posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:38 PM
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The ATS John Titor Project
Page 18 of 19
03/13/2001 08:46 am (right now) 609
((WACO�with criminal violations of the law either directly or impliedly as is done in this video, simply doesn't accord with the real facts.
Actually, there's some evidence now to suggest that not only the FBI, but other federal as well as state and local law enforcement agencies have
learned something from the Waco tragedy, and will take great care not to repeat it.))
A large point of contention seems to be the �flashes� of light that appear to be gunfire that were recorded from the aircraft flying over the
compound. The FBI has stated that these flashes were sunlight reflections. I find that rather interesting since the camera was not a visible light
camera, it was a thermal camera. If the federal forces learned anything from WACO it was to install more reliable suppressors on their automatic
weapons and don�t use flash grenades that leave shell casings after the fire.
03/13/2001 08:46 am (about time travel) 610
((1. Could you explain your theory about worldlines? Are there infinite worldlines? Are all worldlines separate or connected to each other in some
Yes, worldlines are infinite. Yes, they are separate but can be traversed through certain large gravity anomalies.
03/13/2001 08:46 am (about the future) 611
((2. Where did you attend High school and what year did you graduate? Was it difficult?))
No, I did not have a �high school� experience.
03/13/2001 08:46 am (about the future) 612
((3. What college did you attend, what year did you graduate? Would you estimate that your college life was similar to ours in our worldline? ))
I was educated at the University of Florida. I entered a military sponsored program in 2029 and graduated between 2033 � 34. No, it was not very
03/13/2001 08:46 am (about time travel) 613
((4. Hypothetically: If you fell in love with someone here (lets say Pamela) and you took her "back to the future" with you in your timex machine,
wouldn't that act upset both of our worldlines especiall if she were pregnant? Or all of the worldlines,assuming time travel is possible? Conversly,
If you were gay and you took a gay man back with you, would that disrupt the worldlines less, assuming the both you could not bear offspring. ))
No, it would not disrupt anyone�s worldlines.
03/13/2001 08:46 am (about time travel) 614
((5. Have you had a chance to watch a movie here that you had already seen in your 2036 wordline? If so, did they have the same endings?))
Interesting question. If I watch enough of them I should see a difference somewhere but I haven�t seen one yet.
03/13/2001 08:52 am (about time travel) 615
((I�m not sure that�s accurate. Twin Paradox time travel only suspends your perspective on a local level as the �world� around you goes on. You do not
change worldlines.))
After reading this, it occured to me that our definition of worldline may not be the same.
03/13/2001 09:11 am (about time travel) 616
((If the Hawking Radiation of a black hole stated in Kelvins is?))
The singularities are not unstable; therefore, uncontrolled evaporation is not possible. In addition, there is no extemporaneous matter near the
singularity that would cause it to give off radiation or heat.
03/13/2001 09:11 am (about time travel) 617
((Or - he's taken a slice of the Earth about 1.2 miles wide at the equator from pole to pole down to the
center of the Earth and compressed it into a singularity. And his machine has two of them, GE has a larger unit (C206) and
there are multiple machines of each model (C204 & C206). ))
A singularity about the size of an electron would only require the mass of a large mountain. The singularities inside the C204 are much small than
that. And no, I didn?t make them.
03/13/2001 09:11 am (about time travel) 618
((If his society doesn't space travel - then they are gobbling up the Earth to make their singularities.))
You know? E = MC squared can be written to solve for mass too.
03/13/2001 12:43 pm (about time travel) 619
((Where is the mass coming from?))
E=MCsquared can be solved for mass too.
03/13/2001 12:49 pm (about time travel) 620
((For instance, he has stated that his society is not involved in space travel. He's also stated that the temperature in and around his device while
in use is approximately 100 degrees (approx 375 kelvin). ))
I�m not sure I understand the connection between no space travel and the temperature
03/13/2001 12:49 pm (about time travel) 621
((If the Hawking Radiation of a black hole stated in Kelvins is�))
The singularities are not unstable; therefore, uncontrolled evaporation is not possible. In addition, there is no extemporaneous matter near the
singularity that would cause it to give off radiation or heat.
