posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:31 AM
I didn't know that, but if true, only confirms what I have been saying for a long time now. Dems and Republicans are only two different sides to the
same coin and they both forward a neo-con agenda. Democrats are only the controlled opposition, which isn't really an opposition at all. Their only
purpose serves to make us think there is an opposition. The Dems also help to keep up the peti partisan debacle, while the real culprits make off with
out money and liberties.
Now that conservatives had started to move away from the Republican party and into the Tea Party movement and Libertarian party, the neo-cons have
completely hijacked the TP and infiltrated the LP. What is the Dems role in this? Easy, they help turning the TP and LP over to the false left-right
paradigm by opposing both and pegging their agenda to the typical bi-partisan crap that we are oh-so familiar with.
While we are busy fighting over relatively non-important issues, we are being taken to the bank, cleaned up and turned out.