posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:55 PM
a while back, i had this very interesting dream that i couldn't get out of my head. this was within the past few months i'd say, and as soon as i
got up i tried to write down all the details i could remember.
sometimes i get dreams that i know are very significant. once in a while i get dreams that predict events in my life and the lives of my loved ones.
but this dream was something else entirely, and when i woke up i felt like it was important in some way. i haven't figured out how yet.
anyway, the dream.. well, in my dream i woke up into my bedroom, on my bed, but my partner wasn't sleeping beside me. i was alone. there was a
strange sort of cupboard or cubby in the wall next to my head, and a being was next to me, kneeling on the floor. i got the feeling it was a male, and
his features were kind of blurred in the dream but i remember him having a normal, human-like body but no hair whatsoever, and his eyes were black and
larger than a human's (typical, i know). his skin was a soft, dusty grey color and the entire room was washed in this grey-blue light or fog or
something. come to think of it, everything in the dream seemed foggy and surreal.
i remember him being dressed in this weird pale suit that had long sleeves and pantlegs, almost like a body suit. i don't remember him having a nose
or ears, but this didn't strike me as odd or scary at the time. he couldn't communicate words with me, but he had written down a note that went like
"[name omitted], stop 53-486-34." the note had my nickname written instead of my real name. i had the feeling he didn't know how to communicate
very well in english, if any of our earthly languages, but that numbers came easily to him. i'm not sure if this number represents a person or place
or if it's supposed to be a word at all. after communicating with me through the note, he showed me several black and white photographs of beings
that were very similar physically to the classic greys. they were all very small and skinny, with grey skin and even larger black eyes than he had,
and they were all inside crafts or looking out from windows; i couldn't see whether the windows were part of a craft or building. i got the feeling
that these photographs were very, very old and very, very secret.
after this, i woke up. i don't know if this was a dream or a visitation or anything, but i just know that for some reason it struck me as really
important, like i shouldn't forget. i'm not sure what i'm expecting in your responses; has anything like this happened to you? can anyone maybe
tell me possible significances for the number? i was thinking maybe it was somebody's social security, but there aren't enough digits in the right
places, and they were specifically divided up that way.
thanks for any replies, and thanks for any views.