posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:52 PM
antar, that is an outstanding story that one might deem sad, though surely don't. Is he insane? I don't know because I don't know the guy. However,
I can say that if it makes him happy, who are we to say what he should or shouldn't do and that's regardless of whether the guy has lost his
As I said in the opening sentence, some people may find this story sad but I can guarantee that some men who have real women may be far less happy
than he is. Some people who may not have a woman and can't find love through an inanimate object, are surely not as happy as he.
I say, why not? It isn't hurting anyone right? Even if he is insane, he doesn't seem to be hurting anyone, not even the doll, I'm sure. In fact, I
kind of like your uncle's attitude, as he seems to not car about the sociatal norms and what is or isn't accepted. He's simply doing his own thing
and you certainly can't fault a guy for that, now can you? I actually find this story uplifting, as he apparently found love even though the odds
were against him. Where other people would go lonely, he managed to find love in the least likely of places, with the least likely of partners.
Just to note, he probably has a much hotter girl now than a lot of other guys. Don't believe me? Go out to the country and walk into a Wal*Mart at
any given time.