easy on your knees.
Now close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Now when you start to breath in tip with your thumbs at your forefinger(1 second), then the middlefinger(1 sec), then ringfinger(1 sec) and then your little finger(1 sec). As long you do this breath in (at least 4 seconds).
Now relax your hands and hold the air for 2 sec. During breathing out you now go back with your fingertipping from the little to the forefinger. Relax again and stop breathing for 2 secs again. And now do it again! Do this as long you feel it to be right.

You will notice that your heart will bump at a slower rate and you maybe feel a little swindle. This is because you get much more oxygen into your body than with normal breathing.
Some say they got through this exercise a kind of awakening of their root chakra (i.e. Kundalini) Some even describe it as they feel they start to fly! This is a nice way to get your body energized by oxygen. But at the same time you get more relaxed by it.

Second exercise:

Going down:

Get into your favor position and relax a little. Breath deep with closed eyes.
Now imagine a picture you are comfortable with, i for myself take a down moving staircase.
Others like to take an elevator or running dow a hill or anything you like most...
Count down from ten til zero, whereas every new number comes with the new cycle breathing in...
You have to visualize the numbers anywhere in your vision.
When you´re down at zero, feel into you if you have reached the level you want. if not count once more...
You will feel it if its okay or not... But if you are not sure you can also imagine a small

Third exersice:

Full relaxation of the body

This is a wonderful technic in corpse pose or open lotus:

Start with the feet.
Contract all muscles for a few seconds and feel all muscles. Be one with ´em. Then relax them.
Go on with your lower legs, then upper legs, then your hip, then belly, your back, breast, upper arms, lower arms hands, then throat, face, upper head...
You will feel full relaxation if done right (this will need training but after two three times you will be comfortable with, or you can do it by will...)
Now your body is done.

*to be continued*

edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:25 PM

Concentration levels

Dont confuse concentration with awareness. Concentration is centered awareness with the focus on a certain object or subject.

When you start to meditate you will notice how much is going inside your head, how much thoughts you have parallel when you try to focus on your object. Take it easy and just go back to your object.
After a little time of practise you may feel that your thoughts will be more and more, but that isn´t the case. You are just more aware for them! Dont care for them and focus on your goal.
By the time they will go away. At the end of this paragraph i will give you some advices, so stay cool...
What will follow now i would call the “stages of concentration”:

Daytime awareness:

This first step is more of a try to concentrate. Mainly it endures not longer than 20 seconds. Your will is not strong enough and needs training or you are too strong and won´t get any results besides headache...
As longer you train to hold your object as longer you will hold your concentration.

Daytime concentration:
For a short period of time you can uphold the focus on the object/subject now. This wont be longer than 1 to 2 minutes. You have to train your will more...

Interrupted concentration:
You are able to uphold your focus on your object longer and longer. But you still have some interruptions. At this stage at about 5 to ten times in an hour...
You stil have to train your will more, to hold the concentration.

Continuous concentration:
You have reached a level of concentration where you can hold your concentration without any disturbances. But your object sometimes gets out of the middle of your focus. You never loose it anymore but there are some other thoughts or things that influence you, that bring you away from your object. You still need to learn how much or less will you have to give for the corrections.
This you only can do by regular and continuous training.

Deep Concentration:
You have reached your goal. Now you have the full concentration on whatever you are doing.
You still will get distracted by your feelings but now you are able to fix that quickly...

On-Point Concentration:
You have mastered the concentration. You are now so focused that nothing can bring you off the track. This is the point you want to reach. This it the point when you and your object/subject melt together and become one. This is the moment when it opens up the mystical meaning behind its facade when you start to embody its forces. This is the one point focus...

As i know, there are many novices that cannot hold the concentration and many have the problem to get a clear mind. I will now explain a few exercises how you can fix that.

First exercise:

The breathing method

Get into your position and relax.
Close your eyes and breath through the nose. Feel the streams of air flowing in and out.
Do this until you feel a calming down of your thoughts. If you get distracted again concenmtrate on your nose, on your breath again...

Second exercise:

The bursting bubbles

Get into your position and relax.
Try to imagine yourself inside your head. See your thoughts as pictures, words, sounds etc. But don´t focus on a special one!
Now catch them all. Each one in a bubble or sphere.
Let the bubble fly away and never come back. Do it until there are no more bubbles...
Or then imagine a humbling noise. At the tip of the sound let them all burst at once.
If there are coming new ones, catch them and let them burst...

