posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:07 PM
"New York judge rules 'private' Facebook content can be used as evidence in court
By Vlad Savov posted Sep 30th 2010 7:57AM
Privacy? On the internet!? You've got to be joking. That has, more or less, been the reaction of New York Justice Jeffrey Spinner when faced with the
issue of deciding whether or not content posted to the private sections of Facebook and MySpace should be made available as evidence in court. To be
honest, it shouldn't come as a shock ..."
(read more at link.)
So basically this Judge has ruled that even if you set your page to private, anything posted behind those private curtains can and will be used
against you if the court wants it to be.
I do not know what to think about this one.
On one hand privacy settings are for a reason, so it is shared only with those you want to see it.
On the other hand what are you doing posting incriminating photos online, private or not?
edit on 30-9-2010 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)