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Nothing To See Here Anymore, Men, Move Along: Louisville Strippers Can No Longer Dance Nude!

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:07 PM
How is this possible, in this day and age, for a city to pass an ordinance that requires strippers to not be nude?

LapDances Nudity To End At Louisville Strip Clubs

MaryAnn Gramig, the Director of Policy & Operations for ROCK says, "Louisville's protective ordinance ensures that as the U.S. Supreme Court has stated, communities have a constitutional right to prevent the negative effects associated with sex businesses such as increased crime, including those of a sexual nature or drug-related, retarded economic development and other harms. The sex businesses' bottom line is to keep dollars rolling in by exploiting women in any way that is profitable. While these businesses do have a right to exist, as this ordinance provides, it must be within the confines of the law - just as every other business has to do. When sex businesses so object to having to operate in a legal manner, serious red flags are raised and it should make the citizens of Louisville even more thankful for government officials willing to stand up and do the right thing - protect our children and families. ROCK has been proud to stand with Louisville since the beginning

Confines of the law? There is no law against strip clubs, and the ones here in my city are located in areas no one would dream of frequenting with children after about five pm on.

It is not exploitation of women if the woman chooses this job, and it is nit the governemnts place to legislate morality.

I just found a new cause, what a gross violation of private busines rights.

I live in Louisville Kentucky, obviously a city that does not value freedoms or our constitiution.

As if enough people are not struggling enough in my city, her ar emore people going to be out of jobs. I am sure the prudes at the ROCK group and the oppressors we elected to write city ordinances have something in place for the displaced workers and their families.

Oh probably not, what do they care?

I would not be surprised to find out some bigwig wants the properties the strip clubs are located at and this is a great way to sweep out "undesirable" businesses and snap them up for other reasons.

I am ashamed of my sity and its backward behavior.

Hopefully I won't have to wait much longer to move away from here, this is too big of a city for such archaic oppressive and unconstitutional ordinances to be passed. Shameful.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

By outlawing nude dancing, they're denying people their constitutional right to go to a club and see nude women. Why else do you think they go to a club? To make conversation?

to prudes everywhere

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by The Sword

I know!!

What is sad is one of the strip club owners said fifty percent of the business came from convention goers to our city.

I don't know about yall but I would much rather out of town horny men get a lap dance and watch nudie strippers then troll for hookers and commit crimes to get their jollies. Where will these men go? If I am in town for business, clubbing is kind of lame because you ar enot looking for a hook up (sometimes) maybe you miss your wife and just want to see some boobage while your away from home.

There is a legitimate place in all large cities for strip clubs and sex industry, and prudes are welcome to avoid them if they like.

This ordinance goes too far and I hoep it makes it the Supreme Court.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I went to a strip club that is right across the street from a church. They're not doing good business either but at least they can stay open.

Don't get me wrong, people should know better than to even go to strip clubs. It should still be their right regardless of their personal life, etc.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:19 PM
As a fellow lohvullian, I whole heartedly agree. The doors are close, there are no Windows and I know good and well no parent in there right mind would take there kid anywhere near Berry or 7th street. I would love to peer inside the mind of the person who originally thought of this.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
As a fellow lohvullian, I whole heartedly agree. The doors are close, there are no Windows and I know good and well no parent in there right mind would take there kid anywhere near Berry or 7th street. I would love to peer inside the mind of the person who originally thought of this.
I already know what is in their mind...a vacuum. I am going to have to do some digging and find out who is responsible for this, because I want to know how they justify the r=trampling of our constitutional rights!

I don't need some stranger in metro government legislating my morality, this is America or has Louisville forgotten that?

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Well done Louisville all your perverts can now hang around highschools
(second line)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Well done Louisville all your perverts can now hang around highschools
(second line)

So you think people who go to strip clubs are perverts? Well I can't say my true thoughts due to terms and conditions but I will say you obviously don't frequent them or you don't like the places.

I am an adult entertainer and I was gonna try and stay out of this thread but it didn't work...

People who frequent strip clubs are not all perverts. You know they have perverts walking all over Walmart too? Do you have a problem with that? I was stalked in Walmart TWICE.. It was horrible.

People working in a strip club are doing just that, working! They are there to make money to support themselves, its really no different than working 9 to 5 the end result is to make money to care for you and your family.

People who go to strip clubs believe it or not are not the stereotypical type everyone seems to think.

You need to get out more.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Exactly, mblahnikluver! All this boils down to is more women without a job, most with kids to feed, and stripping is an honest days work.

Fifty percent of Louisville's Strip Club clientielle are conventioners from out of town. Perverts? Hell no!

I call them economic heroes, who are pumping out of town dollars into my local economy by patronizing my city's local clubs!!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Look I go to strip clubs I have no problem with them but in every one is the guy that sits by himself drinking drink after drink after drink staring at the girls just saying if you pull out this sort of release mechanism some might be tempted to do something silly.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:01 PM
You know where to place the blame for this social engineering don't you?

Conservative, fundamentalist, holier than thou, religious people that tend to be Republicans.

Get ready for more moralistic legislation when the conservatives take back the house and senate. Control of the web, no free flow of information, censorship, all in the name of protecting our children.

And after Sarah is sworn in for President, look out! We'll be required to put clothes on barnyard animals. Especially horses and mules. Whoa! Can't have our youngun's looking at that kind of stuff.

edit on 4-10-2010 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:08 PM
So in a perfect world it would be great if we could all live on a higher plane of existence where the objectification of women was a non-issue. It would be great if I could look a woman in the eye without even being tempted to check out her assets. But, alas, we are not, nor am I free of the temptation either.

But to the point...It seems absolutely silly to be stopping dancers at city hall meetings while your husband is home watching who-knows-what vids on the computer. Not to mention those convention goers. I heard somewhere that 50% of all in-room movie rentals are the pornos.

I guess real live dancers create a tangible target for folks against this sort of thing, but really, they are pissing in the wind against the larger issue. If one wants to affect change on the subject of modern day sexuality, the only success you could find would be to try and teach folks to think outside their pants...not trying to force others to put their pants on!

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Sarah Palin? Hmph. Check out my new thread, and get with it! Donald Trump may soon be our President, he is dropping hints about it now!

I think Donald Trump would protect our strip clubs!

Back to Louisville, this sounds like political pandering at its most disgusting.

Real moral people would be horrified that their choice to support an ordinance like this could cause a baby to go hungry.

So I ahve to assume the people in my city hate children, and families because that is who this ordinance ultimately hurts.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Well this is interesting. I imagine plenty of those businesses will be relocating to other cities. I don't know, I'm actually impartial on the subject. So why did I post then? To let the world know I'm still alive. . .as I am sure they've been wondering.

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