posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by mikelee
It was a FLAG contribution level, as I understand it. I never did like it. It didn't do anything for me. Is flagging a thread the most important
aspect of being a member? Am I to be judged a "good" member simply because I flag threads more often than someone else? I don't think so; it's a
rather narrow measurement. Now at least you can get a rough idea of what members' contribution level is overall. Posts, flags, i.e.: Flags earned,
stars, and a rather anachronistic measure, Way above top secret, that is no longer used. Now I can tell instantly whether someone has been around
awhile and has a relatively good reputation, or if someone just got here and hasn't contributed much. Is this the ENTIRE picture of someone's
contributions? Of course not. It's a rough snapshot with just a few metrics and should be taken as such, not gospel. In any case, this was a good
move by ATS. Thanks.