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If Abortion Is Illegal, Forced Impregnation Must Be Punished Severely

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posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:57 PM
Alright, let's ignore the actual issue of abortion as a debate. Let's say we live in a nation where abortion is illegal and it is near impossible to travel to another nation for one. In this hypothetical situation, forced impregnation would be one of the worst criminal offenses imaginable and would have to be punished as such.

Why do I say this? Well, let's say a woman is raped and impregnated and thus forced to carry the child to birth (as there is no abortion), yet the rapist is only charged for the crime of rape, not the consequences of the action.

That would be like a person getting shot in the liver and dying slowly, yet the shooter only getting charged with assault.

Forced impregnation is a life sentence, whether or not the child is given up for adoption is a separate issue. The women still have to deal with 9 months of social stigma that is attached to both rape victims and women pregnant out of wedlock, endure childbirth, and deal with the traumatic feelings associated with carrying around a constant reminder of one of the worst experiences of their lives and the complicated feelings of giving birth to her own child and the child of someone who hurt her immensely.

Now, why aren't there laws that specifically criminalize forced impregnation? And why shouldn't there be if there is a society where abortion is illegal?

I would think it would be one of the most heinous crimes imaginable.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Um, last time I checked, rape was still illegal in most states.

I do agree, prison sentences for rape are much too light. In a society that outlawed abortion, it would make sense to increase the penalties for rape.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 06:37 PM
What should we do to women who say they are on birth control and make a blindside father out of some horn-dog?

What should we do to women who say they are on birth control and make a blindside father out of some horn-dog, then hit him up for abortion money?

What about women who force (by gunpoint) a man to impregnate them

(I really don't need any answers)
Punish Severely!!!

Oh yea, Rape. I think that still gets more than a slap on the wrist.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by SLaPPiE
What should we do to women who say they are on birth control and make a blindside father out of some horn-dog?

Not specifically the issue here... but...

Well, that would be considered a form of fraud and possibly theft of reproductive material. Though it would depend on the circumstances. Legally it would be a bit ridiculous for a man to be responsible for the child monetarily though.

What should we do to women who say they are on birth control and make a blindside father out of some horn-dog, then hit him up for abortion money?

Again, not the issue. Though the guy should honestly be carrying around a condom.

What about women who force (by gunpoint) a man to impregnate them

That would actually fall under here, that would be considered a form of rape and forced impregnation.

Punish Severely!!!

Well, technically that should be punished anywhere near as severely. The problem there is that the man still has an option in birth control and is not forced to believe the woman.

Oh yea, Rape. I think that still gets more than a slap on the wrist.

The problem is that rape is insanely under-reported, forces women who were victimized to get on the stand and relive the situation many times to get a conviction, and the statistics are baffling.

Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. A slap on the wrist? That's not even a wag of the finger! 94% of rapists never get punished and you're trying to change the subject?

More insane and sad statistics can be found in the above link from RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:04 AM
I would think that even if abortion were to be made illegal, then there would be an exception for babies that were conceived through rape.

The pregnancy and birth of the child would be a continuation of the crime perpetrated on the woman, and I can't imagine any civilised society that would force a victim of rape to give birth to a child that she had no control over conceiving.

Essentially, forcing a rape victim to give birth would make the State culpable of perpetuating the crime that has had been committed and adding to the woman's ordeal.

Of course, in the situation where abortion was illegal with the exception of rape victims, then that would create a problem whereby some women would claim that they were raped, just so they could get a legal abortion.

In this hypothetical scenario, I am assuming that there would be a competent police force that could accurately sort out the real allegations from the false ones most of the time.

I think that those who commit the most serious crimes such as premeditated murder, rape, and child molestation should be imprisoned for the rest of their natural life anyway.

It's not that I don't believe in rehabilitation, nor am I particularly vindictive; it's just that someone who can commit a crime such as these, is clearly lacking any kind of compassion, empathy and regard for fellow human beings.
You can never be sure that they are truly rehabilitated, so the risk is too great to release them, just in case they reoffend and ruin some other innocent person's life.

All in all, I think that a rapist should be sentenced to life in prison regardless of whether abortion is legal or not, or whether his victim became pregnant or not.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Sadly I've had an unbelievable number of pro-lifers out there tell me that I am an immoral hell bound sinner just for the fact that I still support the right to abortion.

And for me, my main reason for supporting it, is the fact that I was raped at 15 and still a virgin at the time. I do not want children and I never have. If I were to have gotten pregnant because of that rape and been told that it was illegal for me get an abortion, sorry, but I would have killed myself. Even today, nearly a decade later, dealing with the trauma of that rape is not easy. Now imagine adding on the trauma of carrying a child caused by rape to term, going through child birth, along with all of the other long term effects that the whole situation would place on the real victim here, the woman that was raped.

But when telling some people that are absolutely "NO ABORTION EVER FOR ANY REASON" that the raped woman is the victim, they just come back with, "oh yeah, well if you abort the baby from the rape then that baby is a victim too, doesn't matter if it was only days after conception."

It's idealisms like that, ones that force other's religious and moral values through law on everyone that really piss me off. If I choose to do something to my body then it should be my decision. Not much different than the fact that you can barely find a single doctor in the world willing to provide a hysterectomy, tubal ligation or any other number of nearly permanent pregnancy prevention methods for women until they've already gone through menopause and are unable to have children anyways. I mean hell, this isn't hurting anyone other than those people out there that still seem to want to push the breeder agenda of "women are meant to have children, end of story."

Instead they are told either don't have sex or take birth control(ie, pump your body full of very risky chemicals that will very likely make you sick for the next 30-50 years while you take them). /rant

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