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My Life Affirming Experience

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posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:02 PM
Last night I had a life affirming experience. I am going to try and describe it now in as much detail as possible, but I realise it may be hard for some people to follow (and lets face it, pretty boring) so I am going to try and use pictures where possible to try and get my point across. I was writing this down anyway as part of a dream diary, but I thought I would spruce it up a little and share with some of you like-minded people.

A little background to this story first however. The last few weeks I have not been sleeping very well. I have been quite uptight and have been waking up at all hours of the night then lying awake for hours trying to get back to sleep.

Two nights ago however I went out with a friend, had a beer, caught a bite to eat and watched a movie. On the way home we had a little drive round listening to music and catching up before he dropped me off home.

No one else was in, I watched Sky News for a while and went on ATS and then went to bed. Now I fell asleep pretty fast I would say, and didn’t wake up for 12 hours! Now just before I woke up however I had a semi-lucid dream, the first one in months.

Somewhere in the dream I became lucid and rapidly starting loosing it again, so I looked at my hands because I have heard this can prolong the experience. But when I did, I saw a reflection out of both hands as if they were mirrors. This distracted me, so I half paid attention and half focussed on keeping moving and keeping the dream alive. It was different to dreams I have had in the past because everything was as it was in real life, down to the finest detail, and that was driving me on.

Last night then, I was looking forward to a restful nights sleep as I thought I had left my disrupted sleep behind. I had three large glasses of wine whilst watching a film and then retired to bed. It was just gone midnight when I must have drifted off, and then I woke up a few hours later I would say (based on what the time was when this whole thing ended).

I was in a transition between sleep, my whole body was tired and my eyes were hurting they were that tired, but my brain would just not shut off, it was trying to answer all life’s questions at once. This happens quite a lot with me, and I have to just try and quieten it and drift off. What wasn’t helping is the fact that I had turned the air de-humidifier on for the first time this year as my room is prone to getting condensation on cold nights. It is right next to where I lay and it always takes a few days to get used to because it is pretty loud.

Anyway, I must have gotten back to sleep because I started to be semi-conscious again in a dream. I was laid in a bed where I sleep regularly and my body was very, very heavy, and I realised that I had sleep paralysis. I heard someone talking and then shouting between upstairs and downstairs in the background, but couldn’t make a sound or move an inch.


I then became aware of a very, very loud noise in my ears which seemed to be air rushing by at a 100mph. All I could relate it to would be standing in an aeroplane with the door open ready to do a parachute jump. I was becoming more and more aware though that my body was in my bed and my mind was somewhere else, and that I was about to have a profound experience, I could literally FEEL it.


I thought I was about to leave my body for the very first time. I imagined myself flying at night looking over the globe with all the lights on. I was concentrating very, very hard on flying right out of the top of my head and drifting over the entire world, and the noise was getting louder and louder, like the air was moving faster and faster.


It started to fade however, and my consciousness jumped from my ‘mind’ back to my ‘body’. I knew exactly where I was, in my bed, and realised that the noise I could here was the machine conditioning the air at the side of me. But this did not deter me, as I still felt there was something more than to what was happening. The more I concentrated, I could hear the air rushing in my ears over the top of the machine, and I knew again, that something was going to happen. It was pulsating, coming in and out depending on where in my mind I concentrated.


I was losing it however. But I thought to myself that this was the first time this has happened involuntarily, after nearly a year of trying to induce it myself. So I steeled my nerves and willed myself on. I concentrated my consciousness on the noise in my ears and then shifted it to the small of my back as well, and mentally felt the ‘warmth’ there.


My whole body temperature began to increase, the noise became louder than a jet engine and my scalp felt like it was opening up to the world. Lights were flashing all throughout my mind and then finally I felt a force literally push something from the bottom of my feet up to my scalp, and at that moment, I didn’t know where I was.


I literally thought I might have passed to the other side, because nothing in the physical world I had ever experienced had ever come close to what had happened. All these thoughts were drifting in and out of mind, but when I think back, I was probably in this void for only seconds. Not liking the detachment, I actually willed to be back in my body again, to feel alive, and then there I was.


I felt the biggest energy drain I had ever had in my life, and just laid there, contemplating life. In a way it was life affirming, as having felt what I thought was death, implies that there must be life, which seems obvious but at times I’m not so sure. I was awake for around four hours after that, at which point I put on a hypnosis tape which put me to sleep in around 20minutes. I will never forget this moment for the rest of my life, and for now I am contemplating whether to pursue this further or just make do with the day to day reality.

Two more thing I would like to share with you is a song which I listened to for the first time yesterday and was playing I nmy mind throughout the noght and a short video of Robert Anton Wilson discussing Metaphysics and reality.

Here are some of the threads and books in the order that I came across them which have relevance to my story. Some of you will have already visited these many times but they may be new to you.
This thread is where I first discovered astral projection and out of body experiences.

Conscious OOBE... Its Real!!

On the above thread I found a reference to this Ebook which I read for a vouple of hours late at night. That same night, the very first time I tried, I had a slight energy raising. I can share this Ebook with any one who wants it.


This lead me to read a book to find out more about this phenomana and I would recommend it to anyone interested.

Leaving the Body (Paperback) by D. Scott Rogo (Author)

Two more threads with a wealth of information:

Want to astral project real bad?

