posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Last night, around 8:45pm Central U.S. Time (9:45 Eastern), after a commercial break on Sunday Night Football (NBC), there was a camera shot of
midtown Manhattan, facing east, centered on the Empire State building. Al Michaels mentioned said bulding right before the shot ended and the game
(Bears versus Giants) resumed. I SWEAR it looked like a small formation of glowing balls - about 5 or 6 of them - flying VERY fast from south to
north, roughly over the East River. Did anyone else see it? Is it possible to get a video clip, such as from someone who recorded it? Is it
possible someone from NBC hoaxed it, using CGI? It definitely didn't look like insects that were closer to the camera than they appeared. It MIGHT
have been fighter jets, though their speed seemed even greater than that, and there was no mention of jets or anything else.