posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 07:19 AM
Here is what I know, from an individual close to the Ministry of Defence of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Governments have no idea what UFO's are. Yes, they believe some of the sightings show intelligence (5%) and are certainly nothing related to humans
or natural occurrences. From what I've learned, there is no real direct contact with ET. NASA (according to Dr.Mitchell) might have a rough idea
where ET comes from - but nothing is 100% known or understood. But, recall the first duty of government;
To protect citizens against arbitrary or foreign power
If you were to succumb to the Office of President or Prime Minister, would you tell the people that you cannot protect the airspace from a force,
which you do not understand? A minority do think efforts have been made to contact us (crop circles), but governments do not understand the phenomena.
The MoD, itself, is "open mind to the prospects of intelligent life" and to it observing the Earth. Chances are, "disclosure" is what we are
seeing now - geopolitical acceptance that the Earth is not alone and the scientific community trying to understand ET. In other words, a united