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Someone give us a real warning, for the sake of us all.

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:17 PM

So lately there have been a huge amount of threads warning us the time is near, and that we should start saving ourselves now.

But all of these threads have one thing in common.

-No dates
-What is going to happen?
-How can we save ourselves and our family?
-Where are safe spots?
-People say they know a given hour of the event, yet they avoid trying to give us the hour.
-Some claim to be ET's warning us, Some messengers of 'God'. What?

I'm sick of seeing warning threads that just say, the time is coming OR 'more at a later date'
I read them, hoping to get some information about what is coming, what is going to happen.
But what I get, is just a jumbled message telling us we are screwed. Wow, what a warning.

Someone please give us a decent warning, I'm sure someone out there can give us dates, what is going to happen, what we can do to prepare, etc.

I'm sure we all are after a decent warning, but please, if you are going to give us one, give us details.

I welcome anyone to this thread that can give us a decent warning, and Identify yourself to us, don't hide behind your ATS name.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by GetRadNZ

My name is Prophet, I am an alcoholic, and no one can predict the future which is why specifics aren't given. I wouldn't worry about it.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by GetRadNZ

If you want the honest truth I'll give you it.

-No dates
A: Since the beginning of earth and humans, people have thought the end is near. In the jesus days people thought the end was near, in the mid evil phase the end was near. The end ISN'T near. There's been many days the earth was suppose to end and has never happened. If you live your life thinking the end is near then you obviously are a very scared individual. You should enjoy life because people only live 100 years if lucky.

-What is going to happen?
A: Absolutely NOTHING. There's no evidence. Yeah the earth is getting hotter okay but the earth has been proven to go through hot and cold phases and we are currently in a hot phase. Look at 1988 world was suppose to end, look at 2000 did it end? Nope. 2001 did it end?, nope. 2007 did it end? nope. Now 2012, won't happen then it will be 2020 then 2040.

-How can we save ourselves and our family?
A: Well in the case of a big disaster. Stay the heck away from MAJOR cities. If your in an area with not a lot of people you have a higher chance in being okay. That's proven survival techniques.

-Where are safe spots?
A:Everywhere, mountains, storm drains, hills, farms, basements, etc...

-People say they know a given hour of the event, yet they avoid trying to give us the hour.
A: People are easily mislead and complete liars, they lie to them selfs so much that they believe they know an hour. Because if you say 1PM then 1PM somewhere else like china won't be 1PM. If you use Zulu time which pilots use in zulu time it's the same time in the world EVERYWHERE. How to get Zulu time, take military time and add 5 hours and you have Zulu time.

-Some claim to be ET's warning us, Some messengers of 'God'. What?
A: People are honestly, honestly, I'll say it one more time, HONESTLY brainwashed so bad into thinking they are better or they are sent from god or they are ET's but YET they can't prove ANYTHING showing they were sent by a "higher power". People want to believe they are the superman, They will feed you lies and more lies making the weak believe. But people like me who question them we are known as the enemy because we call them out on their lies. I'm sick and tired of people claiming they are savers or they have had dreams of 2012. Guess what EVERYONE can have a dream if you think of destruction then your dream will be about that.

Conclusion: My thoughts on 2012 vary. But I honestly think people are getting there panties in a bunch for nothing. It's going to be just another year. There's going to be millions maybe even billions of people who will be upset nothing happened but they brought that on them selfs. The day of 2012 I'm going to wake up and spend time with my family. Then go to sleep and next day I'll wake up and get on these boards and laugh at all the "they had it wrong it's 2020" threads. You have to look at the big picture then the small puzzle pieces. Back in time when the mayans developed the calendar they NEVER calculated the days when earth actually started. They made a calendar of their time and it was on a rock and a rock has limited space. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that basic knowledge out. Billions of people careless about 2012. Only people who get on these boards are easily scared and have there panties in a bunch. Get out and enjoy life.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:39 PM
I will give you a real warning.

Sometime in the next 150 years every single person posting on this forum right now will be dead.

In the intervening years most of us will either be bored or drunk or bored and drunk and will probably be no closer to uncovering the truth about anything then we are today.
We will spend more time waiting at Red traffic lights then in the arms of the person we love..

That is all

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by GetRadNZ
But what I get, is just a jumbled message telling us...

Intriguing way of putting it.

We are all in the same boat. If it seems to suck,... well... the universe is a big vacuum.

Not sure what to say,

Good luck with your efforts GetRadNZ,

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Well the U.S dollar will crash become worthless. Major giveaway is the gold price is rising sharply because people are buying up gold, to counter the fear of the losing value of the dollar. When it's gonna happen? Who knows, but it's gonna happen soon. I can also see another manufactured pandemic crisis, possibly even worse than the last one. I do have fears of the Avian Flu being "accidently" released. As the plan for the Swine Flu pandemic has failed, because what actually was supposed to happen is the 72 kg of Avian Flu was to be contaminated in the Swine Flu vaccines, to trigger a H5N1 pandemic. Not a Swine Flu pandemic. Until they tested the "Swine Flu" vaccine on Ferrets in , and within 3 days all of the ferrets died. All the thanks for the testing in the laboratory in the Czech Republic that found this! Kudos!