Third exercise:

Sinking to the bottom

Get into your position and relax.
Breath deep and close your eyes.
Imagine a sphere right inside of your view.
Focus on it. You have to do such a deep concentration that your awareness is fully inside this sphere.
Imagine you are now sitting inside it. Now imagine your consiousness is a huge tower from inside. You are floating at the top right anywhere in the middle of it. You now can see many things hanging on the walls or laying on boards everywhere. This are your thoughts, memories, pictures and sounds...
Now slightly float down but dont stare at these objects. Just let them pass away...
As deeper you go as lesser thinghs you will see. It gets darker and darker.
Until you get to the ground.
Now you have reached the bottom of your conciousness that should be free of anything.
Now let the picture go...
On your way you maybe see some things you have buried because of traumatic or stressful occasions in your life... Just let them pass and accept them as a part of what you are...
(Or walk around and look for a door. Its the door to your subconsiousness...

You can also take the picture of a deep ocean if you like that more...
Your thoughts are things or fish and else that float around in the water...

When, how long and how often should i meditate?

The time factor is a hard issue in our civilisation. If i would say that time plays no role, you won´t believe me. But that depends on your view on things and is another story...
So to say in this society everything goes more rapid and must be more quicker every single day...
Meditation is a good way to step out of this cycle and get the needed energy to go on.
But to get to a certain effort by meditation, you have to do it constantly and on a regular basis.
At its best you should do it once or twice a day. I know many will now say „Oh no, when should i put this into my full schedule? I haven´t even five minutes break from xyz, etc...“

But i am quite sure there are at least two moments in everyones day where it could fit.
And you know what i am writing about... Yup, when you wake up and when you go to sleep.
I know for the first weeks it will be hard to do but let me tell you that it works, great!
I stand up one hour earlier than normal and meditate, i go to bed and meditate (at least then i slip into astral travel or lucid dreams). And i don´t sleep much... But the meditations give me the energy i need for the day or give me the healing i need at the moment...

So if you really want it, you have to bring it anywhere into your shedule... Believe me, when you once have really started, you will laugh about yourself for this...

Allright, for the beginning, your meditation time should be about 15 to 20 minutes. Less time won´t bring anything and more would be too much...
Now you are maybe thinking... „wtf, i cannot even sit five minutes still!“
Well then start with this! Go to your favored position and do five minutes... You may wonder how quick the are gone when you (try) to concentrate in a special topic.

Okay, when you feel that 20 minutes aren´t enough, do more. 30 mins, then 45 mins, then an hour.
It is up to you...

Okay i believe that is now enough for that moment.
Did i forget anything? Do you want to know more or add something?
Here is the place. The time is now...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i

edit on 5-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:29 PM
Thanks Jim! I've been waiting for this one.
I'll go through it as soon as I get home.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by BrokenCar

Yup, i know many have waited for this part...
But where are they?
I think i have put this on at the wrong moment...
Well i lett it drive a littlebit and come back later...

So if any questions occur, ask! If you have something to add or i have forgotten something, write...

Peace, love and light
to you all


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:27 AM
To have the best results in your continuous training you should start a meditation diary.
Buy a nice looking diary or sketchbook and now take yourself five minutes after every meditation to write down your fresh memory and feelings...

Here is an example of my personal meditation, from today morning...

Date: 10/6/2010 Time: 8 am

Kind of meditation: Chakrameditation and awareness expansion
Open lotus

Forestfloor, too cold and a bit wet, cloudy

Meditation Goal:
Chakra activation, loading energy and awareness expansion level 3

Feelings before:
light tensions in the back, middle of the week feeling, thinking about a casting next days

grounding (kirlian), relaxing level: 3 , gliding deep very quick,root chakra fine, energy upload fine, no interruptions, concentration level: 4, after that awareness expansion: 3 coming back quick

Efforts after:
energized, awake, relaxed (tensions gone), awareness expanded to the forest, feeling better now

What can i do better?
Today nothing regarding meditation, but to take a warmer blanket or outfit...

Peace, love and light,
let you guide by higher i


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:47 PM

When a flash strikes into a house, what happens? If the House has an electric conducter with the soil the flash wanders through it into the earth and nothing curious happens. But if there is no electric connection with it at all you will have a problem... The flash strikes into the house an discharges on the next possible object...
BoOM! You know the effects...
The same you will face with meditations... If you arent grounded very well it can affect your body and your energy grid...
Now there are two differences in groundings.

1. Direct electrical grounding

The direct electrical grounding is an easy subject as you all know alittle about physics.
Before you start with meditation make sure you have a connection with earth.
I for myself even go much further and always wear shoes (if i wear some) that let me have a connection with earth... I dunno why but because of any reason most of todays shoes have a rubber sole...
I alwasy feel more energized and connected with earth with leather (or other natural stuff) soles.

What does that mean for you meditation?

As i have written before, i suggest not to meditate higher as 10 m above the ground without a natural connection.
Make sure you dont use a syntetic blanket or pillow. Make shure you clothings are natural. And make sure you have any connection with earth...