03/13/2001 12:49 pm (about time travel) 622
((Or - he's taken a slice of the Earth about 1.2 miles wide at the equator from pole to pole down to the center of the Earth and compressed it into a
singularity. And his machine has two of them, GE has a larger unit (C206) and there are multiple machines of each model (C204 & C206). ))
A singularity about the size of an electron would only require the mass of a large mountain. The singularities inside the C204 are much small than
that. And no, I didn�t make them.
03/13/2001 12:49 pm (about time travel) 623
((If his society doesn't space travel - then they are gobbling up the Earth to make their singularities.))
You know� E = MC squared can be written to solve for mass too.
03/14/2001 11:55 am (about time travel) 624
((It�s the Hawking Radiation that you can't overcome. This radiation is separate from any other radiation given off by extemporaneous matter falling
into the singularity. It is part of the description of a singularity per se absent any other matter. A singularity emits Hawking Radiation.))
Yes, that is true. If you firmly believe that Hawking radiation cannot be controlled or goes on even without the presence of virtual particles forever
until the singularity explodes than you are correct.
03/14/2001 11:55 am (about time travel) 625
((A simple "E=Mc^2" isn't the answer here.))
You asked where the mass comes from. I simply pointed out that mass and energy are interchangeable in the same equation. One of my Stanford pals tells
me there is a running gag about the chances a VW Beetle spontaneously appearing inside the accelerator. It could only come from the transfer of energy
to mass.
03/14/2001 11:55 am (about time travel) 626
((You have to form the singularity for your machine to work and that takes mass - real, not virtual mass.))
That is incorrect.
03/14/2001 11:55 am (about time travel) 627
((The truly faulty part of your description of your device involves the Hawking Radiation. You can't overcome it and you can't ignore it. Its not
the size of the singularity that matters - its solely the mass involved that determines the temperature of the radiation.))
You seem to be quite upset and I understand your argument. I do however think it is important to gather the facts and probabilities before expelling
emotional energy on them. Please keep in mind that I have not shared all the technical details of the machine with you. So an easy out would be for me
to just make something up.
However, and as I�m sure you are aware, Stephen Hawking admits that his own equations support the �possibility� that microsingularities may not
totally disappear as they evaporate in a sea of virtual particles and in fact may leave behind a very stable naked singularity. I�m sure you can look
that up. I suppose the difficult part is believing that we�ve taken advantage of it, not that it�s impossible.
03/15/2001 02:11 pm (right now) 628
((The reason that I ask this question is that we don�t know that GE isn�t, in fact, working on this device as we speak.))
They might be now.
03/15/2001 02:11 pm (right now) 629
(The details that you have posted publicly may actually be in violation of copyright and patent law relative to the rights of GE in 2001.))
No, I am not breaking any of �my� laws but I suppose that�s something else you and your worldline will have to deal with when time travel comes.
03/15/2001 02:11 pm (about time travel) 630
((You see a time machine. I see a very powerful weapons system � an x-ray emitter with directional control. It�s there in the drawing.))
Yes I suppose that is one thing you could do with it. I could also cut my hand off with a power saw or heat up a crowd of people with a microwave.
However, I believe Teller already came up with an X-ray laser that destroys itself after going off.
03/15/2001 02:11 pm (about time travel) 631
((X-rays will be emitted if matter is pumped into the device (which you say isn�t happening) and the engineers are concerned about where to vent the
x-rays � a mismatch.))
Actually, I thought we were focusing on the degree of radiation and temperature. I don�t believe I ever said it didn�t give off radiation. Yes, the
device does give off x-rays.
03/15/2001 02:11 pm (about time travel) 632
((The drawing indicates in Detail #5 �X-Ray Venting Zone�. It details x-rays being focused and vented directionally. It has applications as a weapons
system and today�s DOD & GE would not want any details of the system publicized.))
As you said, it�s interesting that I see a time machine and you see a weapon. Maybe it�s a sign of the �times�. However, it is a good point. If the
Chinese or Russians thought you had one of these what do you think they would do?
03/15/2001 09:33 pm (about time travel) 633
((If John's device is real .it belongs to another world altogether. another GE, therefore it would violate no known copy right laws here.or patent
laws here.))
Any government document can not be copyrighted. I could also argue that the manual "could" be from a future where it has become public domain but
then again, it would mean proving I am a time traveler.