This is to depopulate the world. They will probably will try again sometime soon. So take that warning into consideration.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by GetRadNZ

Matthew 16:25
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it

John 11:25
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Hello GetRadNZ,

This is my take on the 2012 discussion.

It's all tied into the recent past.. There is a huge clue that has been concealed for close to 500 years.

It took time to uncover in the light of history.

This is what I personally have uncovered.

The years 1517 CE -1521 CE were very intriguing years of historical interest..

This 3.5 year period from Fall of 1517 to Spring of 1521 with Martin Luther, saw the beginning of the

Protestant Reformation in Europe and also saw the conquering of the Native Aztecs by the Spaniards. It was

also the beginning of European colonization of the New World. The Protestant Reformation in Europe has

run down through the centuries all the way to today and is about to have a culmination in the United States.

That is why Freedom of Religion in the United States is coming into focus now at this point in time.

What does this mean?

Very pointedly, the Second Coming of Christ.

I have other threads I have made in the recent past. If you click my name and search for the threads I have

made, you will find some more in-depth thoughts I have put together.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by GetRadNZ

So lately there have been a huge amount of threads warning us the time is near, and that we should start saving ourselves now.

But all of these threads have one thing in common.

-No dates
-What is going to happen?
-How can we save ourselves and our family?
-Where are safe spots?
-People say they know a given hour of the event, yet they avoid trying to give us the hour.
-Some claim to be ET's warning us, Some messengers of 'God'. What?

Vagueness provides a convenient means of convincing anyone already predisposed toward believing that "something" is coming, while minimizing specifics by which skeptics might steamroll a particular claim or claims.

That's my devalued $0.02 on the matter, anyway.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:21 PM
Ok heres the OFFICIAL 2012 warning, given to me by my magic 8-Ball(tm)

DONT SPEND ALL YOUR MONEY ON 2012, nothing's gonna happen

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:28 PM
Final warning to all:

Something or nothing might happen. This something or nothing might happen at the end of 2012.
Other things, which might also be nothing, but could also be part of the something, may be leading up to this date, and may or may not be happening right now, yesterday, or next week.

When nothing happens, you may want to be prepared anyway, because something else might happen. So if something, or something else happens, then you'll be glad you were prepared.

Someone will try to deceive you, so if they tell you to do something, you should probably do nothing; and if they tell you to do nothing, you should probably do something.

When something happens, the safest place would be the point directly opposite the something, or directly under the nothing.

This has been a public service announcement from the voice in my head.
edit on 7-10-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:34 PM
Run!!!! No, duck!!!! Ok, now jump!!!! Quick, Hide!!!! Allright, it's over, hope your ok......

More info later.....

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:02 PM
To think nothing could wipe us out is not thinking but rather stupid. To think there is anything you can do to save yourself is a little crazy since as stated above we tend to not live much past 100 years if lucky. If the planet has had dinosaurs in the past which there is proof of then what killed all of them very well could kill all of us. And even we humans could be what kills this planet.

Both possible ways to end all human life. As far as a date I can`t say. But I strongly believe it will happen. Which is the question of when not if. Could be today, or 100 years from now. Although I dont think we will make it another 100 years with what we are doing to this planet.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
I will give you a real warning.

Sometime in the next 150 years every single person posting on this forum right now will be dead.

I'm glad you said 150 and not 100 years as I was going to have to prove you wrong otherwise (I'm personally going to be around for another 117 years, and wouldn't mind if some of you stuck around to keep me company or just tried to outdo me in a competitive spirit.)

However, since you obviously took into consideration all of us with exceptional powers of longevity as part of your prophecy, methinks your prophecy will indeed come true.

That is assuming the Scientologists weren't wrong after all, and the tentacled-alien Overlord Xenu returns to begin the million year war for Earth before then...

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 04:44 PM
well my opinion is that we the indigo children, even as spoken by the Great maynard james keenan, as well as trent reznor in a song or two about these things im speaking of will be the new leaders of the the Bible would say the elect. The Earth is going to be evacuated for the next couple hundred years kinda like Wall E movie, hopefully we dont get addicted to the replicator machine that our visitors have by that time given to us after the shift has ocurred.

I think there could be a number of different things that are trying to occur and thank God that our ET friends are attempting to save what good people there are left. What people also dont realize is that our ET freinds are the Angels, gods and demi gods that romed the earth since the beginning of its birth. 2012 is not the end of the world. Its the beginning. A new form of consciosness if forming. The evidence is all around you dont have to look at the sky anymore all you have to do is to like right before feet of which you use to walk this earth.

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