2. Direct subtle energy grounding

That is the more interesting part as you may not know much about it (as you may want to explore this energies
There are many different ways to connect - to ground - your subtle energies with the earth.

First method:
The silverline grounding

The silverline is the most famous way to ground yourself. Many will have heard of it before.

- Get into your position and calm down
- breath deep and close your eyes
- imagine a silver line forming down your spinal cord
- Feel it (and let it glow if you want)
- Now expand this line down into the floor (maybe down the other apartments) directly ito the soil beneath you.
- let it go deper and deeper
- now anchor it at anything like a root a huge stone or else
- now begin your relaxion and start your meditation

Second method:
The footchakra grounding

If you have read the part six of this series, about sidechakras, you will have noticed the info about the footchakra.
They are layed a littlebit beneath your soles, outside of your body. Usually they glow in a dark burgund red.
This grounding is only recommended if you want to meditate in a standing position or your soles are directly standing on the ground. Also i would suggest it only outside with direct contact to the soil.

- Get into the position and calm down
- breath deep and close your eyes
- now imagine your footchakras glowing up in a dark red light beneath the soles
- open them up in a way you like (like a lotus, rose, stargate-wormhole, camera lense, etc)
- now energy should flow out in a spiral vortex
- at the same time fresh energy from the earth flows in
- you will feel when the bond is strong enough to go on
- now relax and do your meditation

Third method:
The Kirlian grounding

This is my favourite method and i use it as often as possible (when i have not much time this method is not recommended). I don´t know if this technic was known before, as i have never ever heard of it. So i would assume to have developed it.
The name i have chosen because it reminds me on this Kirlian photos.
This technic needs a little more time and may also be a meditation (energy working) technic in itself.
For me it seems to be the strongest grounding method possible, tho...
I would suggest to do this only outside on natural earth - soil, wood, stone or so...

- Get into your position and calm down, close youer eyes
- for about a minute breath very deep (if 424 tech then two min)
- imagine many tiny electric arcs going into the soil from everywhere where your body touches it
- Soon you will see/feel that reverse arcs will come from the floor into your body
- to make the bond stronger increase the energy output
- if you feel to loose to much power let fresh energy stream in at the point of your upper neck
- maybe lay your hands on the ground too and open your (finger- and) handchakras
- now you can go on with your meditation

I am sure many of you will try that out and will play around with it.
It is quite fun!
If you like give me your insight on this technic as i am the first who tried it ( far as i know

Fourth method:
Connect all the above toghether!

Anything to add to it? Any other technics?

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


edit on 6-10-2010 by JimIrie because: shape

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by JimIrie

This thread is so well put that you have inspired me to meditate. I just need to find a place thats clean and not so noisey and im all set. $&F for the tips.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:44 PM
hi Jim
it will take me at least a full hour to read all of that lol
very well put thread

thanks to share your secret about the meditation process
im there .. and i need some advice to it
and balance my internal energy

i will need this thread
the Spiritual Revolution serie .. is amazing
you should write a book ... trust me
it will help people and it will sell good
but its not for money your doing that ..i would be the first one to say that

Jim = wisdom keeper
keep up the very good job my friend

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:34 AM
Thank you stop!

I hope it helps you to gain a better life...

Thank you ben!

Actually i am writing on many other books, but hey maybe sometime?

I will be back in the evening and give some more informations and meditations. But now i will go to a theater casting and after that i lead a workshop...
So stay tuned and if any questions occur or corrections or additional infos...
You know where the reply button is!

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 03:39 PM
Hi again,
after a little time i wanted to check what was happening in her and i am surprised that there is nothing new !?!
Wow, i was thinking this is a topic many atsers are interested in?

Well, okay. At least i would like to know from everybody that has taken something out of this if he/she had any efforts or something to tell us about their first experiences.
I am very interested in your personal storys and would like to know if i could help anyone to achieve what the didn´t before. Also it would be interesting if there is something i should add or get deeper into something...

See you in here...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:15 PM
I want to share some of my recent experiences. Well, last night at 4am to 5am, I believe I managed to activate my third eye. I actually saw a glimpse of an eye for about a second. Then, I saw my internal vision was completely covered with white lights and some blueish flashes. And of course, a very strong heat sensation running throughout my body. My whole body, I believe my other Chakras, were pulsing. The experience lasted for a while too. I say some good 15 minutes. Of course, I was meditating in my sleeping position. That's the point I am trying to understand.

It seems that I can achieve my meditation purposes much quicker and efficient while meditating laying down. This may have something to do with my body and mind becoming somewhat well rested and more relax. I generally meditate before I go to bed around 11pm. And in the morning when I am awake, 7am to 8am. In the morning, I just meditate while in my sleeping position too. The experience tends to be "easier." I like to meditate too if I am awakened by a dream I have that night. There is a specific time too, about 5am to 6am.

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