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*Video* 100 Reasons to Reinvestigate 9/11

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posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:43 AM
Whether or not one believes the official story, there are at least a few questions surrounding this despicable event that, at the very LEAST garner a raised eyebrow, and are worthy of investigating further.

This video addresses many of these 'suspicious' happenings and events surrounding this atrocity. All 'coincidences'? Hmmmm....

Keep questioning folks....

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Why don't you pick out your one or two top favourites that we can comment on ? 100 trutherisms is a bit heavy going.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Oh brother..

1) Put options have already been covered - they included BUYING UAL & AAL stock.

2) What's the catch? If the Pentagon was in on it, as implied by the video, wouldn't they already know which flights would be hijacked? In any case, on September 7th 2001, a State Department worldwide warning was updated to include the threats to U.S. military personnel in Asia. And that warning was being circulated on September 10th. Any relation, perhaps?

3) False, Willie Brown himself has said that HE was the one who called the security people - and in any case, he was on his way to the airport when all flights were grounded:

4) It wasn't Scotland Yard who prohibited him, but the FAA who made the decision that he couldn't fly unless the airline he was on upped their security. Where's the catch? If the FAA were in on it, why would they be concerned about airline security?

5) A very broad statement. The two employees were stationed in Israel, the emails didn't give any specifics of the attacks (keep in mind, 2001 was in the middle of the second Intifada), the email was passed to Israeli and US law enforcement after the attacks. And to top it off, Odigo didn't even have an office in the WTC buildings.

6) Where's the conspiracy? Scroll down to "Sweet Charity" and you'll see what it was all about:

7) AG Ashcroft stopped flying commercial in his capacity as AG. He still flew commercial for personal travel - including a trip to Germany in August of 2001:

8) Where's the conspiracy?

9) False, the lack of primary radar coverage in the area meant that AA77 was able to turn around undetected by ATC. IIRC he wasn't even found on the radar until he entered Washington DC TRACON area, which was 7 minutes from impact. Very little time for anyone to intercept that.

10) Again, where's the conspiracy? UA93 had been delayed on the ground at Newark for 45 minutes (which may, incidently, have been the reason for #8 - less chance of ground delay at Boston). Had it not been delayed, it would most likely have been hijacked at around 8:40 AM - prior to either of the WTC towers being hit. Allowing for a liberal timetable, it would probably have made it to the DC area, its intended target, at around 9:15 - 9:30 AM.

The rest of the reasons I've seen so far are pretty much the same. Distortions, half-truths (oh the irony), outright lies, etc.

edit on 1-10-2010 by roboe because: Spelling

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Good video but I have to agree with earlier posters (somewhat) in that there are rational explanations for a few of the 100 reasons.

Questions not listed:

1) Why did the White House tell the FBI to "back off" any investigations of Bin Laden family?
2) Why did both Bush and Cheney initially refuse to testify, then reluctantly did so more than a year later and only on the conditions that they would appear together, not under oath and with no recording of any kind (not even a transcript).
3) Bill Clinton and Al Gore were also asked to testify but refused and never appeared.
4) Why was the information gathered from operation Able Danger ordered destroyed by the DOD?
5) Why were firefighters and other first responders ordered gagged from talking to the media? Why was their testimony not sought by the 9/11 Commission?
6) Why weren't the ground defenses at the Pentagon activated ( AA missiles ) activated?
7) Why, out of 4 plane crashes were there no bodies found anywhere near intact and only in very small pieces?
8) Why did the first people on the scenes of the supposed crashes of flight 77 (pentagon) and flight 93 (Shanksville, PA) report seeing no visible signs of a plane crash?
9) Why were testimonies of WTC workers who heard and some who were injured by bomb blasts ignored by the Commission?
10) Why are so many people dead who questioned the OS?
11) Why are so many people willing to argue in defense of the OS? Why is so important to you that no more questions are raised or theories put forward?
If I were satisfied with the OS I wouldn't be bothering with these types of threads and would be doing something more satisfying with my own time than arguing with people you consider "whackjobs" "nut cases" or "ludicrous". What's your motivation? ( I'm not expecting an answer )

Cheers, ATA

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