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Walmart is not welcome in South Africa? What is Walmart?

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by halfoldman
what wal-mart is today and what it was when it first opened is two different wal-marts altogether,when it first opened its big selling draw was "made in the usa" when Sam Walton died it slowly went downhill in products,service and pricing,I use to like going in there to pick up various household items they had an array of choices at a good price and didn't have to go all over town to find what I needed,now choices are limited,they don't have alot to chose from ,products are cheap,no layaway and if I'm in there more than 15 minutes I get a panic attack.Walmart is in its last days and I am sure Sam Walton is rolling over in his grave!!!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:09 PM
wal-mart is the epitome of evil. they are a mega corporation on its way to becoming a monopoly, that is willing to sell america's soul to turn a profit. they cut every corner possible in order to bring you the lowest possible price on goods made outside of the usa. they force businesses to cut every possible corner in order for wal-mart to buy their products in bulk at rock bottom prices. the savings are passed onto the consumer, but at what price you ask? at the expense of their workers salary & benefits. at the expense of millions of jobs that have been outsorced to other countries as a direct result of wal-marts pursuit of profits and the almighty dollar.

wal-mart provides us with good deals but in my opinion the ends do not justify the means. sure prices would be higher if there were no wal-mart but wages would be higher and there would be more jobs at home if we were to buy american, which equals more income to be able to afford a higher quality product.

all wal-mart is doing is paving the way for a more obsessive pursuit of profits through supression of its own employees wages and benefits and the loss of domestic work due to the outsourcing of jobs.

that union is smart for opposing wal-mart.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:44 PM
...just like with every large corporation (especially the multi-nationals), walmart is hated for a lot of reasons (some factual, some not)... walmart is also appreciated by many people and not just poor folks...

...they hire the elderly - thats a good thing in my book... some folks say that walmart is really abusing the elderly and there may be some legitimate complaints there - but - when it comes down to working or starving, lots of people will take any job they can find... who else hires so many elderly?... uh, no one (at least that i can think of)...

...the often used complaint that they destroy smaller businesses isnt entirely true either... what really destroys small businesses is capitalism... if you cant compete, you're going down - thats just how it goes... there are many ways to compete... if you offer something "special", folks that can afford it will continue to come to your store no matter how much you jack up the price and no matter how cheaply made your "special" stuff really is... also serves communities by hiring folks who dont have experience or dont have the education to get a better job - and - in many cases, walmart is the only workplace thats close by... whats wrong with that?... nothing, imo, but a lot of folks never consider those aspects or denigrate the people who do have a better quality of life due to walmart...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

they hire people at low wages and only give them enough hours as to not be liable to give its employees benefits. way to be brainwashed into thinking thats ok even though wal-mart is making billions in profit.
i'm glad the majority of us dont think like you or else we would all be working for peanuts.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:01 PM
What is Wal-Mart? Well, if it was a country, it would be the 21st richest country in the world. Let's not pretend that's a good thing; they made all their money by exploiting their staff and destroying small businesses that surround the area of their franchises. Wal-Mart is capitalism's f***ed up love child.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
who else hires so many elderly?... uh, no one (at least that i can think of)...

Diners, bakeries, clothing stores, hair salons, optician centers, guitar shops... you know... all of the stores that can no longer exist once a Wal-Mart comes to town because everyone can now get all of their crap in one place for low low prices because some 5 year old in India made it for 3 cents so he could buy a flax seed for his family. Now, promptly ignore all that has been said; you are American and capitalism is your friend -- not that it's destroying people's freedoms all over the world or anything
. Let me put this is words most will be able to understand: "Baah, baaaah!"
edit on 17-10-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

they hire people at low wages and only give them enough hours as to not be liable to give its employees benefits. way to be brainwashed into thinking thats ok even though wal-mart is making billions in profit.
i'm glad the majority of us dont think like you or else we would all be working for peanuts.

