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Governments & Aliens

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posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 10:56 PM
Hello. Can someone please tell me which, if any, of the world's governments is in contact with aliens?

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by typwar

All of them, with the exception of Canada

Ok, now that I got my smart butted comment out of the way....
I think if any organization or institutions from any nation's intelligence communities have had (hypothetically) direct or indirect contact with alien civilizations there would be an agreement that with holding said contact from other nations would be permanently detrimental, and a timeframe set aside behind scenes (behind closed doors) to discuss, develop, and plan, and come to terms with the data of said meeting (perhaps done covertly and discreetly) between true nations' authorities until such time a when/where general unanimous consensus was agreed upon on how to divulge specifics via simultaneous disclosure to the world's populations would be possible via mediums of technological advances that permit mass inclusion in said disclosure.

to sum up what I said above:
1) Any nation would see a need to share such a thing with other nations unless substantial proof of why not to was factually beneficial.
2) They would plan behind the scenes on how to develop a plan of action for disclosure on a massive scale.
3) Technology would have to be advanced enough to provide a scenario where the worldwide population be equally and simultaneously informed about the details that are/were available.

These are some of my immediate thoughts on this subject.

Good Luck,

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:40 AM
offically? none

secretly? well, we dont know...because its a secret.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:01 AM
I'm not sure governments as organizations are "briefed," but rather individuals with a power broker status may be best informed to influence governments based on their acquired alien knowledge. We all know politicians are not the brightest folks... then again, who knows....

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:11 AM
I don't think any governments are in contact with aliens.

If ET is actually here...I can conceive of scenarios whereby some elements of the armed forces know of their existence due to having access to better information than others. Gun cameras, radar tapes, satellite imagery etc. I doubt that knowledge would be extended to Government or politicians.

If ET is here, I'm not ruling out the possibility of contact. It's just that based on what I know, I don't think anyone is in contact. It's unlikely, in my opinion, that governments have any more idea on the matter than we do. This isn't to say I'm averse to speculating, quite the opposite...

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:14 AM
The ET's shared technology with a government organisation.
The Government abused the technology, human lives were lost.
The ET's withdrew technology and contact with goverment.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by typwar
Hello. Can someone please tell me which, if any, of the world's governments is in contact with aliens?

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

The Greada Treaty with Eisenhower

PDF file

edit on 3-10-2010 by zorgon because: None of your concern

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
I don't think any governments are in contact with aliens.

You are probably right.

Governments are quite useless when it comes to actually getting anything done, so it is far more likely that if aliens ever needed to stop by earth that they would contract with a corporation to acquire that which they need.

Contract with the right corporation and they might even disguise the coming and goings of your atmospheric excursion craft as tests of their own craft from special access projects... Anything to increase trade and thus maximize profits.

And governments come and go - corporations stay around much longer and they don't rely on force to accomplish their goals; unlike government. This is preferable in a business partner.

*If wanted to invest my extraterrestrial Capital in mining the moon and needed to hire some labour, I'd contract with Monsanto - not the tax feeders.


I'm not saying governments or militaries wouldn't be in contact, just that there are more efficient groups down here than that rowdy bunch. Basically those two groups just the middlemen and being as they are, should be cut out of as many deals as possible.

If an alien contracted with the government, in the final price he'd be paying for all sorts of stupid things on top of the product he ordered - and it would take thrice as long to be produced.

edit on 3-10-2010 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 11:25 AM
well if you consider the original translations of Deuteronomy (old testament bible book), the earth was divided after the tower of babel incident, and apportioned between 70 gods, each who oversaw their own territories (nations) (book of enoch calls them "Watchers"). this was called the Divine Council.

there's some argument over whether they were "elohim" or "sons of god," since the deity selected to over see the activities of the habirus (hebrews) was called michael, who was chosen by jehovah for that task. this suggests the archangel michael was selected to oversee the affairs of the habirus (hibirus, hebrews). as a result, the argument goes that archangels are "lesser gods" not angels in the traditional sense. however, i think there's more to it than that.

i did some real indepth research on this subject and came to the conclusion that the highest offices of government are under the direct authority of the Divine Council member assigned to that territory.

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