Astralpedia Master Thread

And four more books which I have read which give a deeper insight into this phenomena:

Course in Astral Travel and Dreams (Paperback) by Belzebuub (Author)

Chakra Clearing: Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal: Book + CD (Book & CD) (Hardcover) by Doreen Virtue (Author)

Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual - Evolution in This Lifetime (Ophiels sealed lessons in occult power) (Paperback) by Genevieve Lewis Paulson (Author)

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: AND All and Everything (Arkana) (Paperback) by G. Gurdjieff (Author)

Notice how I use the word ‘phenomena’, as I am still uncertain as to what it actually is. For all I know it could be a purely psychological process, but after last night, I think it is something a little more. Thanks for reading my story.

I apologise for the images, hopefully they will affirm what I am trying to get across and not detract from the message. The one thing I struggled with most was the thread title. There are lots of ways to describe it; Energy Raing, Kundalini, OOBE, Astral Projection etc. and we may all call it by a dfferent name, but the end result is the same

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:35 PM
What, nobody has any comments!? This crowd is getting tougher by the day! Has no one in this forum had a similar experience? I would like to discuss this with people. The strangest thing was that it came completely involuntary, and the noise was so loud is was deafening, unlike anything I have ever heard before.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Good story.

It sounds like a Kundalini awaking experience. You might search on the web and see if others descriptions match yours.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Try to post it in the Paranormal section. Strange that you seems to know what was going on because you have attached some images to depict what was happening. I have the same experience when I was 18, now in my 30s. Only recently I learned about the Chakras and been meditating regularly and have some success with Chakras opening.

I can ask you questions? Was your experience an one time deal? Can you reproduce it? What was your life issues before the experience? What was the color of the light you saw? What was the shape? You have the picture of the 7 Chakras? Which one you think you opened? Did you see the light even when your eyes were open? Did you feel any pressure on your forehead?
edit on 4-10-2010 by ChiForce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Strange that you seems to know what was going on because you have attached some images to depict what was happening.

I have read about these experiences over the last couple of years, but as late have started to take them to be exagerated and maybe a flaw in the brains processing. So I know what all the textbooks say but up till now, doubted that it was possible.

Can you reproduce it?

I want too, and am going to try, but I have tried for a long time and nothing has happened, and this was completely out of the blue, so I am trying to understand what has been different for it to happen.

What was your life issues before the experience?

I have started University this last week, and work has been the most stressfull it has been, so for around two weeks I hadn't been sleeping properly. Strangely, I have had vivid Lucid dreams before after being stressed, like it is a kind of release mechanism. In the Kundalini book I have quoted, and I am now going to re-read, this suggestion is made repeatadly.

What was the color of the light you saw?

Bright Yellow flashing, not purple which has been reported by others.

You have the picture of the 7 Chakras? Which one you think you opened?

My lower back (Sacral?) and the Crown Shakra I would say, but I am unsure. I was led to believe that I would feel the effects for hours if not days, but in less than an hour it had faded. I think it is because I did not control it?

Did you see the light even when your eyes were open?

I never tried, I thought this would detract from the expereience.

Did you feel any pressure on your forehead?

No, just all over my scalp and then the bottom of my feet through my body in one movement.

Thank you very much for your interest, your questions are making me explore it more and notice trends and triggers and such like.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
Strange that you seems to know what was going on because you have attached some images to depict what was happening.

I have read about these experiences over the last couple of years, but as late have started to take them to be exagerated and maybe a flaw in the brains processing. So I know what all the textbooks say but up till now, doubted that it was possible.

Can you reproduce it?

I want too, and am going to try, but I have tried for a long time and nothing has happened, and this was completely out of the blue, so I am trying to understand what has been different for it to happen.

What was your life issues before the experience?

I have started University this last week, and work has been the most stressfull it has been, so for around two weeks I hadn't been sleeping properly. Strangely, I have had vivid Lucid dreams before after being stressed, like it is a kind of release mechanism. In the Kundalini book I have quoted, and I am now going to re-read, this suggestion is made repeatadly.

What was the color of the light you saw?

Bright Yellow flashing, not purple which has been reported by others.

You have the picture of the 7 Chakras? Which one you think you opened?

My lower back (Sacral?) and the Crown Shakra I would say, but I am unsure. I was led to believe that I would feel the effects for hours if not days, but in less than an hour it had faded. I think it is because I did not control it?

Did you see the light even when your eyes were open?

I never tried, I thought this would detract from the expereience.

Did you feel any pressure on your forehead?

No, just all over my scalp and then the bottom of my feet through my body in one movement.

Thank you very much for your interest, your questions are making me explore it more and notice trends and triggers and such like.

Try to meditate tonight. Focus on your breathing the entire time. Breathes through your navel. Picturing the air coming in and out from you. If I understand correctly, you should able to re-experience it without much effort. I believe your solar chakras, third chakras has been opened. The yellowish light represents that. Which is a good thing because you shouldn't or can't open the third eye, upper Chakras, without a strong foundation. Pay attention to the popping sound or clicking sound during meditation. it is often the result of your mind animating the energy in the room or in objects. The more deeply your meditation trance becomes, the louder they get. Turn off the AC if you can. You really need to meditate in a very quiet room with no distractions.
edit on 4-10-2010 by ChiForce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:42 AM
Thanks for your advice chiforce. Two nights ago I had a similar experience, but it was more like trickery of the mind. I heard the sound again so I concentrated on amplifying it until I heard a noise in the background, a kind of mumbling.

This became clearer and clearer the more I concentrated until cuddenly the 'air' sound completely dissapeared and I wsa left with a very clear, male voice inside my head like I could hear someone talking inside my skull.

For some readon my first reaction was that I had had a further experience and I could now hear what people were thinking, like some kind of ESP. Somewhere along the line though i realised that I was inbetween dreams and realised that when i was awake, I couldn't hear anything. It was very strange indeed.


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