posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Hello all.
Last night, the night of the 1st - 2nd of October, three friends and I all witnessed the same thing in the night sky.
At around 3:30, GMT we witnessed a flashing light in the sky, North of Orion (there is a triangle constellation there). Midway between Orion and the
Pleiades we witnessed a flashing light on repeated occasions.
My friend first noticed it, and he claims to have seen the brightest flashes. This was looking quite far South given our location, and we were all
looking North except my friend. By the time he had guided us all to the correct spot the second guy had seen it, I had seen it and finally the last
guy saw it. I clocked it 4 times.
This thing was not following a pattern of flashing, and whilst it was in slightly different points it was not obviously moving on a trajectory. Is it
possible this was maybe the focal point for a meteor shower? Nothing appeared to pass 'off' the flashing point. We did see other meteors passing
Whatever the object was, I can compare it to seeing a camera flash from a distant hill or a distant point. It was definitely 'on' and 'off' with a
small light of some sort. The thing was virtually the same as the stars around it, a small almost blue (to my eyes) point of light.
Our theories last night ranged from a satellite on a geo-stationary orbit with one reflective panel slowly rotating. A spy plane taking high altitude
photographs (don't see why they would use flash for this!). The point-source of a meteor shower of some sort.
Not the best UFO sighting (I'm shying way from the UFO thing on purpose).