...but what are you REALLY supporting?... homelessness and/or starvation for people who cant get a job anywhere else?... to quote iris dement "sounds like some kind of hitler remedy"...

...i dont have a solution to the mess we're in... do you?... all i know for sure is that it isnt right to oppress the less priviledge even more by taking away their jobs...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

I say bring the jobs back home! start producing stuff in the usa!!! start buying american!!

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...but what are you REALLY supporting?... homelessness and/or starvation for people who cant get a job anywhere else?... to quote iris dement "sounds like some kind of hitler remedy"...

Do you ACTUALLY think that walmart is creating more jobs than it is destroying? You could not be more misled. Thirty small businesses will thrive for every Wal-Mart franchise that gets shut down. Wal-Mart is not the solution to the employment problem, it is the creator of the employment problem, and its profits go to a multi-billionaire CEO rather than distributed among the hard working people that make the corporation run.

...i dont have a solution to the mess we're in... do you?... all i know for sure is that it isnt right to oppress the less priviledge even more by taking away their jobs...

The real question is, if someone had a solution, would anyone listen, or would we just follow the herd because it is easier? The answer is on this thread -- the prison door is open, yet you sit inside.
edit on 17-10-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

I say bring the jobs back home! start producing stuff in the usa!!! start buying american!!

...great slogans - but - realistically, how do you propose we do that?... i dont know anyone that has any influence with or power over the multi-national corporations... seems obvious to me that the people who do have that kind of influence or power like things as they are...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Create awareness, boycott wal-mart, buy american. use our votes to influence washington. protests. grass roots activism.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Create awareness, boycott wal-mart, buy american. use our votes to influence washington. protests. grass roots activism.

...creating awareness is good - as long as you're not perpetuating myths and can back up your allegations with undeniable facts...

...boycotting is good - unless you dont have the money for an 80mile round trip to another store - or - if the other store you choose is also treating its employees badly or also forced smaller stores to go out of biz... is worthless here in the usofa... officials are bought and sold just like any other disposable commodity... those who still believe their vote matters, are not thinking...

...protests can be good - unless you get put in jail for it and dont have enough money to post your bail and have to sit there for a few days and lose your crappy job because of it and maybe have cps try to take your kids away because you were in jail and your kids were unsupervised...

...the trouble with grass roots activism is the grass part... yes, that was a joke... but seriously - what has grass roots activism done lately?... create the tea party?... thats not activism... thats just putting a new dress on the same old clown...

...some could say its easy for me to sit here and pooh-pooh every idea - and - it is - but - its not that i'm not looking for a viable solution or that i wouldnt participate if one could be found... every once in a while i'll hear something that might prove to be effective but usually whats out there is just unrealistic big talk...

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:46 PM
wal-mart is not good for our economy, but it is good for four of the wealthiest people in america, all last name walton.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:27 PM
Obviously we don't want them here as they will hurt local convenience stores

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:37 PM
Let me put it this way.

Once a town or city get's a walmart, you can say goodbye to your friendly local stores.

Walmart can afford to cut prises so low as to put every business in town out of business.

That's when the real problems start.

It has become a form of controlling what you buy, in an effort to hurt not only local stores, but also local growers and producers.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:41 PM
The first person to ask "what is Walmart" was Paris Hilton. The store was not in her area. The second person to ask was my friend from the same area. I took her and showed her. It has everything. It is hated for how it causes the small, mom and pop operations to fail when it takes the marketplace. They buy cheap and sell cheap, the American way.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

In any case, I see nothing particularly bad in Walmart from our perspective yet.

The problem with any mega-corporation is that they drive out the small innovative businesses. My advice is keep it small. you are much better off. Walmart like Monsanto is a Trojan horse you do not want. Large corporations have lots of money and influence and that is not good for the people or the country. DO NOT FOLLOW the USA into the downhill slide to a corporate/government ruling elite.

You might want to look at the statistics for American Small businesses to see where I am coming from

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